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What to take to Spain in February ....

Mel B

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If you are on the O2 mobile network it might be useful to add-on My Europe Extra (£5 mth for Spain only, £10 mth for other countries). You can phone home more cheaply and also receive calls free.


I have an old tariff with a ridiculous number of text messages which I can use from abroad - they take 4 for every one text so I have more than enough - and you don't need My Europe Extra for this benefit. Worth asking if your tariff is covered. This is the one perk which has stopped me upgrading my phone as I would lose this benefit if I did.

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Caroline - 2011-12-20 9:17 AM


Bojitoes - 2011-12-19 5:20 PM


Ann took to putting her main handbag , out of site,behind the passenger seat and leaving a "dummy" handbag with nothing in, in the passenger seat well whilst we were driving in case we were stopped.


We did the same, but with a purse, we found some old store points cards and put a few euros in it, left not in plain view but somewhere easily seen if looking for it, bit more realistic. ..................

But surely, the flaw in these approaches is that you put something attractive in view, potentially encouraging the break in, or at least a broken window for a quick grab.


The best advice must be to leave nothing at all in view, and also, wherever possible to pull down window blinds, but also rooflight blinds, to darken the interior.


Ours has Remis cab and windscreen blinds, and I in any case close these as necessary to block sun. As our cab and habitation windows are all tinted, even where the blinds are not fully closed the interior cannot be seen and most of the windows become mirrors, especially in strong sun. It won't keep a thief out, but it leaves considerable uncertainty as to what the interior contains, and where. So, I reason that means a quick in, grab, and out, looks less feasible, so probably a less attractive proposition.


I appreciate this is of no value whatever under the circumstances BG experienced, but may be of some use to others resorting to the kind of ploy suggested above.


Even while driving, leave nothing in view and, ideally, if they do not automatically lock, lock cab doors. Always lock the habitation door. Whenever you stop, always have a quick check around your van, even if buying fuel, before you leave. It is a good discipline, and it takes only seconds to look at tyres, windows, doors, and any bikes etc on the rear. Then, when you drive off, you know all is as it should be. Unless you hear something unusual while driving, or the van begins to feel strange, it is very unlikely anything is wrong. So, someone frantically waving and indicating to pull over should be treated with great suspicion. A quick check of mirrors should show if you are trailing smoke and, if you have a rear window, or a rear view camera, you should be able to see if the bikes have fallen off! If all seems clear, wave back and carry on to a sensible stopping place. If you stop in a layby, pull to the front, so that no-one can block your exit.


When leaving the van, make sure everything stays out of sight and, if the circumstances don't feel quite right stay in, leave the doors locked, and partially open a window to talk to anyone who approaches to speak to you. Leave the engine idling until you are satisfied the stranger is bona fide, then close the window and stop the engine, and only then get out, taking the keys but leaving your wallet out of sight in the van, and lock the doors. If they are genuine police they will have identification. If they are a well meaning stranger, they will show you the problem. If they are blaggers, you have won the first round! However, having said all that, highway robbery is still a very unusual event.


We have only had a couple of odd experiences. One in France, where we stopped on a pull-in to check directions. There was another car stopped, to which I paid no attention. One of the occupants approached and began speaking, so I part opened a window. He dished up some cock-and-bull story about having run out of fuel, and could he syphon off a bit of ours. By then Carole had worked out where we should go, so I smiled sweetly, said "non", closed the window, and left. The second was a car on a dual carriageway somewhere, in which the front passenger was busy on his phone but kept looking at the van, while the car failed to overtake but loafed alongside. It seemed odd but an exit came up, so on the spur of the moment, wondering if he was signalling to an accomplice he'd found a likely target, I turned off, leaving them sailing on in the overtaking lane. Probably nothing awry, but it just made me a bit uneasy. But, that is the lot, across quite a lot of miles in quite a few countries. In the end, I'm afraid, it is all a matter of luck who you encounter, and where. Just keep away from the high volume tourist routes. Most blaggers have more sense than to cruise the country lanes, and the lanes are far nicer places to travel! :-)

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Brian, I did not say in plain view I said easily accessible so if a search is made of your van if you have left it for some reason they will take the easy find and hopefully not continue on until they find the real booty.


