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New choice of Panel van layouts

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental


A few new updated panel van conversions with new layouts that may be of interest,


when downsizing the main shortcoming with PVC's is te lounge which is not very big. Adria have just introduced a new van the SPX. It is 636 m long (same length as twin single twin bed model) but with conventional rear transverse bed, and the extra space has been exclusively used at front. it has typical Euro layout of L shaped sofa and bigger island table. So you end up with bit of a better lounge then a normal PVC




They also have a new SF model with rear French bed? (6m)




Hymer also attempting to catch up with the competition and have introduced a stretched version of the

car 322 the Car 372, this is more or less identical layout to longer twin bed Globecar that is becoming very popular ...




I nearly bought the Hymer last time but they did no PX so may well look at this next time...but the Adria larger lounge model appeals as well....I am sure there will be more alternatives as panel vans seem to be becoming more and more popular. whether the hassle of extra vehicle length is worth the extra space is something to think about.........


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Interesting, the first Adria is almost a copy of Globecar Familyscout L, second is similier to Autocruise Alto with the same narrow bed and washroom.

The Hymer is an almost exact copy of my Campscout with it looks like same shower moulding but different colour, guess it's because Hymer group(Deleffs) make Campscout.

p.s. Eddie, I've said before the extra lenght of L4 is not realy noticable over L3, but the ride is IMO not as good due to the stiffer suspension.

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Thanks for info Eddie. Good that van conversion manufacturers are increasing length of conversions, as one of problems with same is lack of space/storage compared with coachbuilts. Even with extra length coachbuilts still have edge and when price is taken into account then really it is no contest. For example, we have on order a new Tribute 725G, on Euro V Transit with Sports Pack, for £37,000 which would seem, given space, storage, 4berths etc, much better value than any van conversion. Yes it is a bit wider, but not much, higher, but again not a great deal, and just over half a metre longer than the the "extended" van conversions, but we think much better value for money and much more comfortable to live in. O.K. so the hump on the Tribute means lower mpg, but again in our opinion a price worth paying, but if van converters can increase length a little more, include a slide out and be more realistic with price then we may change our views.
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Guest JudgeMental

I went to Dusseldorf show fully intending to get longer Globecar...but decided as I wanted a van I can use in London as second vehicle I would stick to 6 m van, Very glad that I did as I can get to most places I want in the van and manage to park...


If wife was retired and we were going on longer trips I would def get longer van...as for a coachbuilt never again! :-D

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Guest Tracker

Sorry folks but I just can't see what all the fuss is about over a 6.36 metre long panel van with so many internal compromises when a similar length coachbuilt will usually be oozing luxury and convenience and more than likely cost less to buy as well!


I'm not knocking panel vans - just redressing the balance of the anti coachbuilt movement campaign!


6.36 metres is a long van and is going to be pretty awkward to park in a confined space (supermarket?) with such a long wheelbase and this should be considered on balance in conjunction with the slightly narrower body - but however narrow the body is the wing mirrrors still need to pass through the same gap!


That said the inward sloping side panels should make it easier to thread down narrow lanes - if narrow lanes are your thing!


Each to their own!

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Tracker - 2012-01-26 8:20 PM


Sorry folks but I just can't see what all the fuss is about over a 6.36 metre long panel van with so many internal compromises when a similar length coachbuilt will usually be oozing luxury and convenience and more than likely cost less to buy as well!


I'm not knocking panel vans - just redressing the balance of the anti coachbuilt movement campaign!



What "anti coachbuilt movement campaign"? If you read the post above you will see two talking about PVC's with no anti coachbult comments, and one with anti PVC comments, so you are hardly redressing the balence you are further unbalencing it :D


Funny enough not seen any coachbuilts with same layout and headroom/storage space as our Campscout, so for us a coachbuilt would be a compromise just on layout 8-)

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Guest Tracker
Sorry Colin didn't mean to offend - just my tongue in cheek humour that doesn't always work online as well as it does face to face - but I still can't see the attraction of 'em that big?
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Thanks for the heads up Eddie had our Chasson Twist two years now and carried extra people twice I think in all that time, So would like a bench seat lenghways facing the sliding door which would give a lot more room in the front but no converters do that so here is hoping
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JudgeMental - 2012-01-26 10:05 AM


...They also have a new SF model with rear French bed? (6m)...



