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Merry Christmas


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HELLO I would like to wish everybody out there who suffers from reversed polarity, juddering clutches, damp ingress,being gassed in europe, being arrested in spain for being pushed by a small car at the rear, flat batteries,excessive tyre pressures, expensive campsites,overcrowded aires,overloaded because of the wife, Is it possible to buy a motorhome fitted with a onboard nuclear power station , do I coil or flake my hook up cable, who cannot get a pitch on a CC club site because of overbooking,do I wave or do I not and all other ailments suffered by the modern day motorhomer a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and GOOD ADVENTURES IN THE NEW YEAR and also to a friend of mine who might be struggling on a ship in Singapore , All The Best Davy. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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A Very Merry Christmas to you too, yes despite all the things that could potentially happen to us (It seems motorhomers have a much more perilous lifestyle than the general populous ) We are still here and yes we do always wave the only exceptions are when i forget and when the missus forgets too.
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