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Fishing in France


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As we have now (reluctantly) made the decision to leave our dog at home when we go to France in April/May, my OH has said that he intends to take some fishing gear and perhaps do some fishing this year.  I'm sure there must be many amongst you who enjoy coarse fishing in France so can you give some information please regarding the necessity or otherwise to purchase licences etc.  Is there a waterways authority as in Britain or is a permit from the landowner the only requirement?  Any advice will be gratefully received as we don't want to inadvertantly break any laws!


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Hi Madmaggott

This we give you a start:-

Fishing in France on public waters (rivers) or club waters (there are 4030 Associations Agréées de Pêche et de Protection du Milieu Aquatique (AAPPMA) means you will you will need a fishing licence. If you are going to be fishing on the move in North/West/Central France it may well be worth buying a permit for the grouping which covers 29 Departments. This can be bought on line http://www.cartedepeche.fr/ or in tackle shops. Otherwise the best advice is to talk to a local tackle shop. Fishing licence rules on lakes and ponds is even more complex. The owner of the lake does not necessarily own the fishing rights. Take local advice. Fishing seasons are equally complex. Trout fishing starts on 13th May while Pike opens 13th March. Again take local advice.



“guard de peche” equivalent to our River Bailiffs


Night fishing appears to be banned on almost all public waters. Similarly Echo sounders are also banned.


BTW are "Madmoggotts" good bait >:-)

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Thanks very much for the info, a lot of 'food for thought' there!  I need to ascertain from my OH just how much/where he intends to fish then I'll use your link if necessary.  That's very useful and a good start.

As for bait, I intend to be otherwise engaged when he starts dangling his rod and he certainly won't be getting the chance to try 'madmaggot' bait!! lol


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In practical terms it varies. Down south you can buy a permit that covers the whole of the area and you can purchase this on campsites. I fish everytime we go to France but admittedly do most of my fishing on the sites we stay at, on most sites you can just pay the owner or indeed a great many offer free fishing.

Germany is a much stricter place to fish and there are great penalties for disobeying the rules.

In short if you other half likes to fish whilst you caravan then just find sites with fishing advertized and off you go.

have fun

tight lines


ps Alan Rogers does a book called the 100 best fishing campsites which I own but have not found the need to use

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