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Robbed in Spain --- PETITION


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Further to my thread Robbed in Spain which in just over three weeks has now drawn over 11,000 views and more than 300 posts, as most will already know I am currently petitioning my MP and MEP's.......in fact anyone in authority who will listen in the hope of gaining wider publicity and ultimately, getting something done!


A few people have suggested both in the main topic thread and pm's I have received, about collecting names and addresses of concerned fellow motorhomers. Obviously I am not asking anyone to publicise their home address on the board, but to send to me via PM ONLY. This is not just for those of us living in the UK, but also forum members living abroad such as Bruce and JamesFrance.


I have already completed a rough draft letter ready to go off to my local MP Bill Cash, so for anyone who wishes to help add some campaign 'clout'.......please pm me your address which I assure will not be disclosed to anyone other than an MP/MEP or (possibly) copy to the Spanish Ambassador.


As long as there is fire in the belly I will keep banging at doors until I receive some sort of responsive action.


Let's get this issue rolling.



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Guest 1footinthegrave

I can only wish you well in your endeavours, sadly I think your energies will be wasted. I'm convinced the level of this type of crime is a direct result of the almost total invisibility of the Police. This seems to be a problem both here and most European countries. I never cease to be amazed at the distances I can travel without seeing any Police presence of any description apart from the odd speed camera van, even they too seem to be in decline.

On our last trip in excess of 2000 miles, we did not see a single Bobby / Gendarmerie ,unbelievable, but true.


A 999 call my brother recently made about someone wielding a knife and threatening a neighbour resulted in a rapid response of nearly an hour, mind you the local Police station closes at 6 pm.


So the low lifes make a judgement, what's the chance of them being caught in the act, answer zero. You have been traumatized and to be honest in the light of such an experience if it happened to me I very much doubt I would continue to travel, and certainly not solo. Politicians, don't waste your time, this issue may be of interest to them if they were part of the Motor-home fraternity, I doubt any are.


I can understand your fury, especially at the pathetic reply from the MEP, but my advice would be to put it and the experience behind you. Online government petitions of 1000's of signatures are routinely ignored by our lords and masters.


If I have learnt nothing else in my 66 years I have learnt that politicians are a complete waste of space, don't waste your energies.

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With respect, Mike, I disagree. If our father's generation had adopted that attitude we would all be speaking German now! However, in reality BG's suggestion may not bring any results but we can at least try. I will be sending a PM. It is after all the responsibility of our government to try to protect UK citizens wherever they are. Perhaps it would be a good idea to harrass (?) the British ambassador to Spain so that he can lend some diplomatic weight on his Spanish counterpart re losses to tourism. A huge number of British people, not just motorhomers, spend time in Spain, particularly over the winter period. In one way of course that might work against us as the government want our money spent in the UK economy, not in Spain's!


With regard to the police presence abroad I have always seen many Spanish police albeit hanging about smoking etc. on the main routes into towns, the same applies to France. However, there are not so many on the motorways except at toll stations. France is different. Even in the small towns you will find very well-manned National Police stations and during each night they visit my tiny hamlet which is up a very narrow lane miles from anywhere.


Edit: As a footnote perhaps Bulletguy could publicise his name on his profile so that we can respond to him more personally.

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Guest pelmetman
Just a thought BG, had you thought of starting an "E"Petition on the Downing Street web site?.......Admitadly your unlikely to get the 100,000 signatures needed for it to be debated, but it all adds grist to the mill ;-)
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Guest JudgeMental

Getting what done exactly! I really think its about time you took responsibility for your own stupidity and stop casting around looking for someone to blame....... simply move on but be better prepared next time.


also what is with the bullet avatar? *-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pelmetman - 2012-01-11 9:12 AM


Just a thought BG, had you thought of starting an "E"Petition on the Downing Street web site?.......Admitadly your unlikely to get the 100,000 signatures needed for it to be debated, but it all adds grist to the mill ;-)


The say no to 70 million "E petition" reached well over that number, result, absolutely no meaningful action, but good luck anyway.

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Hi just to let you know Bruce (BGD) and Kathy are away on a 3 week M.H. tour at present hence lack of posts and little friction with a certain puppy dog on here.

VERY much doubt if Bruce would support your idea though thinking about the actual figures he posted regarding likleyhood of being the victim of a criminal act in Spain against the Uk.


Personally the main concern I would have thought for the Spainish aurthorities would be the effect on tourism but this is hard to actually value. In the hard times we are going though and believe me Spain is far worse I can not see a government putting vast amounts of money into more police, training and investigation.


