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Staying on Aires in France


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Hi, When we tell fellow 'vanners that we spend much of our time in France staying on the aires they often respond with " but is it safe?" Well clearly any activity in life involves some risk, but we have had no problems or felt concerned on any of the aires we have stayed on and given the large numbers of (French) vans on many of these aires then others must think the same. Why then this concern? We think there are two reasons. First a confusion about which aires we are talking about. We mean the offical "aires de service" or "aires de staionnment" set up in villages and towns all over France just for motorhomes not motorway service areas of picnic areas. We never stay on these. Second much of the motorhome press is clear opposed to any notion of us staying off site, probably due to pressure from campsite owners who advertise in the mags. If you would like read more about staying on aires, the freedom it offers and costs saved then we have a short article on the Motorhometoday forum you might find of interrest. Robert and jean
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