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Still no UK aires


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Many Posters here have decried the lack of anything similar to the Aires scheme in France and Germany.

I have been trying to find an economical means of touring in the UK and thought that my CCI would enable me to use CL/CS sites to overnight. Sadly not.

Could the lack of an 'aires' organisation have anything to do with the commercial interests of the two major camping organisations that we (used to) depend on to further the enjoyment of our hobby?  Would we be better off supporting 'Hoseasons' ?

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I agree that the lack of UK 'Aires' does our Tourist industry no favours, vested interests in the the UK are still trying to push visitors where they don't want to go. (and it doesn't work !). Also many local Councils have bought in punitive conditions to open spaces with parking areas, and their car parks so that even visiting some towns and attractions, you can end up with a Fine. NOT very 'Tourist Friendly'.

However I disagree with respect to the Caravan Club and the Camping and Caravan Club, Both are owned by the members,not Shareholders and (should !) are run for the benefit of their members,

CL's and Cs's are special 5 van only sites under a special license. Are privately owned and are mainly run at a loss for the owner, some CL's and CS's are fantastic value, others not. Being a member of one or the other Club,does not cost a fortune (about £40 at the moment).

I think that what is required in the UK is a 'Seed change' of attitude towards Tourists, especially 'self contained' ones who don't want to stay at a 'Resort' in a Hotel or Holiday Home.

At the moment, motorhomes and 'touring' caravanners are treated with suspicion and outright hostility in many UK holiday destinations. Ray


Residents at Tourist destinations Complain about Motohomes parking up in the few 'Legal' places available to them, and about the tourists attempts to find water,rubbish disposal,toilet cassette disposal, whilst making NO efforts to lobby their Councils to provide such facilities. Tourists,even 'self-contained' ones spend money in local shops and attractions. The French and other European Countries are aware of that fact, WHY not the British ???

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Further to the above comments...


There are aires in the UK we call them CL's and for an anual fee of £40 ish you can use hundreds if not thousands of em for a pitifully small charge anywere between £4 - £15 depending on amenities, or not as the case may be.

As rayjsj quite rightly points out most are run more like a hobby than a business, I have said many many times before on various threads unless your CL is in the heart of a tourist area there aint no money in it I can assure you. We pay for liability insurance, maintenancs costs etc etc. It takes me about 4 hours to do a proper mowing job on our 1 acre site and probably uses around £8 of fuel to do it (and I dont get a wage from it.) We like it to be nice so do it at pretty much every week so thats a pitch for one night per week just to cover the mowing, I wont bore you further but the list goes on etc etc etc.


My point is this, instead of using a gallon of fuel driving around trying to find a suitable lay by go straight to a CL and relax safe in the knowledge that your safely and legaly parked and no police are going to breathalyse you for being in possesion of the keys. You will also be contributing to the lawn mower costs of the poor sod who has to spend hours on end going up and down trying to keep the lines nice and straight ... :-D


So aires ...... yes there are thousands of em

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Maybe someone could lobby for a change in the law to allow CLs and CSs to legally accept foreign visitors who would not then be expected to pay an expensive sub to one of the so called clubs for a short visit to Britain. This could well bring in plenty of tourists if the lists were available at Tourist Information Centres and articles written for European camping car magazines.


I would not expect it to be successful though as I believe the Caravan Club has MPs on the payroll to represent their interests. I am sure they would offer strong opposition to any such suggestion.

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I am not 100% sure what the relationship is between the camping clubs and CS/CL owners. It seems to me the owners have to find the investment to buy the land, install services and actually run the site but simply in return for granting a licence the clubs are entitled to insist only their members can use the sites.


Maybe a better way would be for the site owners to pay a modest fee to the clubs in return for regular inspections etc but allow their sites to be used by anyone - non members, tourists etc. Still keep the 5 vans rule to avoid problems with planning laws etc.



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Easyliving - 2012-01-10 4:57 PM




I am not 100% sure what the relationship is between the camping clubs and CS/CL owners. It seems to me the owners have to find the investment to buy the land, install services and actually run the site but simply in return for granting a licence the clubs are entitled to insist only their members can use the sites.




Yes that just about sums it up...

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ips - 2012-01-10 7:39 PM
Easyliving - 2012-01-10 4:57 PMHiI am not 100% sure what the relationship is between the camping clubs and CS/CL owners. It seems to me the owners have to find the investment to buy the land, install services and actually run the site but simply in return for granting a licence the clubs are entitled to insist only their members can use the sites.Paul
Yes that just about sums it up...

