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Gaslow Euronozzel

Big Momma

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Tried the 'Search' before posting this and nothing came up. I have 2x11Kg Gaslow bottles fitted into my van, nearly 2 years ago now. At that time it came with 2 x Adaptors for Europe. I have since heard that there is a new adapter out called the 'Euronozzel'. Can anyone tell me, a) If I don't get this can I still use the original 2 Europe adapters or B) does this new adapter completely replace the other two ?
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Big Momma - 2012-01-19 2:03 PM


Thanks for that. I guess by the terminology you have used "gradually being introduced" and "mainly in Spain" that this answers my other questions. So may be worth getting if travelling to Spain otherwise stick with what I have already got :-D


I have only come across this new adaptor in Spain and Switzerland but I would guess any new gas pump fitted anywhere in europe now is likely to have it.

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Ta Muchly to everyone. It appears fromthe lots of information I have now been inundated with that this is mainly used in Spain in new build LPG outlets. Where the new adapter style fitment is being used the service station/outlet usually have the adapters for use by customers without one or you can buy these at various places, including Ebay. However, it also appears that the 2 adapters are still used in most other areas of Europe so I think I will buy the 'Euronozzel' then I will be covered eh :-)
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Big Momma - 2012-01-19 9:24 PM


Ta Muchly to everyone. It appears fromthe lots of information I have now been inundated with that this is mainly used in Spain in new build LPG outlets. Where the new adapter style fitment is being used the service station/outlet usually have the adapters for use by customers without one or you can buy these at various places, including Ebay. However, it also appears that the 2 adapters are still used in most other areas of Europe so I think I will buy the 'Euronozzel' then I will be covered eh :-)


Sorry to disappoint you but the assumption that the "new" Euro adaptor is mainly used in new build LPG outlets is wrong. When I was last in Spain winter 2010/11 the "new" adaptor was required at Benavente and on one of the two pumps at Alicante, both of these premises were existing LPG outlets.


The attendant at Benavente lent me an adaptor and I used the non Euro pump in Alicante.

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An earlier forum thread about the "Euronozzle" includes a link to a video-clip demonstrating its usage, plus a useful link to other clips demonstrating how alternative 'Continental' LPG refilling adapters are employed. See:




The Euronozzle is available from here (Section - Optional Extras for Kits ... Part No: 01-4305)



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