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What to take to Spain in February ....

Mel B

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Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-23 10:39 AM

Sparkle - would you in any way be related to this BGD fellow ????? ;-)


That is classified information and if you discovered the answer we would have to shoot you!!


But as it is the season of goodwill to all mankind (except maybe some that are beyond goodwill) and more importantly the other rogues have nicked all the lead locally so I can't make any more bullets you may consider yourself very lucky to have got away with it !!



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Tracker - 2011-12-23 12:02 PM


Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-23 10:39 AM

Sparkle - would you in any way be related to this BGD fellow ????? ;-)


That is classified information and if you discovered the answer we would have to shoot you!!


But as it is the season of goodwill to all mankind (except maybe some that are beyond goodwill) and more importantly the other rogues have nicked all the lead locally so I can't make any more bullets you may consider yourself very lucky to have got away with it !!



Dear Tracker - season of good will lives ! Thanks for not shooting me ! lol However I suspect that Sparkle may be someone that we know a little (''If you cook it - they will come'') If fact she is our nomination for hearts of gold this year for putting up with her husband for another 12 months. Does get a grant from care in the community though (Thanks for paying that Puggly)



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Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-23 2:43 PM


Tracker - 2011-12-23 12:02 PM


Mr & Mrs Batty - 2011-12-23 10:39 AM

Sparkle - would you in any way be related to this BGD fellow ????? ;-)


That is classified information and if you discovered the answer we would have to shoot you!!


But as it is the season of goodwill to all mankind (except maybe some that are beyond goodwill) and more importantly the other rogues have nicked all the lead locally so I can't make any more bullets you may consider yourself very lucky to have got away with it !!



Dear Tracker - season of good will lives ! Thanks for not shooting me ! lol However I suspect that Sparkle may be someone that we know a little (''If you cook it - they will come'') If fact she is our nomination for hearts of gold this year for putting up with her husband for another 12 months. Does get a grant from care in the community though (Thanks for paying that Puggly)




Rendered speechless again..... not often that happens.....


Right - off to do some baking now........ (lol)

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T8LEY - 2011-12-23 12:14 AM


We'll be there, 26th Jan.




Good man!

Get your ear plugs ready then Trevor.


And your drinking boots - 'cos the more you drink, the better I sound.


(Oh, and your shorts too - It was 22 degrees, clear blue skies and wall-to-wall sunshine here today. Had my shirt off whilst up on the roof at home doing a bit of DIY this afternoon. Neighbours were sunbathing.)

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BGD - 2011-12-24 1:53 AM


T8LEY - 2011-12-23 12:14 AM


We'll be there, 26th Jan.




Good man!

Get your ear plugs ready then Trevor.


And your drinking boots - 'cos the more you drink, the better I sound.


(Oh, and your shorts too - It was 22 degrees, clear blue skies and wall-to-wall sunshine here today. Had my shirt off whilst up on the roof at home doing a bit of DIY this afternoon. Neighbours were sunbathing.)


You gonna mention the fact that the leccy blankies are on, furnace blast setting on our bed at the moment with temp of 5 degrees outside?



Nah ??


- I won't either then!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We're not going in February now ...... :-(


You lot have frightened hubby off! *-)

















No ... not really! :D


But we have changed when we're going for several reasons. When we originally made our plans in the middle of last year, we were intending to get away from the expected severe 'winter weather' but it has been so mild and looks to continue that way that we thought we'd postpone it and instead spend some time tootling around in the UK whilst its nice. One of the other reasons is that we didn't really want to be cooped up having to use sites as we normally are quite 'nomadic' and like to be out and about doing things when we go abroad, and obviously this is more difficult in winter especially if we are having to stay on a site for a while.


So we are now going in April/May instead - the weather in Spain should be warmer but not too warm, we should be able to use some aires and therefore keep to our pootling ways. B-)

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Hi all, Ive stopped on a number of big motorway stops in France and Spain and Ive always been very wary of some of the more swarthy characters swanning about; including, once, a moped that kept driving up and down the lanes slowly looking at all the vehicles! needles to say we did not leave the van and moved on pretty quickly. The biggest scare we had was last year in Greece; we were way up in the mountains and stopped in a layby opposite a mountain flow of water (thank god) and proceeded to brew up and look at the wonderful scenery. A car with french plates pulled in behind and 2 men and a woman got out, they proceeded to cut up some meat with a big big knife and my wife started to twitch! I said hey its no problem they are on french plates (I speak pretty good french) I went out to greet them and they did not understand me?! eventually (after giving them 2 cigarettes that one of the guys had demanded) i ascertained that they were from Romania and were working locally?! I believe that but for the fact that cars continuously stopped opposite to fill their water bottles I could have been in serious trouble! We did not stay long, the coffee stop was cut short and we were off!

ps: It was a wonderful trip over the mountains and down to the sea and we always always keep the cab doors locked the only way in was through me at the hab door ouch!.

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