Just think of the 500,000+camping-cari/Wohnmobile owners touring Europe and avoiding the UK because they have no where to park , or at least no where similar to where they are used to parking, All those Euro's could go a long way towards repaying your mowing effort..............
I'll think of you when sitting on the ride-on in the spring:-)
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Yes, there are CL,s and CS's but they are nothing like aires. To stay on popular ones you need to book ahead, many are in the middle of nowhere with no public transport close by, whilst others are rough, muddy fields. For caranners these places might be O.K. but most are unsuitable for us motorvanners. Nearest thing to aires in U.K. are week-end rally sites run by CCC and MCC on which you do not need to book, if you select with care are hard standing and close to aminities,but are only week-ends. At end of day forget U.K. for aires (our cultural attitude means we will never have them in any quantity) and go to France as often as you can.
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I still have family back in the UK and would like to use the Camping Car to visit them, in addition there are some areas of the UK I would like to revisit. CL/CS would go half way to my dream but would not provide a sani point which even with the best intentions I will need for a visit exceeding 5 days, I've become so used to Aires both for parking overnight where welcomed and for a top up and drain down.

A guess a visit to a bona fide camp site would be necessary but I hear that camp sites in the UK will only accept bookings for three or more days which doesnt suit our style. I've heard of roumours about Pubs who offer overnight Parking in exchange for custom, sounds better, but the essential need to flush out the bilges still remains, how do you manage?

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Retread24800 - 2012-01-10 8:12 PM


CL/CS would go half way to my dream but would not provide a sani point which even with the best intentions I will need for a visit exceeding 5 days,


A guess a visit to a bona fide camp site would be necessary but I hear that camp sites in the UK will only accept bookings for three or more days which doesnt suit our style.


I've heard of roumours about Pubs who offer overnight Parking in exchange for custom, sounds better, but the essential need to flush out the bilges still remains, how do you manage?




I don't know where you've been getting your info but it isn't reliable.


1) At the VERY LEAST each CL/CS has to provide (for members of the respective club) a fresh water point, a loo emptying point and a rubbish bin.


2) I know of many UK sites (including Club sites, local authority sites and commercial sites) where there are no minimum booking requirements. Indeed I would say that those WITH conditions are in the minority (although CCC does require a 2 night weekend stay for a service pitch, ie. one with electric hook up, if booking is made in advance). We spent over 7 weeks touring Scotland including the Orkneys and Shetlands without making any bookings. We have also had 2 and 3 week journeys in England without making any bookings. We have even done some of our travels in the height of the school summer holidays without making bookings although common sense has led to us phoning to check if a pitch was available. As CCC members we were able to turn up at a temporary holiday site with loos and showers in Whitby for £8.50 per unit per night for as short or as long a period as we wished in late July/August.. In that case members left their membership cards at Reception on arrival and paid on the day they left. No one asked how long you wanted to stay. Incidentally THS are run by CCC volunteers.

Thus we have found the same freedom of NOT BOOKING in UK as we find in mainland Europe.


3) There is some sort of scheme for stopovers at pubs but I don't know any details. Hopefully, someone else on the forum will be able to give you the facts.

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I am probably going to get a lot of grief here but::---


I think we all know why Motorhomes are not welcome to park up overnight in the UK.

When facilities have been provided they have been abused. There are a number of examples of this in coastal resorts and in Scotland.


See http://www.motorhomeplanet.co.uk/archives/4725


Scotland are now starting to discourage wild camping not only due to abuse but also motorhomers not using local facilities does not go down well. On this forum last year there was a contibutor bragging about only spending £6 in a whole week whilst on a Scottishe Island, which did have community shops.


I know it is only a minority who cause the problems but unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush.


I don't know the answer to this possibly perciefed problem. Does anyone?












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Retread24800 - 2012-01-10 8:12 PM

I still have family back in the UK and would like to use the Camping Car to visit them, in addition there are some areas of the UK I would like to revisit. CL/CS would go half way to my dream but would not provide a sani point which even with the best intentions I will need for a visit exceeding 5 days, I've become so used to Aires both for parking overnight where welcomed and for a top up and drain down.

A guess a visit to a bona fide camp site would be necessary but I hear that camp sites in the UK will only accept bookings for three or more days which doesnt suit our style. I've heard of roumours about Pubs who offer overnight Parking in exchange for custom, sounds better, but the essential need to flush out the bilges still remains, how do you manage?

