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Robbed in Spain


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neilmac - 2012-01-09 10:05 AM


Thanks Bulletguy, don't know why I couldn't find them last night *-)


The videos show the situation much more vividly than anyone's description, so much so that I have published them on my own forums in an attempt to spread the word about these robberies.




The more widely publicised this is the better so I appreciate you spreading the word around.


I am determined to get it made more public and don't care whose toes I tread on in the process. Obviously those with a commercial interest eg, in the tourist trade, or magazines painting pretty images, don't like this kind of publicity. Well they've been asleep far too long.

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Bulletguy - 2012-01-09 7:08 PM





I've no doubt at all that these scumbags carry weapons. What would you do if parked up with a punctured tyre, one of them pulls in front of you, walks up to your window and pulls a gun out demanding money?


No time or place for being brave. I may have lost all my cash etc.....but at least I came away alive and still had my van.


Had the attack occurred on a Service station forecourt, somehow I think I may have stood a better chance of identification of the perpetrators and vehicle, not to mention eye witnesses.


I have never come across any reports of them having weapons. They would know that the police would make much more effort if that were the case. You would have to be sensible if faced with serious risk though.


There are however many reports of them stabbing tyres in service stations so that the tyre goes flat later forcing people to stop on the autopista, so that is the reason for not stopping at all near to a city.

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JamesFrance - 2012-01-09 8:32 PM


Bulletguy - 2012-01-09 7:08 PM





I've no doubt at all that these scumbags carry weapons. What would you do if parked up with a punctured tyre, one of them pulls in front of you, walks up to your window and pulls a gun out demanding money?


No time or place for being brave. I may have lost all my cash etc.....but at least I came away alive and still had my van.


Had the attack occurred on a Service station forecourt, somehow I think I may have stood a better chance of identification of the perpetrators and vehicle, not to mention eye witnesses.


I have never come across any reports of them having weapons. They would know that the police would make much more effort if that were the case. You would have to be sensible if faced with serious risk though.


There are however many reports of them stabbing tyres in service stations so that the tyre goes flat later forcing people to stop on the autopista, so that is the reason for not stopping at all near to a city.


Am I missing something - if they are stabbing tyres - by definition they are ARMED (?) (?) (?)

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Although, as I said earlier in this thread, this problem has been rife for a very long time we have, in 14 years of travelling south for the winter, not had a problem.


The nearest we got was when we were travelling north on the coastal motorway we decided to stop for a break in a large layby. We had just got out to stretch our legs when a car with 4 or 5 people pulled in behind us. The young lady driver got out and proceeded to wave a large fold out map in front of us whilst giving a long rambling explanation of where she was going and that she had to get to Barcelona and also call in to Alicante on the way. She wanted us to direct her to Alicante. Oddly we were parked under the motorway sign indicating the next exit was to Alicante!


As I instinctively didn't trust what was going on I pretended to be interested in her map whilst my wife did the talking but I was watching her companions. You probably have guessed that 1 of her companions got out of the car on the blind side and walked down the other side of our 'van - obviously heading for the drivers door (LHD). He got a big surprise when he looked through the lounge window to see me looking back at him from the other side - Anyway our drivers door is only ever unlocked when I get out there to fill with diesel.


He gave a sheepish look and went back to their car at which point I made a big show of looking at their number plate and then checking the tyres at that side of the 'van to show that we knew what they were up to - They didn't hang about.


On another occasion we had pulled in to a side street in Benidorm whilst travelling with 2 other 'vans. One 'van parked in front and the other behind whilst the occupants came into our 'van for a cuppa and discuss where we were headed next. We were "entertained" by a young woman who was making a big thing of hanging her child over a grate so it could pee into it (knowing that we would look in the opposite direction to give the child some privacy). Luckily a German lady passing on the other side of the road started waving at us and indicating that the woman's companion was trying to break into the 'van in front. When we got out they did a runner but we found that the lock had been tampered with and a failed attempt had been made to prise the caravan door of the 'van behind.


Known bad areas are 1) Anywhere between Perpignan and Valencia. 2) Anywhere around Madrid. 3) Around the British colony of Torrevieja. and 4) The southern end of Almeria (In this area there are many foreign workers who are paid a pittance to work in the many square miles of "greenhouses" and carry knives routinely.


