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Hope I am posting this in the right place! On starting my engine, _(Autocruise Starburst 2006) the Fridge starts to make a buzzy bee noise. Doesn't always happen, but when it does I turn off the engine and restart and continue doing this till it stops. Anyone got any ideas please.
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Guest Tracker

Hi Johnny and welcome to the madhouse where nothing is ever what it seems!


Is the fridge switched on to 12v or not when you hear the noise and does it stop or start if you change the fridge switch position with the engine running?


It's not a noise that I am familiar with but no doubt someone who has experienced it will be along in a minute but meanwhile it sounds to my amateur ear as if it might be a relay trying to complete a circuit to pass current and not succeeding?


Does your leisure battery charge OK with the engine running as the fuses and relays just under the bonnet lip on the battery side can get wet and dirty and cause all sorts of odd effects the most usual of which is failure to charge the leisure battery.


Do you have a multimeter for checking voltages and continuity etc - very handy bit of kit!


Does the fridge chill down with the engine running - it won't freeze but it should get cold although this time of year you may need a thermometer to be able to tell for sure.

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Guest Tracker

Might be better left untill the van is recommissioned for use and you are better able to check individual items?


Have you isolated the leisure battery to stop it going flat and being damaged by so being?

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I tend to agree with Tracker about a relay being the likely culprit, as I can't think of anything else fridge-related that might cause an occasional buzzing noise.


You need to identify as accurately as possible where the noise is coming from - whether it's coming from the fridge itself (and, if so, which part of the fridge), somewhere close to the fridge, or elsewhere. If the noise is coming from the rear of the fridge, then removing the external ventilation grille(s) should help to pin down the locationof the noise.


I came across the following




that may, or may not, be relevant/helpful regarding your problem. Depends perhaps which make/model of fridge you've got.

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