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Robbed in Spain


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malc d - 2011-12-21 11:55 AM


dikyenfo - 2011-12-21 10:56 AM


Despite warnings nobody takes any notice and it is time you woke up to smell the coffee.

Arm yourselves with legal wepons to use as a last resort. Learn to use them effectively.

There are no laws in Spain/France to prevent this and it is expected you will look after your property and not moan on and bloody on for someone else to do it for you.

Wimps and whingers get on my wick.




It's always interesting to me to hear a different point of view.


You'll have to let us know how you get on if / when you are attacked.





......an interesting and different view as you say, Malc.


However, I think the OP will find there are no laws anywhere against posessing legal weapons (it arises as the by-product of the definition). ;-)


If one subsequently uses them, however, regardless of the Country, dependent on the circumstances one might find oneself in deep mierda/merde. :-S

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Peter James - 2011-12-21 12:11 PM


Best weapons are guile and cunning


Our chief weapon is surprise, fear and surprise; two chief weapons, fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency! Er, among our chief weapons are: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and near fanatical devotion to the Pope! Um, I'll come in again...


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!



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So sorry BG to hear of your nightmare , hope you are on the mend mentally and physically....dont let it stop you in your tracks.

A word on WEAPONS....we all carry the easy ones, fly spray- furniture spray- toilet spray- perfume spray- WD-40 - .....ALL AIMED AT THE EYES WILL GIVE YOU TIME TO MAKE YOUR MOVE....there must be many more that can be left near a door or window , it works but dont try it on yourself !



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Guest 1footinthegrave
All joking apart,I'm guessing that most of us are well past the first flush of youth, if ever I was unfortunate to find myself in a similar position and with self preservation in mind I would give them what they want, rather than attempt to spray something in their eyes, even if you had an outside chance of doing it, then fail at the first attempt and then possibly end up on a mortuary slab to save what exactly, a few possessions ..................... :-|
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The reality is that you do not know how you will act in an emergency situation. I've had three encounters and despite never getting involved in a physical confrontation with anyone I have found when my life (or anybody else's) has been threatened I act completely out of character.
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You have all probably built up a mental picture of dikyenfo being a cross between Rambo and The Terminator.


He is actually the wrong side of 70. God bless him, the mind is strong but the flesh is not up to the job anymore.


A very large dog sounds like the necessary accessory when travelling in parts of Spain. :D

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Guest Peter James

Try to avoid getting into the situation in the first place. Don't stop for them.


Hide your valubles. Secret switch so it doesn't start with the keys. Keep a separate wallet containing a couple of banknotes and a load of crap, expired bank cards, store discount cards, old bills etc, and let them take that :-)


Nobody likes to be robbed, but it may be some comfort to know that if they are desperate enough to go out robbing people, with all the risks that entails, they probably need it more than you do.



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Guest 1footinthegrave

You've made me see this in a whole new light, every time I pass someone who looks a bit down on their luck I'll empty my wallet for them,might save them robbing someone, that'll be a comfort.......... 8-)


Oh I see it was humour, I am thick after all

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1footinthegrave - 2011-12-21 11:19 AM

A few suggestions for legal weapons as a last resort would help if I'm attacked, what would you recommend for me for example,I'm 66, and need to be able to potentially take on multiple people, almost certainly a good deal younger and stronger.


A good point which neatly leads on to the following posters quote.....particularly noting the last paragraph.


Robinhood - 2011-12-21 12:15 PM


......an interesting and different view as you say, Malc.


However, I think the OP will find there are no laws anywhere against posessing legal weapons (it arises as the by-product of the definition). ;-)


If one subsequently uses them, however, regardless of the Country, dependent on the circumstances one might find oneself in deep mierda/merde. :-S


Self defence is about the only legal method and for that you need to be physically fit and well capable. These three were a good thirty plus years younger than me and just one of them could easily have floored me.....or worse.


Had they come up against my son (ex-Army Sergeant), super physically fit, trained and skilled in both armed and un-armed combat, fought with Special Forces in war zones I prefer not to think about......he'd have finished all three off in a matter of seconds and have had no qualms about doing it either.


A very different story.


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Prevented my own robbery at a rest area with 2 scumbags on a noddy bike broke my lock woke me up and dissapeared when the business end of a crossbow poked through the window. Also have 8 shot gas pistol with 3 reloads in cylinders for quick reloads. They shoot as fast as you pull the trigger and effective at close range.

Have competition catapult with sights and 3/8 in ball bearings but you need practice to get effective wit this but deadly.

