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Having been inspired by the recent series on TV about Sicily, was wondering if anyone has motorhomed there, & would much welcome views, tips etc.

Is it best to take a boat from Genoa or Naples for example, or is that costly?


( Do hope it's not as dire as the Spanish robbery thread I've been reading; don't really fancy dealing with Cosa Nostra/Mafia)

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Guest JudgeMental

JUST finished watching last program in the series...Was very impressed, and particularly by the Easter weather! but a bit far to go for a few weeks....


ferry makes sense, at least one way I would think, But Italian toll roads are cheap, we visit Italy every year but as we go summer time have avoided the south due to the heat....


As long as you are security minded and take sensible precautions, you will be fine but watch your handbag in tourist areas......

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well JudgeMental, a few weeks is what we have in mind. Can't see it would take more than 4/5 days to get there would it? what are we talking, 1500 odd miles,or am I way out? As you can tell, haven't really thought this through - just seems like a good idea. Carpe Diem & all that
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We took our van to Sicily seven years ago (before we decided we really liked La Belle France best of all ; prior to this we toured most of Europe). We drove right down to the toe of Italy and crossed from Villa to Messina. This crossing is fairly cheap and the advantage is that you see much of southern Italy on way up and down. We enjoyed Sicily and had no trouble with crime but driving not easy as drivers reluctant to stop at red lights! Many great places to see; do take a tour up Mount Etna, spend a few days in Palermo (a city with a real edge to it) visit the temples at Agrigento and then relax at Cefalu. We did not find any "aires" so, with reluctance used sites, but have since notice aires listed on sites like camping-car infos. To be honest we did not do enough prior planning as only decided to go at last minute.

Give it a go and enjoy.

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Hi, I travelled all the way down to Sicily 2 years ago during late April/May. The further South we travelled past Sorento so the more barren and empty it seemed to become with very little if any campsites open. We made the short ferry crossing to Sicily and more by luck than judgement managed to find campsites that were open. The whole island seemed relatively empty! Ive since found out that the majority of Sicily's inhabitants live and work in Germany for most of the year and return to Sicily at the height of Summer, when empty villages burst into life for the remainder of the month before they emigrate again! Not wanting to backtrack the way we came we poodled round the island then up to Palermo where we jumped a ferry to Salerno. I would say that 90% of the Germans and Dutch people we spoke to whilst travelling round the island had travelled from Genoa to Palermo and return.
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Guest JudgeMental
bridie - 2012-01-22 8:25 PM


For further "appetite whetting" try reading the Inspector Montalbano series of books. We're certainly planning a holiday there, one way or another, after reading them and watching the TV series.




Have only 3 to go in the series...saving them! :-D


Big momma try I Player and the search function......


Rosie, yes I would think you could if you wish get there in 4 days. but a bit rushed and not a very relaxing break..probably return more tired then when you left :-S

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I went there in 2006, but I had three and a half months off. It would be possible to get there in 4 or 5 days, but hard work. If driving all the way as I did, take the Caronte Tourist boat from Villa San Giovani to Messina. There are a few sites open at that time of the year. I based myself in Camping Almoetia near Taormina and was happy there - friendly owner and reduced rates after a week. It also has a restaurant. I also stayed in Siracusa, near the theatre, in Agrigento, south of Menfi and near Segesta - but I was taking photos of Greek and Roman sites. I did not much enjoy driving in Palermo but other than that I have to say I felt safer in Sicily than in several other places in Italy, Naples for example. The weather was fine when I was there (Nov-Dec) with plenty of sunshine and 20-22 degrees in the day and around 10 at night. It was COLD up on Etna though. Hope this helps.
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Canterbury to Reggio di Calabria is 1450 miles by the most direct (via Switzerland), motorway, route. So, 300 miles per day for 5 days, or 365 miles per day for 4 days.


Allowing for motorhome speeds, that would mean leaving at 09:00 and arriving by 17:00 every day, with one hour for lunch, to reach Reggio by 16:55 on the fourth day (average speed 52 MPH), or alternatively leaving at 10:25 every day, but otherwise as above, to reach Reggio 16:58 on the fifth day (average speed 53 MPH). No allowances for toilet breaks, finding stopping places, sightseeing, or shopping, which would have to be done before departure, after arrival, or during your one hour lunch break. (Don't ya just lurve AutoRoute? :-))


That's some truckin', and it doesn't sound much like a holiday to me, but hey, if that's what turns you on! :-D

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Thank you all for your input. Not sure if we'll bite the bullet. Actually Brian I love truckin', but I'm not allowed behind the wheel very often. I looked at ferries from Genoa which appear to be about 200 Euros one way. I suppose that's not bad if you compare cost of diesel + sites down to the bottom.


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We went to Sicily and crossed from San Giovanni to Messina. Although we had come from Greece it is a long way down Italy, there are no toll charges on motorways in Southern Italy (the Mafia kept robbing them so they gave up). You get a 3 month return ticket on the ferry so have plenty of time to wander around Sicily if you have the time. Make sure you go with the trucks as they sent us with the cars and it was ever so tight. There are plenty of places to stop travelling down through Italy and also in Sicily as free camping is allowed. At most beaches you will find a motorhome or two. We used the Guida Camper book to find the sostas (which you can buy from Vicarious books)

We used our ACSI card at most sites in Sicily and found some really good sites. We went at the end of April and had no problem with sites being open. We tended to do half free camping and the rest of the time on sites. You must go to Etna and it is best to do what we did, stay the night and go on the cable car the next morning before the tourist buses arrive. There is parking for motorhomes at the bottom of the cable car.

Hope this helps

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that's a very positive contribution, thank you Petra. It's interesting how peoples' experiences differ. We have been to Sicily on a package holiday, which whetted our appetite, although one of the main sites I wanted to see - the roman mosaics at Piazza Armerina , was closed for renovations. I was spitting as a visit had been advertised as part of the package, & we weren't advised beforehand. But I digress....
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Did it last January and thoroughly loved it!! We actually also travelled round the heel of Italy so used the short ferry crossing!


We possibly will go back (and include Tunisia maybe). If we do would ferry from Genoa to Palermo -Germans that we spoke to did it for less than €300 return and is cheaper than driving the 1300km each way.


We didn't use many sites and had no problems parking in some lovely spots.

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