A local Spanish guy, in Almeria, warned us to secure our motorbike to a lamp post with a stout chain and lock as there were "foreigners" in trucks who drive around the area and will pick up anything that isn't nailed down and before nightfall it would have a new owner somewhere on the African continent.


Supermarkets are another area where 'vans are at risk. The thieves have 1 spotter who watches you into the supermarket and using cheap 2 way radios keeps his pals, who are breaking into your 'van, informed of your progress. When going into supermarket car parks take a look around - in the worst areas you will see small piles of glass dotted around the car park. (broken side screens). We leave 1 person in the 'van whilst the other does the shopping and keep in touch with 2 way radios.


I know I have painted a grim picture of Spain but as I said at the beginning - We haven't had a problem because we use common sense and having been forewarned we know what to look out for. Don't let it put you off the country but do remember to take sensible precautions - including setting your vehicle alarm even if you are "only popping next door for a cuppa".

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JamesFrance - 2012-01-10 8:06 AM


flicka - 2012-01-09 10:37 PM


Am I missing something - if they are stabbing tyres - by definition they are ARMED (?) (?) (?)


Unfortunately it is not illegal to carry a large screwdriver, even with the end sharpened.



Here that would be deemed as 'carrying with intent' (to commit a crime), and anyone who sharpens the end of a large screwdriver into a point has only one thing on their mind.......a criminal act.


Maybe Autopista 'Robos' have some kind of special exemption?

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Another MEP replies......not entirely negative.



Dear Paul,


Thank you for your email. I am sorry to read about the incident that

occurred when driving in Spain and the distress this has caused.


As you may be aware I will be standing down as MEP for the West Midlands

on 4th February 2012. In normal circumstances I would forward the text

from your email to the Spanish Ambassador in London to bring your

concerns to his attention. However, if I did this now I am conscious

that I may not receive a response in time to forward to you before I

finish. Therefore you may wish to write to the Ambassador yourself. If

you wish to do this His Excellency, Mr Carles Casajuana can be contacted

at the address: Embassy of Spain, 39 Chesham Place, London, SW1X 8SB.


Thank you again for your correspondence.


Yours sincerely,


Liz Lynne MEP




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nowtelse2do - 2012-01-10 2:46 PM


I Agree with Patricia BG. If you do contact the Embassy don't forget to give them the You Tube Video Links.




I will......along with the Catalan link posted by JamesFrance.


I won't rest until somebody somewhere starts to wake up. This isn't a remote or rare crime. It appears to me that it's rife and growing out of control. And for those who say the same type of crime happens on motorways here in the UK......try Google and see if you can come up with any.

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Bulletguy - 2012-01-10 2:06 PM


Another MEP replies......not entirely negative.



Dear Paul,


Thank you for your email. I am sorry to read about the incident that

occurred when driving in Spain and the distress this has caused.


As you may be aware I will be standing down as MEP for the West Midlands

on 4th February 2012. In normal circumstances I would forward the text

from your email to the Spanish Ambassador in London to bring your

concerns to his attention. However, if I did this now I am conscious

that I may not receive a response in time to forward to you before I

finish. Therefore you may wish to write to the Ambassador yourself. If

you wish to do this His Excellency, Mr Carles Casajuana can be contacted

at the address: Embassy of Spain, 39 Chesham Place, London, SW1X 8SB.


Thank you again for your correspondence.


Yours sincerely,


Liz Lynne MEP




I think you should ask one of your other MEPs to do this on your behalf possibly the one who basically said this issue was nothing to do with him. If you write to the Ambassador your letter will be handled by a very junior embassy official but if your MEP writes he will receive a response from the Ambassador with the possibility the matter may be treated more seriously. In all probability the reply will be written by the same person but when elevated to Ambassador level there is a greater likliehood the matter will receive appropriate consideration. I agree that references and links to the YOU TUBE videos should be provided.


While you are at it you might like to remind the MEP who washed his hands of this issue of his/her role which is:


"The primary role of an MEP is to represent the constituents who have elected them. They do this by spending part of their time on their constituency, which, in the UK, is a fairly large area, and the rest of their time in Brussels. Like a national MP, constituents can go to their MEP to ask them advice and ask for help on issues which are affected by Europe. The MEPs will then take up the cause of these constituents, if they can do anything about the problem and represent them in Brussels."