As ex County pistol shot and army marksman but shot for RAF in their team I consider myself pretty good.

Took grandson out with webley .22 and now he is in the cadets he needs to practice. I can still shoot the bull out at 15 M with one hand and my grandson was well impressed.

I have saved other situations but will not air them now. As I said protect yourself but get efficient with your weapons of choice.

There is no shame in manning up surely you in the main were services trained-you dont lose it just cos. you get old.

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I've read all the replies to this thread with much interest and hope BG has got over his ordeal, it has been mentioned that these scumbags were Romanians (Gypsy's)

Now that our borders are open and virtually anyone can access the UK what if these Romanians started their tricks over here?? There appears to be no criminal records checks is there, In view of that I am going to give my M/H a good case of looking at to beef up security tomorrow. Got a few good idea's bubbling away in my head.

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1footinthegrave - 2011-12-21 11:39 AM


Right, there's three of them, I'll take the first one out with a head butt tothe nose, prompltly swing round with a drop kick to the 2nd one, then a throwing knife to take out the third who is by now running away, simple..... :D :D :-S

Blimey have you been taking lessons from Bruce Lee (karate kid). :D
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peter - 2011-12-21 6:04 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-12-21 11:39 AM


Right, there's three of them, I'll take the first one out with a head butt tothe nose, prompltly swing round with a drop kick to the 2nd one, then a throwing knife to take out the third who is by now running away, simple..... :D :D :-S

Blimey have you been taking lessons from Bruce Lee (karate kid). :D


..and don't forget,you'll need an accompanying,ear blistering,rock soundtrack and pyrotecnics display....possibly even some dry-ice... (lol)

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pepe63 - 2011-12-21 6:33 PM


peter - 2011-12-21 6:04 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-12-21 11:39 AM


Right, there's three of them, I'll take the first one out with a head butt tothe nose, prompltly swing round with a drop kick to the 2nd one, then a throwing knife to take out the third who is by now running away, simple..... :D :D :-S

Blimey have you been taking lessons from Bruce Lee (karate kid). :D


..and don't forget,you'll need an accompanying,ear blistering,rock soundtrack and pyrotecnics display....possibly even some dry-ice... (lol)


....followed by a liberal rub-down with "Fiery Jack", I should think. ;-)

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Guest Peter James
knight of the road - 2011-12-21 4:42 PM


In Manchester within the last 12 months 3 burglars have been stabbed to death with their own knives by the homeowners they were attempting to rob, all 3 homeowners were acquitted and freed from police custody.


That makes the point better than I did. They must need the money more than I do to go out robbing people.


PS: How do you know they were Gypsies ?

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Ok so you have your weapons etc in the motorhome , but think about it, would you really use them? As someone who has been through this scenario, and carried a bottle of alloy wheel cleaner in the door pocket, someone asked me if i would use it on being attacked. What if you blinded someone. The guardia civil come to the scene, you dont speak spanish, and the other party accuse you of assaulting them.How would you deal with the implications of that?
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malc d - 2011-12-21 8:13 PM


Surely the risk of carrying weapons is that they could be used against yourself ?









Soz. Disagree.



The risk of carrying weapons is that you might injure or kill the criminal scum who are trying to hurt you and your loved ones, and are trying to steal the things that you worked hard to earn the money to buy. Result.


If some people prefer to roll-over in the face of such an attack on them in their MH, then so be it.

I will not do so.


I will fight with every ounce of my life and every weapon available to me to protect that which I love, and she who I solemnly vowed at the altar that I would protect with my life.

It was not an empty pledge.


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I usually carry an RPG launcher and wait till they drive off then jump out and let fly with the grenade. Very satisfying. Only problem with that is my money usually gets incinerated as well. Or another ploy is that whilst i'm talking to them my wife flashes her boobs and whilst they are distracted I smack 'em with a rounders bat. Or the final scenario of me being frightened sh*tless and putting then van into gear and driving like there's no tomorrow, knocking over anybody in the way. :D
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Peter James - 2011-12-21 6:51 PM


knight of the road - 2011-12-21 4:42 PM


In Manchester within the last 12 months 3 burglars have been stabbed to death with their own knives by the homeowners they were attempting to rob, all 3 homeowners were acquitted and freed from police custody.


That makes the point better than I did. They must need the money more than I do to go out robbing people.


PS: How do you know they were Gypsies ?

If you need money you work for it, you dont take someone elses?

Gypsies were mentioned in one of the posts, so if you saw someone without money will you give them yours? I dont ask no man for anything, whatever I want I work for it.

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