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Robbed in Spain


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It might also be worth stating that you know of several people who have been subjected to these attacks so as to rule out the possbility of the letter recipient thinking that your experience is an isolated incident amongst motorhomers. I am one such person although I didn't stop.
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Mike88 - 2012-01-10 5:42 PM


It might also be worth stating that you know of several people who have been subjected to these attacks so as to rule out the possbility of the letter recipient thinking that your experience is an isolated incident amongst motorhomers. I am one such person although I didn't stop.


Their sheer audacity knows no bounds.


Googling more info the other evening I found where even a biker had been subjected to an attempted attack. No idea what type of bike was involved but doubt it was one of those high powered sports bikes!

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Bulletguy - 2012-01-10 5:15 PM


Usinmyknaus - 2012-01-10 5:05 PM


In case of interest to anyone the FCO's website records His Excellency's Embassy email as: embespuk@mail.mae.es and I expect it might be helpful to also copy any message sent to him to the Commercial Section at londres@mcx.es. Can't do any harm for those with direct experience or evidence of crime, or those who now fear a visit to Spain a to show the strength of feeling to officials who may have some influence on the Police in the affected areas?




Agree Bob and thanks for the info on that.


If I end up banging on the Ambassador's door though I think I would extend him the courtesy and generosity of a written letter with stamp (1st class of course!). Sometimes 'snail mail' can be more appropriate and gives an air of formality!

I would definitely endorse your intention to write more formally and send it by post (guaranteed delivery if you prefer).

Other societies react differently to e-mail, and it is not always treated as something to be treated seriously or with urgency.

On the other hand a letter, with a manuscript salutation and a genuine signature shows the recipient you take him seriously, so he may be that bit more liable to reciprocate in kind. The Spanish can be very formal, and any hint of disrespect may cause unintended offense.

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For what it's worth, I have recently made contact twice with The Rt Hon Jack Straw, MP for Blackburn, right that's the formalities over with.


Both contacts via e-mail, excellent response times (by letter), and better still, super attention to the problem in hand.


Both issues resolved - no messing.



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If there are any forum members who are also on MHFacts, i'd appreciate if you could put me in touch with a member on there by the id of denisl who apparently is British living in or near Tarragona.


He made a posting under the thread title "Bandits on AP7 in Barcelona Tarragona Area".

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Guest JudgeMental

I know nothing of the Aire you mention. But parking up your motorhome anywhere and leaving it always has an associated risk. This risk escalates by where you decide to leave it and for how long *-)


As Lyon and the coast around from France into Spain to Barcelona is a high crime area,mainly because of travelling community and drug related crime. To stay on a secure site and train it in makes a lot of sense to me....


Anyone see the C4 programs on travellers and fist fighting/fighting last night? They scare the life out of me, rough ain't the word! scarcely human............. Again how any one can stop on a strangers command, and then compound it by getting out of van for a face to face confrontation I find absolutely astonishing :-S

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Guest pelmetman

Blimey 12 pages now 8-).......I better not read the rest or I'll be to scared to leave :-S


But anyhow.......... managed to stagger back from our usual restaurant on the prom, after a litre of Sangria and 6 glasses of vino tinto and a all you can eat meal :D


Now safe in doors 8-).........but er lady ship sent me out to bring in the washing all on my own.......because apparently she has had to much sun ;-)............or Sangria :D

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I assume you've "visited" it via Google Earth, Frank? If not, may be worth a look, especially in Streets. As viewed, it has no shade, and even the Costa Brava gets pretty hot in summer. My impression is that it is likely to be noisy until the early hours. The Spanish live half their lives after dark, and aren't renowned for being quiet. Given that, the proximity of quite large roads - one of which is an "urban motorway" - and being fairly central to one of Europe's "most vibrant" cities, I reckon "the joint will be shakin'" till around 3AM. So, hot and noisy, but depending on when you would go. Our man in Spain (BGD, Bruce) is a bit quiet at the moment, but I suspect he'll know much more about it.
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We had our boat delivered to Port Ginesta just outside Barcelona one July. We had to stay there 4 nights as it wasn't rigged properly and the discos pounded us all night until 7 am.


This is quite usual on the Spanish coast in the summer.


I would not dream of entering Barcelona in a motorhome as the scooter gangs are waiting at traffic lights to stab your tyres.


Stay on a guarded camping up the coast and train in to avoid trouble.

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You still don't stay out of trouble.


We were on a guarded camp near Barcelona where we met an American couple who had hire a motorhome to "do Europe".


They looked the part - dripping with cameras etc. Whilst walking round the sights they were approached by a guy carrying a styrofoam cup which he promptly chucked over the man and ran off. The cup was full of filthy water. On seeing this a well dressed Spanish guy came over and amid profuse apologies that such a thing should happen to visitors in his country started dusting the Yank down.