Given the appalling state of the Spanish economy the Spanish authorities must realise that highway robberies will have a detrimental effect on tourism which they simply cannot afford.

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Guest Peter James
Bulletguy - 2012-01-09 12:20 AM


neilmac - 2012-01-08 9:59 PM


Really? Do you have any links you could pass on, might be good for other travellers to actually see these dangers in action and know what to look for (I had a quick search and couldn't find any).


Plenty more where these came from....just search Autopista AP-7 Robo or Robbery.


Notice not only the speed in which it's done, but the sheer brazeneness in broad daylight and full view of everyone. A Truck driver very nearly rammed into the car of one lot of scum driving off. Mores the pity he didn't ram the b*stards.






Also a well worthwhile read is this link posted by JamesFrance which describes the methods used which were identical in every detail (apart from the stone throwing) to my experience.





Interesting links, Thank you.


But the picture quality shows how hopeless it would be to prove someone's identity from a CCTV picture - its even grainy when reduced to You Tube size. :-(

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Mike88 - 2012-01-10 3:07 PM


I think you should ask one of your other MEPs to do this on your behalf possibly the one who basically said this issue was nothing to do with him. If you write to the Ambassador your letter will be handled by a very junior embassy official but if your MEP writes he will receive a response from the Ambassador with the possibility the matter may be treated more seriously. In all probability the reply will be written by the same person but when elevated to Ambassador level there is a greater likliehood the matter will receive appropriate consideration. I agree that references and links to the YOU TUBE videos should be provided.


While you are at it you might like to remind the MEP who washed his hands of this issue of his/her role which is:


"The primary role of an MEP is to represent the constituents who have elected them. They do this by spending part of their time on their constituency, which, in the UK, is a fairly large area, and the rest of their time in Brussels. Like a national MP, constituents can go to their MEP to ask them advice and ask for help on issues which are affected by Europe. The MEPs will then take up the cause of these constituents, if they can do anything about the problem and represent them in Brussels."


Given the appalling state of the Spanish economy the Spanish authorities must realise that highway robberies will have a detrimental effect on tourism which they simply cannot afford.


Good points raised Mike.


As I emailed all six of my MEP's and Ms Lynne's is only the second one to reply, I will give the other four chance to reply.


As for the MEP who 'washed his hands of the issue'......he didn't personally reply. That came from his "Media Officer". *-)

I've already replied back making my thoughts plainly clear to him. Basically his nonsensical mumbo jumbo was saying 'nowt to do with me mate......go away and stop pestering me'.


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Peter James - 2012-01-10 3:17 PM


Interesting links, Thank you.


But the picture quality shows how hopeless it would be to prove someone's identity from a CCTV picture - its even grainy when reduced to You Tube size. :-(


Difficult to judge just from YouTube clips.

I'd like to think that the authorities current CCTV equipment is of a decent enough standard to make an id. If not, then it's time they upgraded!

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I agree. Also would it be worth writing to your parliamentary MP if you have no joy with these MEPs? I am well able to fight my own corner but I had a problem once where I had written and written to complain with no success. Finally I wrote to my MP and within days received a phone call from this frim asking what the problem was. I told them I had explained in my letters. "Oh, I have not been given your letters, only that of the MP." Within days the problem was solved and I received compensation.


You could also add that you know many people, particularly solo travellers, who are now reluctant to go to Spain now. You can certainly put my name on your list. May not bring results but it would show that you are serious.


Alternatively, perhaps you could draft a letter and ask if anyone on this forum could translate it for you (don't think of Googling!) and then send to Spanish people in authority in that area. I don't know the political set-up in Spain.


Good luck anyway.

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Bulletguy - 2012-01-10 2:06 PM


Another MEP replies......not entirely negative.



Dear Paul,


Thank you for your email. I am sorry to read about the incident that

occurred when driving in Spain and the distress this has caused.


