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Motor Home Club Which One?


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We have ceased our membership of those Clubs that are, in our opinion, no longer serving the interests of Motorhomers such as we.


We don't want or need loads of facilities (or the extortionate fees that go with them!)


We like going abroad


We like ferry discounts


We like simple rallies


We don't like generators, so if a club allows generators they need to be carefully controlled.


We like dogs, on a lead at all times. ( If you had been attacked by a dog you might be so inclined ).


Is there a Club that might suit us?


There is no intention to discuss dogs or site fees, we are just trying to state what we do and don't like :-D



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The Camping and Caravanning Club.



You could use their CS sites and Temporary Holiday Sites and book ferry crossings with them (although sometimes better deals are available by booking direct with ferry companies or through the Caravan Club).


If you are a member of any Club you can use those aspects/services which suit you and ignore anything that does not appeal or is not suitable for you.


Personally we (and many other motorhomers) find the benefits of belonging to CCC and CC far outweigh any difficulties or frustrations encountered but I am aware that some people think differently.


(You did not state the Clubs of which you have ceased membership.)

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As has been said,not sure what "Clubs" you've ditched..but I would've thought either of the two "main" clubs would fit your needs anyhow?.. :-S


..okay,so they aren't motorhome "specific" but does that *really* matter? (..I know some on here seem to take it as a personal affront but could never quite fathom out why? )


..and if you,quote.." ...don't want or need loads of facilities (or the extortionate fees that go with them!)"..then just use their large networks of CLs and CSs....


I'm not sure what clubs are available on the Continent though.....

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Don't often do it myself but last time I visited a CCC holiday site it was £5, had few facilities, was a simple rally, forbade gennies outside 10-12 and 2-4 and dogs were on leads. If over 55 you can also stay on most of their main sites for around £5-6/head in mid and low season. Plus a network of CSs of course - with varying rules over gennies & dogs, being on farms often few rules at all. We like the CCC's RAC Arrival scheme (but ADAC might suit many rather better for full Europan use) and have had some good ferry discounts over the years. The Motorcaravanners Club is known for rallies as are the various owners clubs. Don't know of any clubs to help abroad but there are a number of schemes like Asci, France Passion, etc. There's a discount campsite scheme for motorhomes too, something like arrive after 8pm and leave by 9/10am can't remember the name of it just at this moment.


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We've been members of the CCC for several years now, and reckon we get good value from our membership, even though we've only spent one night in all that time on a Club site.


"Forest Holidays" - good value sites run (I think) by the Forestry Commission, open to members of CCC.


CSs - same principle as CC CLs, but seem (subjectively) to be noticeably cheaper on average (we used to be in CC, long time ago). Don't tell anyone, but CSs are also a teeny bit more flexible, in that if there are already 5 units on a CS most of them will still let you stay for the odd night as long as there's space.


And first time this year - ferry discounts: got a P&O crossing this coming July for the price of a DFDS one.


Oh, plus the fact that their directors DON'T go marauding around Europe publicly condemning the whole idea of "off-site" motorhoming.

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Tony Jones - 2012-01-25 5:24 PM  Oh, plus the fact that their directors (Caravan Club?) DON'T go marauding around Europe publicly condemning the whole idea of "off-site" motorhoming.

Now I wonder why they would do a thing like that, maybe they have shares in a Camp site organisation rather than being tasked with representing Members interests.*-)

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Retread24800 - 2012-01-25 4:56 PM
Tony Jones - 2012-01-25 5:24 PM  Oh, plus the fact that their directors (Caravan Club?) DON'T go marauding around Europe publicly condemning the whole idea of "off-site" motorhoming.

Now I wonder why they would do a thing like that, maybe they have shares in a Camp site organisation rather than being tasked with representing Members interests.*-)

Eh!?..personally,I just joined the "clubs"(..firstly CC,then the C&CC),purely to get easy access to a wide network of campsites... :-S ..I certainly didn't join them,so that I'd have someone to "represent" my interests.. 8-) (..and surely, as an organisation that runs campsites,it would be slightly farcial to expect them to say "..s*d staying on sites..we'd recommend pitching in a layby or local beauty spot.."? :-S ) I do think,that sometimes,people take the fact they've got the word "club" in the title,just a little bit to literally... :-S
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neillking - 2012-01-25 5:03 PM  There's a discount campsite scheme for motorhomes too, something like arrive after 8pm and leave by 9/10am can't remember the name of it just at this moment.

Your International Camping Card ( supplied by your 'Club') gives you access to the site discounts etc available to members of the FFCC details here

The FFCC also operates the accueil camping-car scheme which gives lower rates for Motorhomes on Camping complexes which I think you may be refering to.

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Retread24800 - 2012-01-25 4:56 PM
Tony Jones - 2012-01-25 5:24 PM  Oh, plus the fact that their directors (Caravan Club?) DON'T go marauding around Europe publicly condemning the whole idea of "off-site" motorhoming.

