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MMM February 2012 issue

Lucie Cranfield

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To all MMM subscribers,


I am delighted to let you know that the February 2012 issue has been posted out to MMM subscribers today. You should receive your copy early next week, before the official on-sale date of Thursday 12th January.


We hope you enjoy our green motorhoming issue, and don't forget to answer our competitions, we have over £3,500 worth of prizes to be won in this issue.


Have a great weekend.





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Ours arrived Monday 16, much better than the last issue. But what a strange article about "Planet Saving Eco-Sites" page 93. Should have been country sites with wildlife! Places like Barnard Castle CC site have rainwater harvesting to flush loos, solar panels to heat water and a ground heat pump for heating and of course designed to fit in with the countryside. Thats what I would call an eco-friendly site. David Bellamy awards are to do with wildlife value not saving the planet.
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HYMERVAN Makes this comment about February MMM.


I make no apology for starting a new thread regarding the above.


The February MMM advises at page 29 using :- http://www.umwelt-plakette.de to buy a German Umwelt Sticker at a cost of 40 euros. This is a commercial site charging in effect a service charge over the odds to sell you something you can buy direct from the German Government for 6 euros at :-




The "clone" umwelt-plakette site has been around for a long time and predated the ability to buy online from Berlin. In 2008 I bought the sticker by post from Berlin and got it by return with an invoice for the charge of 5 euros as it was then. Pretty impressive !!


I find it disappointing that MMM should publish an article which is clearly poorly researched.

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