Wish you well though as the thread has got massive and been read by many people so it is obviously a big concern.


Mr B :-D

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JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 11:17 AM


Getting what done exactly! I really think its about time you took responsibility for your own stupidity and stop casting around looking for someone to blame....... simply move on but be better prepared next time.


also what is with the bullet avatar? *-)


Happy New year to you too you rude aggressive arse.......


As for the 'bullet' avatar.......what's with yours?..or are naked breasts more acceptable?

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Guest JudgeMental

Me aggressive? pot kettle black springs to mind


My avatar is part of a long running gag which you are obviously to thick to appreciate...Also I see no naked anything? I think you need the assistance of a mental health practitioner.

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1footinthegrave - 2012-01-11 4:36 AM


I can only wish you well in your endeavours, sadly I think your energies will be wasted. I'm convinced the level of this type of crime is a direct result of the almost total invisibility of the Police. This seems to be a problem both here and most European countries. I never cease to be amazed at the distances I can travel without seeing any Police presence of any description apart from the odd speed camera van, even they too seem to be in decline.

On our last trip in excess of 2000 miles, we did not see a single Bobby / Gendarmerie ,unbelievable, but true.


A 999 call my brother recently made about someone wielding a knife and threatening a neighbour resulted in a rapid response of nearly an hour, mind you the local Police station closes at 6 pm.


So the low lifes make a judgement, what's the chance of them being caught in the act, answer zero. You have been traumatized and to be honest in the light of such an experience if it happened to me I very much doubt I would continue to travel, and certainly not solo. Politicians, don't waste your time, this issue may be of interest to them if they were part of the Motor-home fraternity, I doubt any are.


I can understand your fury, especially at the pathetic reply from the MEP, but my advice would be to put it and the experience behind you. Online government petitions of 1000's of signatures are routinely ignored by our lords and masters.


If I have learnt nothing else in my 66 years I have learnt that politicians are a complete waste of space, don't waste your energies.

What a selfish and defeatish attitude. Hope you never need any constructive help from this comunity.
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JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 11:17 AM


Getting what done exactly! I really think its about time you took responsibility for your own stupidity and stop casting around looking for someone to blame....... simply move on but be better prepared next time.


also what is with the bullet avatar? *-)

What is your problem?. If you can't type something relevant, then don't bother. What a prat.
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Patricia - 2012-01-11 7:48 AM


With respect, Mike, I disagree. If our father's generation had adopted that attitude we would all be speaking German now! However, in reality BG's suggestion may not bring any results but we can at least try.


Positive 'noises' are always better than no noise at all!


Edit: As a footnote perhaps Bulletguy could publicise his name on his profile so that we can respond to him more personally.


Attempted to sort that Patricia but for some reason it hasn't gone on.


Anyway it's Paul.

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JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 11:17 AM


Getting what done exactly! I really think its about time you took responsibility for your own stupidity and stop casting around looking for someone to blame....... simply move on but be better prepared next time.



You and I may not be singing from the same hymn sheet but at least you are helping to keep both these threads on the front page by posting! (lol)



also what is with the bullet avatar? *-)


I made millions of the damn things for the past thirty years..........legally!

Happy now?


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Guest 1footinthegrave
peter - 2012-01-11 3:37 PM


1footinthegrave - 2012-01-11 4:36 AM


I can only wish you well in your endeavours, sadly I think your energies will be wasted. I'm convinced the level of this type of crime is a direct result of the almost total invisibility of the Police. This seems to be a problem both here and most European countries. I never cease to be amazed at the distances I can travel without seeing any Police presence of any description apart from the odd speed camera van, even they too seem to be in decline.

On our last trip in excess of 2000 miles, we did not see a single Bobby / Gendarmerie ,unbelievable, but true.


A 999 call my brother recently made about someone wielding a knife and threatening a neighbour resulted in a rapid response of nearly an hour, mind you the local Police station closes at 6 pm.


So the low lifes make a judgement, what's the chance of them being caught in the act, answer zero. You have been traumatized and to be honest in the light of such an experience if it happened to me I very much doubt I would continue to travel, and certainly not solo. Politicians, don't waste your time, this issue may be of interest to them if they were part of the Motor-home fraternity, I doubt any are.


I can understand your fury, especially at the pathetic reply from the MEP, but my advice would be to put it and the experience behind you. Online government petitions of 1000's of signatures are routinely ignored by our lords and masters.


