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Robbed in Spain --- PETITION


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1footinthegrave - 2012-01-11 5:41 PM


peter - 2012-01-11 3:41 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 11:17 AM


Getting what done exactly! I really think its about time you took responsibility for your own stupidity and stop casting around looking for someone to blame....... simply move on but be better prepared next time.


also what is with the bullet avatar? *-)

What is your problem?. If you can't type something relevant, then don't bother. What a prat.


Pity you don't heed your own advice then.


I'm bound to say that it's as if being mugged, robbed, pick pocketed, burgled, comes as a complete surprise to some posters on here. Just be vigilant all the time, it's not a problem confined to M/home users, a friend had all her holiday cash dipped out of her bag on her first day in Spain on a local bus a couple of years ago. And celebratory chefs nick wine and cheese, and may try to nick yours.

Are you Judgemetals spokesperson now then?.
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Guest 1footinthegrave

No he has not asked formally, I'm sure he can fight his own corner without my help.But thought it was a bit rich of you to accuse him of nothing to contribute, then what from you, zilch


The friendly forums, as misnomer if ever there was one. :D :D :D

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I really do wish that people would cease to ruin a serious subject by pursuing personal vendettas.


Many of the comments in this thread are totally uncalled for and gratuitously offensive.


If you cannot make a constructive contribution surely it would be better to engage a little brain before posting complete rubbish and making yourself look foolish in front of the many people who will find this topic in the future.

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JudgeMental - 2012-01-11 7:45 PM


listen to me roger, just mind your own business you pig ignorant and stupid man.


You have totally misquoted/misunderstood me and read into my post what you wished to read...Dont judge me by your own standards you cretin


(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


'Listen'?....how pray does on listen on a written forum?


Name calling?.......well that displays a limited grasp of the English language along with a high degree of presumption on your part.


Mind my own business?......it's an open forum where you aggravated the issue by being unnecessarily rude to the original poster calling them stupid and accusing them of looking for someone to blame which obviously is not the case.........or is it the case that as an 'Expert' poster on here you feel have the right to vitriolic abuse of other forum members?.....Grow up please!



To Bulletguy....good luck with your campaign. I sincerely hope you get somewhere with it.

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robertandjean - 2012-01-11 9:47 PM


In full agreement with the Judge on this one. Bullet man needs to move on;


I am...........to my MP.



Was I caring about myself on December 10th? Yes.


Was I thinking I may be robbed here on this Spanish Autopista? No.

Otherwise I would never spend most of my touring in remote areas of East European countries which you would probably see as 'uncivilised'.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
As said before I have every sympathy for you, but ( and this is perfectly true ) my son-in-law was mugged ( robbed ) of his mobile phone in broad daylight in central London, sometimes it's simply about being in the wrong place at the wrong time, nothing more, nothing less.
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robertandjean - 2012-01-11 9:47 PM


In full agreement with the Judge on this one. Bullet man needs to move on; yes being robbed is an awful experience but it is no good putting the blame on the Spanish police, MEP,s etc when really a lack of care and thought by the man himself was the main cause.


Oh goodness… so let’s all kick a man when he is down.

So he wasn’t vigilant, he should have known better, it’s all his own fault.


Why the complacency?


Ok, he didn’t judge the situation well. But all he is asking for is support. If you cannot give it, avoid the thread. If you can give that support, contribute. No need for the “I told you so” smug posturing.


I rarely post on here, but the lack of any kind of Christian charity from a minority of posters has dragged me out of “lurking”.


Maybe The Complacent Ones have never made a wrong call. That’s fine. The rest of us – mere mortals that we are – often do. Fortunately with less serious outcomes.


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Well said Gwendoline.


As far as I'm concernd, the only post that has any validity whatsoever in this thread is the original one from Bulletguy. It was a request for anyone willing to back him in his quest, to contact him by P.M.

All other posts are irrelevant, including my own. So why don't we all stop arguing and leave it at that.

He doesn't need the knowalls telling him what he should or shouldn't do.

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peter - 2012-01-11 10:44 PM


Well said Gwendoline.


As far as I'm concernd, the only post that has any validity whatsoever in this thread is the original one from Bulletguy. It was a request for anyone willing to back him in his quest, to contact him by P.M.

All other posts are irrelevant, including my own. So why don't we all stop arguing and leave it at that.

He doesn't need the knowalls telling him what he should or shouldn't do.


I PMd Bulletguy earlier today, and we have exchanged emails.


Thank you for endorsing my post Peter.

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I'm with BG on this. Some of you people have been going down to Spain for years knowing about this problem and fair enough warning other folk, but that's all you did. Unfortunately they stuffed BG but at least 'HE' is trying to do something about it, so why don't you people that have been knocking his efforts at least try to support him. No matter how much precautions you take, it could still happen to you and could easily turn out far worse. Watch those video's and see how fast it happens.


