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French Breath Test Kits

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Further to earlier posts on this subject I copy a reply from the CCC when I raised this subject with them. This is dated 23/12/2011 and I post it just for general info.


"We have contacted the French National Tourist Office about this query,

but cannot find anything that relates to the information that you have

been given. We understand this to be the case, but no firm details have

been confirmed to us and we have not heard of an introduction date.

When we know more we shall ask for an announcement to be put in the Club

magazine. If it does become law, it seems likely that dockside shops at

the ports will start selling these to travellers, along with the warning

triangles, fluorescent vests, bulb kits, etc, that they already sell.


We have no indication to our knowledge that Spain is going to follow



We are sorry that we cannot confirm this information either way, but as

soon as we have been advised of the situation we will be making our

members aware."


If anyone has more definitive info then I am sure it would be much appreciated

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Not sure how many earlier forum threads there have been about this, but this was a December 2011 one:




In that thread I was sceptical regarding Randonneur's advice that, for a driver in France, carrying a breathalyser in his/her vehicle "has been a legal requirement for some time but nobody has enforced it so it has been on the back shelf, so to speak."


In fact, this is apparently true (Well sort of true), as on 1 June 2001 Code de la route Article L234-14 came into force. This Article does not demand that motorists in France must carry a breathalyser from 1 June 2001, but says that they must do it from some future (undefined) date and under particular (but undefined) conditions. So outline legislation has been on the statute books for over 10 years, but the fine details and the starting date have still to be specified.

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