As you may be aware I will be standing down as MEP for the West Midlands

on 4th February 2012. In normal circumstances I would forward the text

from your email to the Spanish Ambassador in London to bring your

concerns to his attention. However, if I did this now I am conscious

that I may not receive a response in time to forward to you before I

finish. Therefore you may wish to write to the Ambassador yourself. If

you wish to do this His Excellency, Mr Carles Casajuana can be contacted

at the address: Embassy of Spain, 39 Chesham Place, London, SW1X 8SB.


Thank you again for your correspondence.


Yours sincerely,


Liz Lynne MEP




In case of interest to anyone the FCO's website records His Excellency's Embassy email as: embespuk@mail.mae.es and I expect it might be helpful to also copy any message sent to him to the Commercial Section at londres@mcx.es. Can't do any harm for those with direct experience or evidence of crime, or those who now fear a visit to Spain a to show the strength of feeling to officials who may have some influence on the Police in the affected areas?



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Patricia - 2012-01-10 4:20 PM


I agree. Also would it be worth writing to your parliamentary MP if you have no joy with these MEPs?


You could also add that you know many people, particularly solo travellers, who are now reluctant to go to Spain now. You can certainly put my name on your list. May not bring results but it would show that you are serious.


Alternatively, perhaps you could draft a letter and ask if anyone on this forum could translate it for you (don't think of Googling!) and then send to Spanish people in authority in that area. I don't know the political set-up in Spain.


Yes it would as Bill Cash is my local MP and though I don't entirely share his political views, i've had dealings with him before and he's a decent bloke. At least he does his job re. representing his electorate.....and communicates with you personally.


I've already contacted a certain 'well known' person with not only a fluency in Spanish, but an understanding of their political system.


Will certainly add you to my list as well. :-D

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Usinmyknaus - 2012-01-10 5:05 PM


In case of interest to anyone the FCO's website records His Excellency's Embassy email as: embespuk@mail.mae.es and I expect it might be helpful to also copy any message sent to him to the Commercial Section at londres@mcx.es. Can't do any harm for those with direct experience or evidence of crime, or those who now fear a visit to Spain a to show the strength of feeling to officials who may have some influence on the Police in the affected areas?




Agree Bob and thanks for the info on that.


If I end up banging on the Ambassador's door though I think I would extend him the courtesy and generosity of a written letter with stamp (1st class of course!). Sometimes 'snail mail' can be more appropriate and gives an air of formality!

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Guest Peter James
Bulletguy - 2012-01-10 3:31 PM


Peter James - 2012-01-10 3:17 PM


Interesting links, Thank you.


But the picture quality shows how hopeless it would be to prove someone's identity from a CCTV picture - its even grainy when reduced to You Tube size. :-(


Difficult to judge just from YouTube clips.

I'd like to think that the authorities current CCTV equipment is of a decent enough standard to make an id. If not, then it's time they upgraded!


Its very different having a camera at that distance away in everyday conditions, even when the camera operator has seen it and is focusing on it.

If there had been a decent quality picture to start with you could see it even in you tube clips - compare with this one (and I have not singled out a particularly good picture quality one, this is over 20 years old


Anybody cunning enough to pull off a distraction robbery is likely to know the CCTV picture will be crap. They will just say 'I'm pleading not guilty. You prove that was me"

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Bulletguy - 2012-01-10 5:08 PM


Patricia - 2012-01-10 4:20 PM


I agree. Also would it be worth writing to your parliamentary MP if you have no joy with these MEPs?


You could also add that you know many people, particularly solo travellers, who are now reluctant to go to Spain now. You can certainly put my name on your list. May not bring results but it would show that you are serious.


Alternatively, perhaps you could draft a letter and ask if anyone on this forum could translate it for you (don't think of Googling!) and then send to Spanish people in authority in that area. I don't know the political set-up in Spain.


Yes it would as Bill Cash is my local MP and though I don't entirely share his political views, i've had dealings with him before and he's a decent bloke. At least he does his job re. representing his electorate.....and communicates with you personally.


I've already contacted a certain 'well known' person with not only a fluency in Spanish, but an understanding of their political system.


Will certainly add you to my list as well. :-D


Bulletguy you can put my name on your list - I was thinking about Barcelona for this summer, but as a result of your troubles I'm now going to South of France, Italy & Germany.

(Not to say I won't ever go to Spain, but not this year) PM me if you want name/address etc

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