It was only after the "friendly" Spaniard had left that the Yank found that he was missing his wallet and cards.

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Having read all these posts about being robbed in Spain and having to be on your guard all the time, I honestly cannot see why people go to Spain in their campers etc, whats the attraction? a bit of sun and sat in your deckchair with your arms flailing like a windmill splashing loads of suntan oil all over, still I suppose it takes all kinds.
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Thanks all - I've done a lot of travelling in dicey areas, so am well prepared for securing my person & my camper, but thanks for the helpful sentiments expressed in the general warnings.


The distraction pickpocket technique is not specific to Barcelona - a variant using mustard was tried on us when we were motorhoming in Patzcuaro, Mexico - and I have read police warnings of exactly this happening even in Toronto airport. We don't look like North American tourists when we travel, we dress down,wear moneybelts, carry dummy pickpocket wallets, etc.


As for the heat, we will likely reroute to a more northerly trip should it be a hot summer. Last summer we went as far as Istanbul and had perfect temperate weather. We'll play that by ear.


Although we prefer a campground in large cities (for the reasons outlined in the posts above), the train may not be an option for us this year.


FYI, Here's a profile of the aire from Sophie & Adam's Europe By Camper site:




In that profile Sophie & Adam say:


"The site does however seem to be very secure with regular high-visibility patrols and a CCTV system which could probably read your book over your shoulder when it was proudly demoed by the friendly guard when we rolled up late that evening."


I guess my question is targeted to anyone who has used this site & has an experience that would support or contradict their assessment.


Thanks again - the posts on this subject have reinforced very good general advice that can not be repeated often enough!



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I have received a reply today from my MP Bill Cash.




I am pleased with his positive response and at least 'noises' are now being made in the right direction. Not only the Spanish Ambassador, but also the Foreign Secretary who Bill Cash obviously feels the matter is worthy of bringing to his attention.


I am grateful to those on the forum who felt strongly enough to give their support to the Petition.


I've always believed that if you are not prepared to speak up or fight for something.....then quite frankly you don't deserve to reap the benefits.


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Bulletguy - 2012-01-21 3:46 PM


I have received a reply today from my MP Bill Cash.




I am pleased with his positive response and at least 'noises' are now being made in the right direction. Not only the Spanish Ambassador, but also the Foreign Secretary who Bill Cash obviously feels the matter is worthy of bringing to his attention.


I am grateful to those on the forum who felt strongly enough to give their support to the Petition.


I've always believed that if you are not prepared to speak up or fight for something.....then quite frankly you don't deserve to reap the benefits.


Good for you Paul, an encouraging start :-D

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Bulletguy - 2012-01-21 3:46 PM


I have received a reply today from my MP Bill Cash.




I am pleased with his positive response and at least 'noises' are now being made in the right direction. Not only the Spanish Ambassador, but also the Foreign Secretary who Bill Cash obviously feels the matter is worthy of bringing to his attention.


I am grateful to those on the forum who felt strongly enough to give their support to the Petition.


I've always believed that if you are not prepared to speak up or fight for something.....then quite frankly you don't deserve to reap the benefits.


Well done on the result BG.....I applaud your efforts and hope it wakes some of our 'lords and masters' up to this obviously large and seemingly ignored problem.

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RogerC - 2012-01-21 4:56 PM


Well done on the result BG.....I applaud your efforts and hope it wakes some of our 'lords and masters' up to this obviously large and seemingly ignored problem.


Thanks Roger


I don't expect an instantaneous shift in tackling this but at least it's a step in the right direction. Bill Cash took a matter up for me some years ago and though we may not share the same political views, I have to say he proved to be an excellent MP and does his job very well. He got the right results for me anyway....even slamming some stupid Baroness in the process who failed to grasp the facts. (Didn't help when she could not even get my name right!).


I was a bit concerned about the length of my letter (three pages!), but he's obviously read through it in it's entirety!

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Guest JudgeMental
Bulletguy - 2012-01-21 5:02 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-01-21 4:04 PM


So what have you learnt from this BG?


That some people do absolutely FA other than pontificate or remain cynical.


Other's do not.


As I suspected nothing.....still looking around for someone to blame, but in the meantime just as bitter and rude as ever.

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JudgeMental - 2012-01-21 6:21 PM
Bulletguy - 2012-01-21 5:02 PM
JudgeMental - 2012-01-21 4:04 PM So what have you learnt from this BG?
That some people do absolutely FA other than pontificate or remain cynical. Other's do not.
As I suspected nothing.....still looking around for someone to blame, but in the meantime just as bitter and rude as ever.

I haven't see bitterness and rudeness in any of Paul's postings on the matter. I have seen considerable restraint under provocation though.

Thats good news Paul. Good luck with your efforts. 

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