Come on, support him.



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robertandjean - 2012-01-11 9:47 PM


In full agreement with the Judge on this one. Bullet man needs to move on; yes being robbed is an awful experience but it is no good putting the blame on the Spanish police, MEP,s etc when really a lack of care and thought by the man himself was the main cause.


If someone coverts my goods then he, or they, are the guilty ones, not me for leaving things unguarded. Therefore, the main cause of this incident is the gang of robbers, not the victim.


I am afraid your post comes over as support for the wrong doers, much the same, if my memory serves me correctly, as the support expressed by the Judge for the students rioters.It really pains me that apologists excuse this awful behaviour, as if it is normal, making excuses for the peperpetrators instead of trying to help them moderate their behaviour. I really despair for the future.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I think a reality check is called for here. It's not about supporting the OP or not, it's about the reality of living in this age. We all need to be alive to the fact that any of us can be a victim of the scum bags, and the best way of avoiding that scenario. Which is not to expect some miraculous mindset change in the villains of this world, or a copper on every street corner any time soon. God knows we need better Policing in this country, never mind Spain, or why is it we all live behind triple locked front doors, alarmed up to the hilt, and belong to neighbourhood watch schemes,and Grannies going round with personal alarms in their handbags, and in some parts of the UK advised to keep our car doors locked at traffic lights to avoid being a car jacking victim.


.Why the need to have alarms, tracking devices, immobilisers, coded keys, for our Motor-homes, you all know why. If the solution to all of these robberies was to write to some career politician I'd be the first up for it, but as I alluded to in an earlier post our local community campaigned against the closure of our local Police stations, result, they still closed. You all have similar stories I'm sure.


The advice is and has been out there for a long time about these type of crimes,............ of course the OP is not at fault, victims of crime never are, but can you help yourself not becoming a victim, yes you can, by being ever vigilant. Oh and resist the knee-jerk reaction to shoot the messenger of life's little realities. :-(

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Good afternoon BG, I see you have made your ID known to us (Paul) I have PM'd you with my name and address, please feel free to use it in your campaign Robbed in Spain Petition. If we can shout loud enough then there might be chance our voice could be heard (not to hopeful) but at least you will have tried. Anything to try and make our travels safer must be a good IMO.


Good Luck Paul.




PS. Now you have my name and address, I hope you ain't a Gyppo :D :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
nowtelse2do - 2012-01-12 2:03 PM


Good afternoon BG, I see you have made your ID known to us (Paul) I have PM'd you with my name and address, please feel free to use it in your campaign Robbed in Spain Petition. If we can shout loud enough then there might be chance our voice could be heard (not to hopeful) but at least you will have tried. Anything to try and make our travels safer must be a good IMO.


Good Luck Paul.




PS. Now you have my name and address, I hope you ain't a Gyppo :D :D


Be careful, you'll have the anti racist thought Police banging your door down, and I'd be very wary of giving my details through an internet forum, might get deluged with yet more junk mail.

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It is a private PM and given in good faith and maybe able to help Paul in his campaign, and in turn help us in the long run, All Paul has got is my name and address (no email address) If he wishes to contact me, he can through PM's. Everyone on here knows my christian name but thanks for your concern 1footinthegrave much appreciated :-D



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Yes of course the robbers are the ones in the wrong here, that goes without saying, and we are surprised that some of you suppose we would think otherwise. As most of you must know by now we do hold liberal views, and make no apoligies for this, but that does not mean we support criminal behaviour, just that we do not think that there is a black and white solution to everything, but always shades of grey. We still think the Judge was right to point out the need to move on and that thinking, for example, that the local police should speak English is an unreasonable assumption. We have no intention to "kick a man when he is down" and if we came across as saying that then we are sorry; nor do we think that eastern Europe, which we have toured, is uncivilised. Hope this adds clarity to our position.
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BG you have my sympathy. Being a victim of crime is never a pleasant thing and whilst it is easy to say you should have taken precautions it is never that easy. What we have to remember is that crime has been around for a long time. The police were formed because of it a long time ago. That said I suppose the easiest thing to remember is that criminals will take the easy route to fulfil their ambitions. What happened to BG is an easy crime to commit. It relies on human nature and trust. You trust they are genuine and act accordingly whilst their accomplice is removing your goodies. Nice and easy and nobody gets hurt. Back in the 80's car crime was rife in the UK. Manufacturers did something about it and as a result we have rolling codes, encrypted codes etc etc to such an extent that the new way to steal a reasonable car is to burgle the house and remove the keys then steal the car. The major problem in relation to crime prevention is that the crim moves on to the next stage. In South Africa they just hi-jack at the robots (traffic lights) using a firearm. If that becomes the easiest way in the UK then it will happen - god forbid but watch this space.