Sometimes if there is nothing on view, a thief will wonder what you have to steal. Mind you they could take our Sat Nav with our blessing.


No matter how careful you are with your security there will be the time you make a silly mistake and if you have other contingencies in place it will hopefully minimise your error.


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Caroline - 2011-12-20 4:05 PM


Brian, I did not say in plain view I said easily accessible so if a search is made of your van if you have left it for some reason they will take the easy find and hopefully not continue on until they find the real booty.


Sometimes if there is nothing on view, a thief will wonder what you have to steal. Mind you they could take our Sat Nav with our blessing.


No matter how careful you are with your security there will be the time you make a silly mistake and if you have other contingencies in place it will hopefully minimise your error.


Well Caroline, what you actually said was: "left not in plain view but somewhere easily seen if looking for it". My interpretation of that was that it would not be immediately apparent to anyone glancing at the van ("in plain view": say on the dashboard) but would be left where a nosey parker looking in might see it ("easily seen if looking for it", say on the kitchen worktop). So providing an incentive to enter. Hence my comments.


I would therefore respectfully suggest that what you meant to say was: "left somewhere that cannot be seen from outside, but easy enough to spot once in the van".


However, I still don't agree that this gives any more than an imagined sense of security, because the thief will by now have entered, despite not being able to see anything beforehand and, having taken that initial risk, can now nose around inside for as long as his nerve holds out. He'll probably remove the contents of the purse, and then continue looking for better pickings. Anyone seeing him is likely to assume he is the owner. If you return to find him inside what will you do? He is likely to indicate (in whatever language) that he found the van with its door open, and entered to see if everything is all right. That, or he'll just leap out and run off.


So, with my apologies, I don't think your ploy really alters the balance in your favour to any significant extent. The best deterrent, IMO, remains to make your van look like hard work with no clues, in the hope he will simply wander on looking for a van with easy pickings on view. But hey, who knows, thieves come in all shapes, sizes, and degrees of stupidity. The only thing that is certain, is that nothing is certain! Take care. :-)

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Thanks guys. :-D


We already do quite a few of the things suggested (I actually suggested some of them many moons ago! :D)


We've been going abroad since 2005 so have already got quite a lot of experience generally, but nothing specifically for Spain. There are some very interesting and useful suggestions which I haven't heard of before, so I'll certainly take note of them ... keep 'em coming! :->


So far I know I need to take my Tetley teabags (by the tonne), Heinz tomato ketchup (by the gallon), cheddar cheese (by the pallet) and some Mint Bailey's (by the tanker) in case we end up going anywhere near Bruce!!! (lol)

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Mel B - 2011-12-20 9:12 PM


So far I know I need to take my Tetley teabags (by the tonne), Heinz tomato ketchup (by the gallon), cheddar cheese (by the pallet) and some Mint Bailey's (by the tanker) in case we end up going anywhere near Bruce!!! (lol)


Heinz Ketchup? they sell that in every supermarket.... plus give it away free at Mc D's (if you pop in for their Wifi and by a 1 euro burger! )


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Tracker - 2011-12-19 5:56 PM


We carry a spare 13 amp 3 pin plug (plus 3,5 and 13 A fuses) to use if ever we bought an appliance to use in the van - just cut off the original plug and replace - easier and safer than an adapter - assuming you know how to wire a plug that is!




OMG ! Are you suggesting that a girlie wouldnt know how to change a plug ??? Its easy shout very loud 'Mr Batty - change this plug and hurry up !' works every time.