Now I wonder why they would do a thing like that, maybe they have shares in a Camp site organisation rather than being tasked with representing Members interests.*-)

The C Club is actually owned by the members, there are no shareholders as such. But do agree that that the 'Leaders' often seem 'out of touch' with their membership. However the Club sites do tend to reflect that 'Money is being spent on them' rather than on 'Static vans' and 'Holiday lodges' !! no names, no pack drill. *-) Ray
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Retread24800 - 2012-01-25 5:46 PM

So the 'Clubs' are camp site operators who charge an up front fee before allowing you to use their facilities?

Well,I suppose if you exclude any possible discounts for ferries or breakdown insurance or 2 for1 admission into attractions etc,then yes..that's pretty much the way I see them and that way I'm never disappointed... ;-) (...mind you ,I am easily satisfied,as I don't expect the AA man to still salute me either... (lol) )
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For family reasons we were unable to have our usual spring sojourn in Europe last year and decided to join the MCC just to see what it was like. We definitely had our money’s worth! We attended three rallies:

Upton-upon-Severn Jazz Festival - £12 for the weekend – within easy walking distance of the village centre. (This did not give entrance to the main Jazz arena).

The Bristol Balloon Fiesta – we were camped, literally, across the road from one of the entrances. And we had a good view of the balloons as they became airborne. (Entrance was free to all).

The Welland Steam Fair. Excellent value. The daily cost to enter the fair was £10 per adult. We camped and had unlimited access to the fair at a cost of £15 for the weekend.

There were many other rallies held and had we been able to we would have attended a few of them.

All of the people we met were friendly and as has been said elsewhere because it is the Motor Caravan Club, rallies are organised with MHs in mind. It’s worth noting that some of the rallies extend from Thursday to Monday. Also in our experience the MCC has more rallies at the MMM and other shows than the C&CC.

As always it’s a case of different things for different people. Like us you can choose the rallies that appeal and as such if you enjoy weekends away in the company of other motorhomers then, in my opinion the club is excellent value for money. We will renew our membership for this year.


Nearly forgot - they have a branch in Spain.


Cattwg :-D

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Retread24800 - 2012-01-25 6:07 PM
neillking - 2012-01-25 5:03 PM  There's a discount campsite scheme for motorhomes too, something like arrive after 8pm and leave by 9/10am can't remember the name of it just at this moment.
The FFCC also operates the accueil camping-car scheme which gives lower rates for Motorhomes on Camping complexes which I think you may be refering to.
Indeed yes and it's a good scheme. As ever it won't appeal to all but yet another link in France's multi-coloured web for motorcaravanners! Anyone watch a modern version of Chaucers tales some years back and recall the fantastic phrase "all part of life's multi-coloured string vest"? It does wonderfully describe many aspects of motorhoming especially in France.
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I am a member, and remain so, of the caravan club for no better reason than the discounts on ferry prices. Again, this year I have a return ferry, Dover-Dunkirk for £48.00. Out in Feb and return in May. no special times to cross. That was a Jan offer but you can still get £58.00 return for a motor home. They have CL's etc if that is your thing.

I am also a member of the Motorcaravanners Club. For me they are the bees knees. They have, like other clubs, rallies all over, in location groups. I am a member of the Northern Counties. The rallies of interest are such as the Sunderland Air Show where they have a field for the rally which provides a spectator base. The various groups around the country have rallies to support similar events where the attendees have a good if not spectacular view point. For those attending the three m's events the MCC have a position close to the action for it's members. This can also be said of the various 'makes' clubs who also have positions close to the action.

I think what you have to do is decide what it is you want then see who provide your requirements. As you have probably guessed, the CC and MCC provide what I want. Abroad, particularly in France, facilities are so available you do not need a club to support your requirements.

Hope this helps - before making a final decision consider your insurance - red pennant with the CC if that is what you want. I am sure the CCC will provide something similar. Also medical. Again they all provide something, you just need to determine which does what you want.

Good luck


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We are members of the


CC&C for the DA meets, HS’s (good value in peak season) and the travel service which has a wide range of rallies aboard of course not forgetting Arrival with the RAC,


MCC they have some very good rallies of different types they visit the shows which we enjoy and as previously said they have a Spanish section, and they welcome all makes and models of Motorhome.


We also belong to the Owners Club for our van which has again a good selection of rallies; they attend the major shows and have some smashing continental tours.


We are not tied to any one and each has a feature that we like, we are never at a loss for somewhere to go or for a holiday to select.


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Thank you Guys and Gals, some interesting input.


I have decided to join the Motor Caravanners Club (MCC) and we will also be in the Severn Valley Section.


I have dropped out of the CC Club and the CC as I found neither suited my particular needs, I did give them a good try, I have a 25 year badge somewhere.


I will be at the Newton meet if anyone recognises us say hello.


H (AKA Geoff Swann)

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