I actually agree that the Spanish police ought to have a means of communicating with English people. The UK police have a system which has been mentioned above whereby an interpreter can be contacted by phone and matters sorted. Because of the number of Brits visiting Spain I would have expected a method of communication to be in place for the police. I do not criticise individual officers for not being able to speak english. How many english police officers speak another language never mind Spanish.

The main thing is that we should be on guard. Be aware and take reasonable precautions. If you feel the need to stop when someone is waving their arms etc then so be it but, leave someong in the vehicle, lock the doors, if on your own consider whether or not you are getting out - depends on how busy the road is etc. if you do - lock the doors. Up till now violence has not been offered and as long as good pickings are available for non violent crime then it will continue. Many people now travel in convoy to their destination. I have seen posts where people have asked if anyone is travelling to Spain at a certain time. That, to me, is a good idea. So far as support is concerned I am at a loss to understand what it is that you are trying to achieve. For example, if you want more police on the roads for protection then consider that when they get bored they will start stopping more vehicles (Brits) and enforcing the law of the land. How many overloaded motor homes are on the roads in Spain and France? How many A frames are currently ignored, notwithstanding it is a straight forward offence in Spain. Finally, just to put things on an even keel. I have no time whatsoever for the toe rags committing these crimes and so far as I am concerned may their next turd be a hedgehog backwards. Nothing nice should happen to them and I do not blame the victim. However, the victim can reduce the risk of it being them. The awful thing is that it will be someone else.


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Bulletguy - 2012-01-11 7:42 PM


sshortcircuit - 2012-01-11 7:16 PM


Can I ask what the subject matter of the petition is to be.


One of my MEP's wrote back informing me that she felt it a matter of interest to be brought to the attention of the Spanish Ambassador in the UK. Normally she would have taken the matter on herself but is due to step down as my MEP next month so suggested I write direct myself. I felt it would be better if I had some official representation so have drafted a letter ready to go off to my local MP whom I have had dealings with before.


A few posters in the main 'Robbed in Spain' thread suggested a petition would add some clout which is why I opened a separate thread.


In a nutshell.........the subject matter is about getting something done rather than sitting around fiddling whilst Rome (or Spain in this case) burns.


So whats it all about? What is hoped the petition will achieve?

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sshortcircuit - 2012-01-12 9:49 PM


So whats it all about? What is hoped the petition will achieve?


[blue]Visible and prominent warnings for all foreign tourists (with particular note to the AP-7)

Multi language facilities in place 24/7 at all Police Stations.

Immediate attention from the Authorities to any victim/s.

Availability of CCTV (which appears to be questionable).[/blue]


Doing something is better than doing nothing.

If people are not prepared to fight for something......then they do not deserve to have it.





Finally......as this thread is veering totally off topic, can I ask that any further opinions be posted on the "Robbery in Spain" thread leaving this thread for those wishing to contribute via PM to the Petition which of course is purely voluntary.


I understand there are some posters who hold differing views and opinions and welcome both sides onto the "Robbery in Spain" thread where further discussion of the subject itself will be more relevant.


Thank you

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Bulletguy - 2012-01-12 11:46 PM


sshortcircuit - 2012-01-12 9:49 PM


So whats it all about? What is hoped the petition will achieve?


[blue]Visible and prominent warnings for all foreign tourists (with particular note to the AP-7)

Multi language facilities in place 24/7 at all Police Stations.

Immediate attention from the Authorities to any victim/s.

Availability of CCTV (which appears to be questionable).[/blue]


Doing something is better than doing nothing.

If people are not prepared to fight for something......then they do not deserve to have it.




Finally......as this thread is veering totally off topic, can I ask that any further opinions be posted on the "Robbery in Spain" thread leaving this thread for those wishing to contribute via PM to the Petition which of course is purely voluntary.


I understand there are some posters who hold differing views and opinions and welcome both sides onto the "Robbery in Spain" thread where further discussion of the subject itself will be more relevant.


Thank you


Gosh, this is still totally unclear. What do you hope to achieve?


Try and be a bit more descriptive eg AP-7, is this a bookies line?

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sshortcircuit - 2012-01-12 11:58 PM


Gosh, this is still totally unclear. What do you hope to achieve?


Try and be a bit more descriptive eg AP-7, is this a bookies line?


You can easily find the answer to that question if you took the time to read the other thread. I've given you the link so you don't have to search for it.

And please post further comments in that thread......not this one.



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