Not sure if your question-mark actually means you want to know what a "French bed" is, but I'll assume it does.


The term seems to have crept into UK motorhome parlance to describe an interior layout with a generic fixed rear longitudinal 'double' bed. In fact, it's probably accurate to call most such motorhome beds "French" as the term is normally used to describe a bed that's wider than a traditional single bed but narrower than a traditional double bed.


There's a useful summary of interior layouts here:




It's also worth mentioning perhaps (particularly for motorcaravanning newcomers) that the forums are not the only source of useful motorhome-related information on the Out&AboutLivte website. There's a lot of good stuff elsewhere - for example, the "Handy Guides" section on the "Motorhome Features" webpage:



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Guest JudgeMental

Thanks Derek, when I wrote the post the term "fixed longitudinal bed" had disappeared for my mind....early onset dementia I guess *-)


I was unsure of the term French bed...hence the question mark


I suppose we cant mention a French bed model without including the Rapido V56 which came out in 2011




One problem with the French bed layout as you noted is that they are normally narrow, say 1200 wide whereas mine is almost 1450. they have to be to accommodate the bathroom next to it. a very nice van if you are not overweight :-S



Colin, ignore tracker with his "oozes luxury and convenience" BS lol


When the reality is come Bed e byes:-D They have to get out the bed rolls consisting of pillows, mattress topper etc...etc... Then make a bed out of a sofa and try and get comfortable sleeping on a smelly old sofa he has been farting on all night, a true vision of loveliness!lol Then if one wants a lay in OR go to bed early OR get away from watching TV.... how does that work without separate areas*-)


Incidentally above comment is regarding layout and completely of topic, If not interested in van based campers why bother getting involved..just ignore the thread. I only started thread to show some new developments in vans...

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Guest Tracker
JudgeMental - 2012-01-27 11:52 AM

When the reality is come Bed e byes:-D They have to get out the bed rolls consisting of pillows, mattress topper etc...etc... Then make a bed out of a sofa and try and get comfortable sleeping on a smelly old sofa he has been farting on all night, a true vision of loveliness!lol Then if one wants a lay in OR go to bed early OR get away from watching TV.... how does that work without separate areas*-)


What a wonderful image you conjure Eddie!


It takes less than five minutes to make the HUGE double bed or two very generous singles up and in our view is well worth the time - what else can you do in five minutes at bed time at your age - but for us the real benefit comes from all that lovely interior space all day long and comfortable lounging all evening especially when 'tis cold / wet / or dark outside!


We too can go to bed individually or lay on a bed with or without TV and if one of us wants to sleep the TV has a headphone socket - simples!


That said we have yet to feel the need to inhabit separate areas of the van but I guess if that is your need then why not tow a small touring caravan behind your van and really have individual comfort - with an intercom if needed!


At least a plain van with windows all round should be better for towing - so there is an advantage after all!

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Guest JudgeMental
LordThornber - 2012-01-27 1:21 PM


Tracker - 2012-01-26 9:09 PM


Sorry Colin didn't mean to offend - just my tongue in cheek humour that doesn't always work online as well as it does face to face - but I still can't see the attraction of 'em that big?


No, neither can I. Just go and buy a coachbuilt van 8-)




Exactly Martyn, He seems extremely desperate to justify his choice...I would not mind if he was a decent sort, but he is a complete and utter arse, as his typical divisive and of topic contributions prove......

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oooh this sounds like it could develop into one of them slanging matches again, whoopee.


Anyway I am going to stick my head above the parapet just for the hell of it and agree with tracker.

I personally cant see the point at all in a PVC even 5m let alone 6.3. At this length any justification of the ease of driving due to narrow width is lost due to the length. Cant see a 6m pvc being particularily easier to drive or park than a coachbuilt and cant even see it being much better MPG. so may as well have the room that a CB offers.


There I have done it now .......... I have got involved in a tracker V judge post :-D


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Guest Tracker
JudgeMental - 2012-01-27 2:18 PM

He seems extremely desperate to justify his choice...I would not mind if he was a decent sort, but he is a complete and utter arse, as his typical divisive and of topic contributions prove......


Was I rude and offensive to you Eddie?


No I wasn't, so why the nastiness?


When are you ever going to stop living inthe past and move on from previous spats with an open mind?


Everyone else on here can manage it so why can't you?


