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Seitz habitation Door Blind


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The tension on our Habitation Door Blind has got stronger & the Blind has split / torn part way across at the lifting bar



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I assume once you have gained entry within the Door liner it may be possible to re-attach the lifting bar & adjust the tension.


Can anyone advise if it's feasible to repair or is a replacement required.

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Based only on other similar blinds from the Dometic-Seitz stable - If there's some spare fabric on the roller it is possible to cut off the damaged section and to reinsert the fresh end into the lead bar. Hell of a fiddle though and needs to be dead square to work and to look well.


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Hi Flicka,


I needed a new blind because one of the plastic locking lugs broke.


To cut a long story short, I had to phone up the Dealer who sold the van new and with their records, they got me the correct one. You cannot buy a piece of the blind, only a complete one. Mine was about £65 and Discover Leisure were the dealers.


Have a look at a repair and then turn the blind upside down to hide the bodge up. From memory, it might work. I found it easy enough to remove complete and refit. Use a silicone spray to ease the spindle. Stiffness has probably contributed to the damage. WD 40 would also do the job but be sparing as it might mark the material. Incidentally, I put just enough tension back on so that the blind kept its shape.


If you go online to order from the UK stockist of spares (forgot their name), be certain that you are ordering the right blind. I could not get one from them even though I gave them as much information as possible.


Good luck.

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Hi flicka,

On my blind the plastic lugs broke and I was left with the lifting bar as 2 halves of plastic, so I re-assembled the blind by putting the fabric between the 2 plastic halves and joined them with pop rivets, so far 12 months on and all still works fine.

Pretty solution is a new blind, but at what cost ?


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Thanks Neill & T8LEY for link to Leisurespares, I managed to find the Parts List.


Thanks for your info Mike,


Does not look to be an easy job, as I will need to remove the habitation Door inner liner & hope the Blind does not tear fully across.

Once I have removed the Door Liner I may be able to see if Handle Bar will open to re-insert the Blind.

Door blind.docx

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