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Robbed in Spain


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JohnP - 2012-02-24 10:30 PM


Patricia - Ten of us where done over in one night at the Chartres site in June 2011. A mix of caravans, motorhomes and tents.

So much so that the CC have put a warning about the site in this years Continental Site Book.


Oh dear must cross that one off my list now then as the incident I reported (as told to me by one involved)must have taken place pre 2010 so probably not isolated incidents then, particularly if CC have printed a warning. Similar number of units were involved in that incident too. I do not have my Continental Site Book from an earlier year with me to see whether there have been earlier warnings.


I have stopped on this site several times as it is convenient on my travel to and from the UK. However, I do not like the site and, from a security point of view, I may as well stop on the motorway and take my chance there (and as a bonus it's FOC)!


Forgot to say John that I was sorry to hear of your experience and hope that no-one was hurt.

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As mentioned by BG above one would have thought that 12 million tourists would be a powerful incentive for the Spannish Police to wake up and be more pro-active.


On the subject of Police following up on crimes committed in neighbour countries, which I have expressed an opinion claiming that they have their hands tied be national law etc. here is what the Police have said in connection with the Haye / Chisorra fracas in Munich:-

Quote - A police spokesman said: "We're going to ask the British to help us but this is not a quick process. We have to go through the right channels, send letters, et cetera." Unquote


Surely this is exactly what I was saying above, if the Police in Germany have to do this in such a high profile case involving (alleged) GBH what hope do the poor motorhomers have like BG and all those others who have been robbed while in transit close to a national border????????


The fact is that if the three men who robbed BG were French, (we will never know) and they did leg it back to France, (we will never know that either)and the Spannish Police did / could not respond quickly enough (Well we do know they did not respond quickly) then they (the villians) are pretty much safe. What really annoys me is these low life scum know this and are exploiting the situation and no one seems to care grrrrrrrrrrrr.


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Bulletguy - 2012-02-25 12:18 AMMr Lidington goes on to say that "the Spanish Ambassador has raised the matter with senior Mossos d'Esquadra officials and local politicians and will continue to do so".


BG call me a cynic if you like but what does "raised the matter" really mean??????


Anyone who has ever had the misfortune to have dealt with the F&C Office knows that all they ever do is write letters in flowery language!!! Did the Spannish Ambassador go round to the Mossos d'Esquadra HQ accompanied by a British CID officer and thump the table?, raise his voice?, utter a few expletives? demand to see reports of all crimes in the area?, show it to the CID officer to check if they've done all the right things?, no of course he hasn't, all he has done is write a letter saying things like "We are really concerned" or "We would like to see some more action" or "Her Majesties government will be discussing this in cabinet" (which they won't!) and if the British ambassador is really angry he won't invite the head of the Mossos d'Esquadra to his next cocktail party!!!!!!


It's all rubbish, neither Mr. Lidington, (or anyone for that matter) really cares.


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Losos - 2012-02-25 12:48 PMBG call me a cynic if you like but what does "raised the matter" really mean??????


Anyone who has ever had the misfortune to have dealt with the F&C Office knows that all they ever do is write letters in flowery language!!! Did the Spanish Ambassador go round to the Mossos d'Esquadra HQ accompanied by a British CID officer and thump the table?, raise his voice?, utter a few expletives?........

I like to believe it's made a bit of noise in the right areas which I felt was better than shrugging my shoulders, keeping my trap shut and forgetting the whole incident. Yes i'd give anything to be in on any meetings of the powers that be and 'have my say' face to face, but that's highly unlikely as i'm just one of the millions of plain and ordinary 'joe soaps'!I wrote another letter to Bill Cash highlighting points I personally felt needed addressing by the Spanish authorities. I did this in the hope he will pass copy on to the Spanish Ambassador.Ambassador's in any country carry a good deal of clout as they are their countries most senior representative and of course mix in the highest political circles on both sides. If as indicated by Mr Lidingtons letter, the Spanish Ambassador has been in contact with senior Mossos d'Esquadra officials, then I would not like to have been on the receiving end. After all, Catalonia is the Ambassadors home region so not only will he know the area like the back of his hand, but undoubtedly be more familiar than any British politician with the workings of the Mossos d'Esquadra.Yes it would be nice to imagine a bit of table thumping went on........but for now the only thumping I can do is at a keyboard! That's the best I can do. It's not much, but it's better than sitting doing nothing.
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Thumping the keyboard can be highly effective these days BG.

Amazing what results can be achieved & the more people prepared to publish these facts the better for everyone.


And you would not have been so uninformed in the first place.


But, unfortunately many just curl up their toes and say nowt.


More power to your elbow (well fingers)

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Bulletguy - 2012-02-25 3:49 PM but for now the only thumping I can do is at a keyboard! That's the best I can do. It's not much, but it's better than sitting doing nothing.


I applaud you for what you have done, there's some action going on, not much, and as you say one wonders if anything will change, 'joe soap' you may be but you have done something. You can feel satisfied over that at least. 


