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same Domestic fridge 315e(eco) or 945estandard whats the


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:-D Thats it thats the burner,i think :-S


Its a wonderful day cold & sun i will try to remove the burner


Ive just spent my first hour looking for details of the RF60.What has gone wrong with google i can only find shops no info or review on utube an add showed the interior --no freezer it seems it can be used in a camping van when ventalated ?


The advice is given as campers with non ventilated van might fit one where none has been,as far as i can see it needs the same vent kit as sold for the 4211 or 4210??


Thank you very very much for the links,i may well soon have a working fridge even when disconected from 220v *-)



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:-S 8-) 8I almost set fire to my home.Where i would have slept this night i dont know,nor would i have had anything to wear


The sun was warm even though it said 2c i put down a cover sat down and removed the fridge panels on the side of my campinghome


.It was far easier than i had thought to remove the burner.When i looked at it there seemed to be a blockage where the gas pipe screws into it.It looked like silver hat pressed in which should have a small hole.I went along to the garage where a machanic hisssed at it with air poked & prodded it before declaring it blocked.


I have seen parts that looked the same. the mechanic pointed to a caravan and said there was a fridge inside and that i could see if there was a burner i could use

The fridge was not the same but the burner could be removed with ease.I went back fitted the new burner,which was about the same size and fitted the chimney


I pressed the gas button and lite the burner with a small blow lamp at once there was flame a foot high i released the gas button id taped in place the flame went out


I sat there shocked with a fire extingisher for half an hour


It seems burners are not inter-changable?Or might there have been a bit missing? :-( :-(

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you forgot to check and put in the jet ( the silver hat thingy) didn't you????


Even though the burner overall might be the same you have to make sure you use the correct size jet.


Oh and for goodness sake be careful, if you are not sure what you are doing, get it checked by a gas fitter. I do not think anyone who has helped you on this forum wishes to see you blow yourself up or the van.

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:'( Yes its the jet i see that now :-S It had crossed my mind the blockage might have been a limmiter as it has a small black dot which might have been a jet :-S


:-( Ive decided to buy a new fridge *-) Leave the old one in a friends garage *-) (havnt told them yet)


No one to film,im all alone hear in the vastness of France during winter :-D And even as camping during winter is met with doubt by those im visiting or that allow me to park & plug in their absence last night was -7c outside 21c inside *-) :-D


I hope i wont have to repair the heating 8-)


Buying a fridge in France is not easy *-) Ive found several then when i look at the delivery date it says "in stock"might take up to 24 days for delivery 8-) I choose collection it says i need to be given a date for collection---which might be up to 24 days :-( :-(


Rather like roulet put your cash on the table and see what result :-|


Worse shipping from the UK was quoted at £128 parcel force which is just wrong


French prices are around £60 to £100 more than UK or Germany


A French forum that google presended found the best value from Germany,today its Germany Ebay :-|


They also said the first few fridges deliverd were destroyed by the private delivery firm 8-)

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