If I have learnt nothing else in my 66 years I have learnt that politicians are a complete waste of space, don't waste your energies.

What a selfish and defeatish attitude. Hope you never need any constructive help from this comunity.


I'd love to hear what exactly is selfish in any of my post, defeatist maybe, or apatheitic even I'll concede to that. I have over many years taken on exactly this kind of issue with everyone from MEP's to our wonderful Welsh AM's the result is always the same. How active are you in trying to affect change before slinging mud at people like me with your completely unjustified comment, I have at least had a go in the past without success. I was for nealy two years embroiled in a situation with the local government ombudsman, and Gwynedd council, again it turned out to be bloody futile.

The help I offered was my opinion for Bulletguy to not waste his energy and ultimately be dissatisfied with the outcome. If you seriously think a few folk on here can drastically alter Spanish policing you must be an eternal optimist.

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Thanks to this OP a lot of us are more aware of the sittuation.

I for one am very grateful that someone is trying to do something about it.

The links to the you tube videos were really helpful as a picture can tell a story.


Thanks Bullet

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chris - 2012-01-11 4:50 PM


Thanks to this OP a lot of us are more aware of the sittuation.

I for one am very grateful that someone is trying to do something about it.

The links to the you tube videos were really helpful as a picture can tell a story.


Thanks Bullet


Totally agree.


Also I think that negative comments from certain quarters are unnecessary, don't you think the OP has beaten himself up enough about this ever since it happened?


Phrases like: "Pride comes before a fall" and "With the benefit of hindsight" come to mind.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
peter - 2012-01-11 3:41 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 11:17 AM


Getting what done exactly! I really think its about time you took responsibility for your own stupidity and stop casting around looking for someone to blame....... simply move on but be better prepared next time.


also what is with the bullet avatar? *-)

What is your problem?. If you can't type something relevant, then don't bother. What a prat.


Pity you don't heed your own advice then.


I'm bound to say that it's as if being mugged, robbed, pick pocketed, burgled, comes as a complete surprise to some posters on here. Just be vigilant all the time, it's not a problem confined to M/home users, a friend had all her holiday cash dipped out of her bag on her first day in Spain on a local bus a couple of years ago. And celebratory chefs nick wine and cheese, and may try to nick yours.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2012-01-11 3:53 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 11:17 AM


also what is with the bullet avatar? *-)


I made millions of the damn things for the past thirty years..........legally!

Happy now?

Must admit I can't tell what type round it is BG.......is it the standard SLR round or a Orleiken Shell.........sorry no spell checker on the Kindle ;-)

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JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 3:32 PM


Me aggressive? pot kettle black springs to mind


My avatar is part of a long running gag which you are obviously to thick to appreciate...Also I see no naked anything? I think you need the assistance of a mental health practitioner.


Your post:


JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 11:17 AM


Getting what done exactly! ...... stupidity .....looking for someone to blame....... simply move on but be better prepared next time.


also what is with the bullet avatar?


Looks pretty aggressive(and abusive) to me as does your response referencing 'thick' and 'mental health'......


The OP wasn't asking for your verbal diarrhoea so in all honesty it would be better IMO if you kept your abusive posts in your mind and your fingers off the keyboard.....though I expect you're a keyboard warrior......what a big man you are!!!


Regarding your Avatar...well your name suggests it all....Judge?...you certainly do without knowledge. 'Mental'?...maybe you are maybe you're not but I don't make personal attacks unless I now someone or someone is being abusive....though with the content of your posts I'm inclined to think you might be.

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sshortcircuit - 2012-01-11 7:16 PM


Can I ask what the subject matter of the petition is to be.


One of my MEP's wrote back informing me that she felt it a matter of interest to be brought to the attention of the Spanish Ambassador in the UK. Normally she would have taken the matter on herself but is due to step down as my MEP next month so suggested I write direct myself. I felt it would be better if I had some official representation so have drafted a letter ready to go off to my local MP whom I have had dealings with before.


A few posters in the main 'Robbed in Spain' thread suggested a petition would add some clout which is why I opened a separate thread.


In a nutshell.........the subject matter is about getting something done rather than sitting around fiddling whilst Rome (or Spain in this case) burns.

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Guest JudgeMental

listen to me roger, just mind your own business you pig ignorant and stupid man.


You have totally misquoted/misunderstood me and read into my post what you wished to read...Dont judge me by your own standards you cretin

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