There's a 'pub' scheme for motorcaravanners described onhttp://www.motorhomestopover.co.uk/index.htmlThere are also entries (123 currently) for the UK on the campingcar-infos website.Realistically, there is more chance of me becoming a internationally famous ballet dancer than an 'aires' network of the type/scope available abroad being spread across the UK. And, even if (say) 500 Continental-style aires were set up in the UK, I'm far from convinced that this would persuade significant quantities of foreign motorcaravanners to flock to these shores regularly in the way in which UK motorhomers migrate abroad. Why go north when you can go south? Why go to an island when you've got a huge continent to explore without needing to negotiate a sea-barrier?I recall discussing a forthcoming motorhome trip to the UK with some French acquaintances who owned a farm within the France Passion scheme. I told them that there was nothing equivalent here to the French aires or France Passion networks and their reply was that a lack of aires would not worry them as (having 3 young children) they would never dream of overnighting on aires in France as they would be concerned about security. So it's not just a Brit thing to be wary of aires...These are a couple of oldish French reports on trips to the UK that may interest. One refers to joining the CCC and the other mentions the CC.http://gb2006.pagesperso-orange.fr/GrandeBretagne/index.htmhttp://www.pascalsainz.com/article-grande-bretagne-2007-39767853.html
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Looks like the UK may as well shut down then according to some comments made on here.


Goodness me, because you own a motorhome means you're restricted to going over to France and using aires does it?


What twaddle.


I'm not going down the well worn and tiresome path of aires v sites here but trying to illustrate the fact that not everyone needs (or wants) to use that form of camping, nor do they necessarily wish (or have) to be following a budget.


Does the UK have nothing to offer because we have no aires network or we have to be reached by a ferry or tunnel?


Of course not, this country has plenty to offer. London, Cornwall, Snowdonia, York, The Lakes, Cotswolds, almost anywhere in Scotland to mention just a few excellent spots.


Now before anyone chimes in with, weather, fuel costs, camp site fees etc, don't bother. We're all on holiday for different needs. We're not all on holiday counting every single penny and seeking every last minute of sun.


Yes I go to France - but I'm not so blinkered so to exclude my own Country.



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LordThornber - 2012-01-11 9:19 AM


Looks like the UK may as well shut down then according to some comments made on here.


Goodness me, because you own a motorhome means you're restricted to going over to France and using aires does it?


What twaddle.


I'm not going down the well worn and tiresome path of aires v sites here but trying to illustrate the fact that not everyone needs (or wants) to use that form of camping, nor do they necessarily wish (or have) to be following a budget.


Does the UK have nothing to offer because we have no aires network or we have to be reached by a ferry or tunnel?


Of course not, this country has plenty to offer. London, Cornwall, Snowdonia, York, The Lakes, Cotswolds, almost anywhere in Scotland to mention just a few excellent spots.


Now before anyone chimes in with, weather, fuel costs, camp site fees etc, don't bother. We're all on holiday for different needs. We're not all on holiday counting every single penny and seeking every last minute of sun.


Yes I go to France - but I'm not so blinkered so to exclude my own Country.




Very well put Martyn, I whole heartedly agree with you.



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Cliffy - 2012-01-10 10:40 PM



I am probably going to get a lot of grief here but::---


I think we all know why Motorhomes are not welcome to park up overnight in the UK.

When facilities have been provided they have been abused. There are a number of examples of this in coastal resorts and in Scotland.


See http://www.motorhomeplanet.co.uk/archives/4725


Scotland are now starting to discourage wild camping not only due to abuse but also motorhomers not using local facilities does not go down well. On this forum last year there was a contibutor bragging about only spending £6 in a whole week whilst on a Scottishe Island, which did have community shops.


I know it is only a minority who cause the problems but unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush.


I don't know the answer to this possibly perciefed problem. Does anyone?











Why then, ? does the problem not arise in the rest of Europe ? or does it, and they just approach the Mis-use on a Time by time basis ? Wheras we tend to 'Shout Loud' and tar all motorhome users 'Wild campers' the same. I read recently about the 'Camping areas beside Loch Lomond being 'Closed off' because of mis-use, I have seen this Mis-use personally, it was nothing at all to do with Motorhomes or indeed vehicles at all, but 'week-end drinking warriors' in tents and cars.

They arrive 'en-masse' proceed to drink themselves stupid, tear down trees to make a fire, then Vomit and defacate all around the area. NOT ONE arrived in a motorhome or a Camper !!

The Answer, arrest them 'as it happens' not a ban for everyone. And Yes, I did ring the police to complain but 'Suprise Suprise' no-one came, only the local Council on Monday to clear the mess up.

