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Long Load signs Spain & France


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We are heading off to Spain next week, going through the tunnel and then down the N10 route, crossing into Spain by Biarritz, then Pamplona before relaxing in the Valencia area for a while. This year, for the first time we are taking a couple of bikes which will go on rear cycle rack. I seem to recall reading on the forum previously words to the effect that you need to have an aluminium, fully reflective, long load sign rather than a plastic, partially reflective, one. Can anyone confirm if this is so for France / Spain please? I have searched old threads but cannot find anything on the subject. help / suggestions appreciated as always


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See the final paragraph of the "Carriage of Bicycles" section on this link:




The Caravan Club's Europe sites Guide includes fuller details in the "Transportation of Bicycles" section of the (Spain) Country Information part of the book.


You might also find this webpage useful:




A couple of earlier related forum threads were:






NOTE: The reflective square panel is NOT required when transporting rear-mounted bikes in France.

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The square reflective panels are commonly used on overhanging loads, bikes, boxes, etc, even where not required including the UK. We sell large numbers of them. Most people seem to ignore the 'alloy' requirement due to the extra cost and buy the plastic ones instead though plainly this doesn't satisfy requirements everywhere.


When a single diagonal striped board is fitted the rules say the stripes must point downwards towards the offside of the vehicle. The standard items from Fiamma and Omnistore naturally mount that way for use in Europe but they should be rotated 90 degrees for use here. It is common to see them incorrectly fitted in GB and we do occasionally hear of vehicles being stopped for this.


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neillking - 2012-01-05 9:32 AM


When a single diagonal striped board is fitted the rules say the stripes must point downwards towards the offside of the vehicle.


The standard items from Fiamma and Omnistore naturally mount that way for use in Europe but they should be rotated 90 degrees for use here. It is common to see them incorrectly fitted in GB and we do occasionally hear of vehicles being stopped for this.



Makes me wonder who makes these rules ??


Any idiot that is about to drive through the sign and bikes into the back of your motor home will hardly care, let alone worry which way the stripes point.


I am starting a movement to mount the board so that the stripes are vertical, this enables the driver behind to drive under my motorhome, and puts me in the position that legally I am half correct in the mounting.





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As far as I know the 'bike board' is only a requirement in Spain and Italy.


I have found the Italian legislation here: http://www.aci.it/?id=762 . It does stipulate that it should be constructed of reflective material with diagonal stripes but it does not stipulate any particular orientation as far as I can see.


I would be interested in any link to the relevant Spanish legislation or any other relating to the use of such signs.

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