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Water leaks


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Had 2 CI motorhomes Mk2 transit based and was generally disheartened by the near impossibility of stopping leaks from roof joints. Now have a 1990 Swift Kontiki 620/? [its peeled off] which is wonderfull in every respect except for water appearing on the floor in the rear nearside corner, inside the rear hatch, and on the floor under the cascade 2 water heater. Don't think the water is coming from the heater though, and have resealed the rear corner body seal. Anyone had these leaks and succeded in fixing them? Both these were only apparent after removing the original carpet and polythene sheet [what's that for?]



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All motorhomes built using caravan methodology will leak eventually - it's in their job description - and dare I say it?) your Kon-Tiki is no longer in its first flush of youth. They'll leak through seams and/or rubber seals, through roof-lights, through windows and habitation doors and lockers, from on top of the vehicle and/or from underneath - and that's just leaks from the outside, as there's plenty of opportunity for water heaters, water hoses/connections and toilets to leak inside the motorhome.


GOOGLE-ing on "kon-tiki water leak" (omitting the quotes) will retrieve plenty of bedtime reading material, including this




(Not sure how helpful it will be leak-fixing-wise, but it's quite fun!)

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