Banning Wild Camping for ALL law abiding people does NOT stop the abusers. *-) Ray


and as an aside I WILL continue to Tour Scotland and Wild Camp and stay on sites as the Oppurtunity arises, I will spend money locally (especially to replensish Malt whisky stocks) as for ONLY staying on sites... i'm afraid in the Highlands that isn't always possible, although there are 'some' CL's/CS's not many.

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There lies the rub though :-S these sites are 5 van sites usually, and for us as members to use them we have to pay the membership fee of £40+ plus, and I dont think any of us would be happy to try and get on one, only to find it full of people that arent members :-D sorry but we are paying to 2 clubs and only manage if were lucky to get on a site a couple of times a year! were mad I know but there you are.


Would it not be worth your while to come over on the a club site, join there for the £40 get the books which are well worth £20 and for the rest of your tour use the CS/CLs.

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Rayjsj - 2012-01-11 12:34 PM


Cliffy - 2012-01-10 10:40 PM



I am probably going to get a lot of grief here but::---


I think we all know why Motorhomes are not welcome to park up overnight in the UK.

When facilities have been provided they have been abused. There are a number of examples of this in coastal resorts and in Scotland.


See http://www.motorhomeplanet.co.uk/archives/4725


Scotland are now starting to discourage wild camping not only due to abuse but also motorhomers not using local facilities does not go down well. On this forum last year there was a contibutor bragging about only spending £6 in a whole week whilst on a Scottishe Island, which did have community shops.


I know it is only a minority who cause the problems but unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush.


I don't know the answer to this possibly perciefed problem. Does anyone?











Why then, ? does the problem not arise in the rest of Europe ? or does it, and they just approach the Mis-use on a Time by time basis ? Wheras we tend to 'Shout Loud' and tar all motorhome users 'Wild campers' the same. I read recently about the 'Camping areas beside Loch Lomond being 'Closed off' because of mis-use, I have seen this Mis-use personally, it was nothing at all to do with Motorhomes or indeed vehicles at all, but 'week-end drinking warriors' in tents and cars.

They arrive 'en-masse' proceed to drink themselves stupid, tear down trees to make a fire, then Vomit and defacate all around the area. NOT ONE arrived in a motorhome or a Camper !!

The Answer, arrest them 'as it happens' not a ban for everyone. And Yes, I did ring the police to complain but 'Suprise Suprise' no-one came, only the local Council on Monday to clear the mess up.

Banning Wild Camping for ALL law abiding people does NOT stop the abusers. *-) Ray


and as an aside I WILL continue to Tour Scotland and Wild Camp and stay on sites as the Oppurtunity arises, I will spend money locally (especially to replensish Malt whisky stocks) as for ONLY staying on sites... i'm afraid in the Highlands that isn't always possible, although there are 'some' CL's/CS's not many.


Maybe the answer there then is to lobby the Councils to instal parking machines as they do over in France and Germany, we dont mind paying we have been charged anything between 3 and 16 euro and cant remember staying anywhere for free.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

The single biggest issue for us in the UK, is the lack of immediacy. I rarely when in France know or care where I may end up by the end of the day, knowing I can just tootle about and invariably find an Aire or a Municipal without ANY pre-planning or phoning ahead to someone who may or may not answer their phone.


Powys to date are the only council that provide extensive stopovers, mind you they don't provide facilities.But at least it's better than nothing, as someone alluded to most CL's are grass based, and with our climate are not the best surfaces for a front wheel drive 3.5 ton van. So an Aire system would be great, but I would not hold your breath.

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LordThornber - 2012-01-11 9:19 AM






this country has plenty to offer. London, Cornwall, Snowdonia, York, The Lakes, Cotswolds, almost anywhere in Scotland to mention just a few excellent spots.


Now before anyone chimes in with, weather, fuel costs, camp site fees etc, don't bother. We're all on holiday for different needs.


Yes I go to France - but I'm not so blinkered so to exclude my own Country.





I agree with you Martyn!

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mel wood - 2012-01-11 9:54 PM


LordThornber - 2012-01-11 9:19 AM






this country has plenty to offer. London, Cornwall, Snowdonia, York, The Lakes, Cotswolds, almost anywhere in Scotland to mention just a few excellent spots.


Now before anyone chimes in with, weather, fuel costs, camp site fees etc, don't bother. We're all on holiday for different needs.


Yes I go to France - but I'm not so blinkered so to exclude my own Country.





I agree with you Martyn!


Me too, absolutely.


Buying a motorhome does not give one special rights.

There are no Aires in the UK. Accept it, adjust touring needs accordingly if you want to explore the UK.


Posting indignant pleas for Aires on a Forum is not going to change things.

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