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My only comment is that, if you intend using this outside the UK in countries where towing one vehicle with another is illegal, you will have to argue with the authorities that your vehicle is subject to the Vienna convention and is in transit. If for use in UK only, I can see no difference in principle between this and any other A frame.


I have no idea whether, or to what extent, the relevant parts of the Vienna convention have been incorporated into, derogated from, or superseded by, any later EEC/EC/EU directives, but the dates suggest there is ample scope for this.


Bruce, (BGD) recently posted detail of the national legislation in Spain (although Spain is not the only European state with this prohibition) that bans one vehicle from towing another, except in specific circumstances that would not apply to a motorhome in transit towing a car.


I'd suggest you peruse that lot, and then ask the Spanish embassy to comment on the legality issue, as they see it, regarding the quoted portions of the Vienna convention.


I would also ask Smart Tow to comment on their understanding of how their product would get around the Spanish prohibition. I would be very wary of any assurance from Smart Tow that the answer lies in the DoT "opinion" that the towed car becomes a trailer (so not prohibited under Spanish law) as this a) is still untested under UK law, and b) does not apply under other jurisdictions. That would leave you to argue that your car is a trailer under UK law, which you cannot prove, and as such has to be interpreted in that way under the Vienna convention when in Spain.


I think I would be a little inclined also to ask Smart Tow, in the event that you were stopped and fined outside the UK while using one of their devices, whether, in view of their claims as to its legality, they are prepared to fully indemnify you in pursuing a case through the relevant courts against the Spanish government, under the Vienna convention, for full reinstatement, plus costs, of any fine/s levied - and to confirm that to you in writing.


If intending ultimately to use the device outside the UK, I would not then buy until satisfied on all counts.

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