Or is it that you feel that nobody else has the right to air an alternative view?


Please explain and justify why you continually feel the need to hurl abuse and insults?


Let me remind you that contrary to your belief you don't own the forum!


Better nip back to your shrink Eddie as your medication has now worn off!

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Guest Tracker

Funny how you, and often only you, see a different point of view to your own entering a discussion as 'destroying' a thread whereas what really destroys a thread is the sort of humourless antagonistic and eternally nasty tripe continually posted by you.


Get a grip man - grow up - get a life - heaven knows I have reason enough to detest you - but I don't as I merely see you for what you are - a vindictive and pathetic old man stuck in a time warp of hatred - and I'm so glad that I am not the same.


All you have to do if you don't agree is to POLITELY counter it with your own point of view without recourse to abuse and if you consider it not relevant POLITELY say so.


However I suspect that as POLITE does not seem to be in your limited repertoire of suitable words I suppose I am in for a very long wait.


I'm not rude or insulting to you unless you bark at me first and just as I respect your point of view so I expect you to respect mine.


I note that you have not had a bite at anyone else who dares to disagree - so it is just me that is the target of your ongoing nastiness and that alone does your judgement and personality no credit whatsoever.

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Guest JudgeMental
On and on and on and on.......I dont even bother reading your garbage you irritating nonsense. You may as well just talk to the mirror, as in all honestly that is all your doing anyway.......Anyway, thanks again for destroying a perfectly reasonable thread with your selfish platitudes
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Guest Tracker
Colin Leake - 2012-01-27 6:29 PM

I'm in the coach built camp and agree with most of what tracker says but sorry Tracker you are wrong about the wing mirrors. Panel conversions come with the standard mirrors but coach built some with the extended mirrors which so wide that they can be a problem.


Fair comment Colin, and I am indeed indebted to my learned friend!


Some wide coachbuilts do indeed have extended mirrors but I'm not entirely wrong as many coachbuilts - mine included - have the standard wing mirrors fitted - especially newer coachbuilts on the same X250 cab as the panel vans in question.


Because the X250 is somewhat wider than the previous Sevel incarnation and many coachbuilt bodies have remained the same size as they were it before makes the extra width seem less from the outside but retains the space of a square box inside and the standard mirrors can still cope.


I think!!


And for the benefit of my admirers - that is how to disagree on a forum!

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No here's how to disagree on a forum.


Anyone who doesn't have the same van as mine is a complete and utter moron, how do I know this? well it's obvious, my choise is right and everybody elses is wrong, I mean, why would anyone want a longer/shorter, wider/narrower, taller/lower van than the ideal that is mine. *-)

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colin - 2012-01-27 7:31 PM


No here's how to disagree on a forum.


Anyone who doesn't have the same van as mine is a complete and utter moron, how do I know this? well it's obvious, my choise is right and everybody elses is wrong, I mean, why would anyone want a longer/shorter, wider/narrower, taller/lower van than the ideal that is mine. *-)


Sorry Colin you are completely wrong because my van is the ideal one so not sure how yours could possible be.

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Guest JudgeMental
robertandjean - 2012-01-27 8:01 PM


This time Eddie think you are a little out of order. Tracker makes some well thought out points as to why, even the lengthened, van conversions can not match the comfort and space a coachbuilt provides. Do not see therefore why you need to attack him in the way you have.


Tracker was of topic,thread was for those interested in vans, we are all initialled to our choices and ahould be able to discuss a topic without provocation and in peace.


I will start a fresh thread for you lot...So you can all congratulate yourselves ad naseum on yours, as many among you seem very insecure in them. Then maybe (although I hold little hope) there would be no need to poor scorn on us poor deluded van owners...how about that?

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Guest Tracker
rupert123 - 2012-01-27 8:17 PM


colin - 2012-01-27 7:31 PM


No here's how to disagree on a forum.


Anyone who doesn't have the same van as mine is a complete and utter moron, how do I know this? well it's obvious, my choise is right and everybody elses is wrong, I mean, why would anyone want a longer/shorter, wider/narrower, taller/lower van than the ideal that is mine. *-)


Sorry Colin you are completely wrong because my van is the ideal one so not sure how yours could possible be.


You're both completely and utterly bonkers because surely any fool can see that my choice is the right choice for everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So there!

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