Mrs B :D

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BGD - 2011-12-20 4:22 PM


Oh, just one other thing to bring when you come to Spain Mel, as you'll need it a lot whilst here...............a MASSIVE smile.



Another thing which we find really good when we go to Spain is LEAVE your watch at home or in the van ! Watches are part of the heart attack, early grave,hamster wheel , work work work world that we all strive to escape from - things happen when they happen in Spain - very refreshing !


Its a brill country Mel have a great time.


The Bs :D

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Guest Tracker
Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-22 5:05 PM

Watches are part of the heart attack, early grave,hamster wheel , work work work world that we all strive to escape from - things happen when they happen in Spain - very refreshing !



I took my watch off in 1992 when I ceased employment and began the short road to full time loafing via self-employment and I have never worn one since!

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Tracker - 2011-12-22 5:15 PM


Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-22 5:05 PM

Watches are part of the heart attack, early grave,hamster wheel , work work work world that we all strive to escape from - things happen when they happen in Spain - very refreshing !



I took my watch off in 1992 when I ceased employment and began the short road to full time loafing via self-employment and I have never worn one since!


Its the way to go Tracker - I have spent my life ruled by a small time piece on my wrist, from the moment I get in the car in the morning I find myself chasing time. Mrs Batty is head of a primary school and does the same. We are REALLY looking forward to sleep when tired, eat when hungry, move to new camp when bored, drink wine all day / night life style.


You have discovered this earlier than us - BUT we catch up quickly !



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Hi Mel


if you do get right the way across Spain on your travels - we would really recomend if in the area checking out a the gig dates for 'The Nomad.' Some one on here will give you the link (Give you a clue, he wears a top hat, long coat while playing ) We think it will be the best entertainment night you will have while away. One man show - very , very entertaining , free in what every bar / resturant he plays in. Chance to meet 'him' and his wonderful wife.

As we already feel from your posts you may be a little like us and not take life over seriously - how about this - if you honestly say you didnt enjoy the evening we will pay for your meal and all your drink that evening !!! Cant go wrong.

Also next to Mrs Batty he has the second nicest wife on the face of the planet - how he managed that is quite beyond me lol. She does his bookings and management and God does he need managing pmsl.

Just a thought if you are down that way.


The Bs


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Guest Tracker
Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-22 5:37 PM

Also next to Mrs Batty he has the second nicest wife on the face of the planet - how he managed that is quite beyond me lol.


According to the above that makes you Mrs Batty's wife?


I always thought there was something odd about you!

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Tracker - 2011-12-22 7:08 PM


Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-22 5:37 PM

Also next to Mrs Batty he has the second nicest wife on the face of the planet - how he managed that is quite beyond me lol.


According to the above that makes you Mrs Batty's wife?


I always thought there was something odd about you!


lol - just like wearing her dresses really !

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I just got (or more accurately, Kathy has just got me) three gigs in the New Year in the Clubhouse/bar thingy at the Calpe Mar campsite in Calpe here on the Costa Blanca, which will be a laugh!

Thursday 26th Jan, Thursday 16th Feb, and Thursday 15th March; if any of you lot are down this way staying at that site (or at the new Odessia "Aire" site which is just across the salt lake from the Calpe Mar one) and fancies a bit of Live Music.........:-D



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Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-22 6:37 PM


Also next to Mrs Batty he has the second nicest wife on the face of the planet - how he managed that is quite beyond me lol. She does his bookings and management and God does he need managing pmsl.

Just a thought if you are down that way.


The Bs



Speechless.... but very true of course! LOL

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Sparkle - 2011-12-23 7:55 AM


Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-22 6:37 PM


Also next to Mrs Batty he has the second nicest wife on the face of the planet - how he managed that is quite beyond me lol. She does his bookings and management and God does he need managing pmsl.

Just a thought if you are down that way.


The Bs



Speechless.... but very true of course! LOL


Sparkle - would you in any way be related to this BGD fellow ????? ;-)

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