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flicka - 2012-02-25 9:13 PMThumping the keyboard can be highly effective these days BG.Amazing what results can be achieved & the more people prepared to publish these facts the better for everyone. And you would not have been so uninformed in the first place.But, unfortunately many just curl up their toes and say nowt.More power to your elbow (well fingers)
Losos - 2012-02-27 5:12 PMI applaud you for what you have done, there's some action going on, not much, and as you say one wonders if anything will change, 'joe soap' you may be but you have done something. You can feel satisfied over that at least. 

Appreciate the comments guys.I don't expect to change the world from my 'bad experience' but hopefully my keyboard bashing may bring about some improvements if nothing else!That the thread itself has now received over 19,500 views and 432 replies from many many people who have contributed, but also one heck of a lot of people are now more fully aware. I would have thought the thread subject and content warranted keeping it permanently at the top of the page particularly for the benefit of any newcomers. (Instead for some odd reason we have a couple of threads left there which have not been posted on since January and June of last year!)
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I think this is an important thread and should be kept right at the top of the list, it wont effect me being robbed as I have no intention of going to Spain, but a lot of people who dont have a computer are unaware of the situation, I have mentioned this to a few people I know that are planning trips to Spain and told them to be on their guard.
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I have considerable personal experience of the good things that can arise from writing to your MP especially when that MP is active in dealing with constituent complaints. Bill Cash has acted where the less than helpful - and frankly disgraceful MEP - has totally failed to do anything other than to say the problem is not for him.


The very least an elected representative should do is take such matters up with the appropriate authorities. Bill Cash has done that and, now you have brought this matter to wider attention, many more of us will be better prepared in the event of an attack.


Hopefully, when the Spanish authorities realise the effect these attacks are having on their tourism industry, they will begin to take this issue more seriously.


Well done. The suggestion of writing to MMM is a good one. But I would make a further suggestion. This should be a matter which MMM should take up as some journalistic endeavour could help publicise this issue more widely and add pressure on the Spanish authorities to be more vigilant. If they monitor this site I would hope they will take the matter up.

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Brian Kirby - 2012-02-28 11:43 AM


Then, if he hasn't already done this, maybe Paul could write a brief summary if his experiences to MMM letters, so that the non-computer literati may also be warned?


Good idea Brian. Also be useful to quote the breakins at Chartres to warn others. When I have been there it was difficult to "spot the non-British" as it is a very popular stop over site. Hence it being a target, I expect.


Mike88 our posts crossed but your idea is also excellent.

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Mike88 - 2012-02-28 12:09 PM


I have considerable personal experience of the good things that can arise from writing to your MP especially when that MP is active in dealing with constituent complaints. Bill Cash has acted where the less than helpful - and frankly disgraceful MEP - has totally failed to do anything other than to say the problem is not for him.


The very least an elected representative should do is take such matters up with the appropriate authorities. Bill Cash has done that and, now you have brought this matter to wider attention, many more of us will be better prepared in the event of an attack.


Hopefully, when the Spanish authorities realise the effect these attacks are having on their tourism industry, they will begin to take this issue more seriously.


Well done. The suggestion of writing to MMM is a good one. But I would make a further suggestion. This should be a matter which MMM should take up as some journalistic endeavour could help publicise this issue more widely and add pressure on the Spanish authorities to be more vigilant. If they monitor this site I would hope they will take the matter up.


I echo your points entirely Mike.


Bill Cash has past proven history with me of being a thorough and hard working MP and despite not sharing his party political views, I cannot fault him. He has taken on work which an MEP turned his nose up at....ironically from the same party as Bill Cash!


Regards MMM, given that the season is about to begin with Motorhomers in their multitude heading for the sun drenched coastal areas of Spain, a well publicised article about the methods of Autopista robbery, distraction theft, and the relative ease in which they operate would prove very informative and useful. The dangers of the AP-7 naturally warrant mention as it's a route many would choose if wishing to hug the coastline (as I intended once past Tarragona).


Since my AP-7 experience and making the initial OP on here, only to find that so many more of you have suffered similar fates or near misses, I made use of the internet to research more material regarding Autopista robbery in Spain. I was truly shocked by what I found.


As Brian points out there are those who are non-computer users preferring instead to read magazine articles or reference books. I would be more than willing to oblige MMM with an article on my disastrous venture to mainland Spain. Mistakes were made which I am all too aware of but if it saves just one person from a ruined holiday I would be happy......if it saved many more then I would be delirious!


My whole purpose in bringing the matter into the political arena has ultimately been to give the powers that be a nudge into cleaning up something which is obviously spiralling out of control and will undoubtedly have serious consequences on their tourist trade if the Spanish authorities fail to crack down with a bit more gusto rather than mañana!






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  • 4 weeks later...



Today I received the latest reply from Bill Cash MP enclosing a letter from David Lidington MP of the Foreign Office. Mr Lidington.





Fifth paragraph down Mr Lidington mentions, "you will appreciate that Spanish authorities do not have the authority or capability to cancel a British passport and as such the Mossos d'Esquadra advised Mr Beckett to contact the British Consulate in Barcelona, so that they could cancel the passport and issue an Emergency Travel Document to allow Mr Beckett to re-enter the UK."


That's quite correct as i've mentioned in many previous posts and I fully understood the Mossos d'Esquadra could not cancel my Passport. However they could have shown more concern than what they did and acted more swiftly and professionally. As for 'contacting the British Consulate in Barcelona', Mr Lidington obviously lost sight of the fact that by the time I left the Police Station it was 3pm on a Saturday afternoon.......and Consulates don't 'do' weekend working! Strictly 9 - 5 Mon - Fri for those guys! Also he doesn't mention that there is a fee for Emergency Travel Documents and you must state exactly when you intend to enter the UK.


However, I think Bill Cash has done an excellent job in raising the points I put to him and feel he has earned his money!




A couple of other 'happenings'.


I applied for a new Passport in the first week of March and even though I still had some photos left when I renewed in October last year, decided i'd best have some more done. Two weeks later received a reply from the Passport Office......"Application Refused"!! The reason given was they considered the submitted photographs 'not recent'. So I telephoned and asked how they could possibly know when a photograph was taken? "Ermm well we don't" came the reply. So I then told them that my previous Passport which was only renewed in October 2011 had been stolen and asked if they still had record of it, could they generate the photograph which was on that Passport? "Yes" came the reply, "i'm looking at it now". So I asked him to look very closely and tell me if he could spot anything...."well you seem to have a bit more hair"! I told him that's because i've not had a haircut since October and being an old fart my hair doesn't grow so quick any more! He said he would need to speak with a Supervisor and 'get back to me'.


Half an hour later he called back. "Errrm.....well we've had a closer look at the photographs and decided it must be you"! I couldn't stop laughing as he then went on to say that they have to be extra vigilant on new applications now. I managed to see the funny side of it all as I said I wasn't sure if the Passport Office felt my photo's seemed to be that of someone younger than my 61 years!


My contents Insurance claim submitted in January is still unresolved! So I telephoned to ask why so long as it's now almost three months. They told me they had tried to contact me on my landline twice but got no reply so I asked why they had not left a message. I told them had they left a message I would have known and returned the call, but 1) i'm not psychic and 2) I cannot be expected to remain in the house 24/7 waiting to hear from them!


They now tell me they have no record of my Ferry bookings! To say I was livid would be an understatement as I sent every single damn piece of paperwork, Crime Report sheets, Ferry tickets, fuel receipts, toll receipts, even receipts for a couple of meals I had en route.......and everything was sent via Recorded Delivery. So in other words they've lost them. *-)


Luckily I still have copies I kept as they insisted all documentation had to be originals (not photocopies). So I gave them the detail over the phone as I told them there is no way i'm re-submitting documents they have lost (but won't admit to it).


One day I might be able to put all this behind me! *-)



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Bulletguy - 2012-03-24 6:12 PM


They now tell me they have no record of my Ferry bookings! To say I was livid would be an understatement as I sent every single damn piece of paperwork, Crime Report sheets, Ferry tickets, fuel receipts, toll receipts, even receipts for a couple of meals I had en route.......and everything was sent via Recorded Delivery. So in other words they've lost them. *-)


Luckily I still have copies I kept as they insisted all documentation had to be originals (not photocopies). So I gave them the detail over the phone as I told them there is no way i'm re-submitting documents they have lost (but won't admit to it).


One day I might be able to put all this behind me! *-)



One day I hope you can laugh about it Paul, but I think that day will be a long time coming.

Is it just the Ferry tickets receipts or all of the receipts.



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Two weeks later received a reply from the Passport Office......"Application Refused"!! ...........................and everything was sent via Recorded Delivery. So in other words they've lost them. *-)


Just adds insult to injury. I have to renew my passport soon, I hope to God I don't get any of that nonsense. I also hope MMM take up the story, they should know something about it already as this is their forum, at least I always thought it was.


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nowtelse2do - 2012-03-25 7:01 PM


One day I hope you can laugh about it Paul, but I think that day will be a long time coming.

Is it just the Ferry tickets receipts or all of the receipts.




Hi Dave


Just the Ferry ticket receipts....at least that was all they claimed not to have received. Funny how it's taken them three months to tell me though. I told them fortunately i'd taken photocopies of all the receipts as I just knew they would manage to 'lose' something. Sarcastically I said it's no use me sending those out to you as you don't accept photocopies! Anyway I gave them the departure and return dates and times and said they could check them out with both Ferry companies, plus my van will be on the Ports ANPR database proving it passed through the on the dates I gave them.


I get the impression they don't want to pay anything out at all so are just stringing me along in the hope I will get fed up and go away.


I certainly had to laugh about the farcical business over my Passport application! *-)



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Ah well, only another 3 months to wait for the next excuse. They are quick to take your money though. Don't think much of MP's but that Bill Cash seams on the ball, wish a few more were like him, or even better, a lot more of them. Anyway good luck and keep us posted. Good idea of the other poster (Losos) about Warners putting something in the mag.



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