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Trailers in France


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Ill s’avère que vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à souhaiter partir en vacances en camping-car accompagnés d’un petit véhicule afin de faciliter vos déplacements.

« L’article R 311-1 du Code de la route définit les catégories de véhicules pouvant être utilisées sur les voies publiques et les ensembles routiers.

Selon ce même article, seule une remorque est autorisée à être attelée à un véhicule à moteur. Hors opération de dépannage, un ensemble roulant composé d’un camping-car et d’une voiture est interdit sur les voies publiques. En conséquence, une voiture doit être obligatoirement placée sur une remorque (porte-voiture homologué) pour être tractée derrière un camping-car. » L’article L110-1 du Code de la route précise qu’une remorque est « un véhicule destiné à être attelé à un autre véhicule, non autopropulsé, construit et conçu pour être remorqué par un véhicule », tandis qu’une voiture est « un véhicule à moteur que le code de la route définit comme un véhicule terrestre circulant sur route par ses propres moyens ». Les remorques appartiennent à la catégorie 0 dans la classification européenne tandis que les voitures appartiennent à la catégorie M1.

Enfin, ce dispositif contraint à décrocher la voiture pour effectuer une marche arrière, ce qui, en cas d’urgence, est tout simplement impensable.

Soyez vigilants, aucun système amovible n’a jamais été homologué en France !

Well there you have it, according to the Federation Francais Camping Caravanning’ No ‘A’ frame has been Homologated in France and the only legal way to tow a car is on a trailer.

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or if you prefer

.05/07/2011 - CAR coupled to a motor home, what regulations?


Ill is that you are more likely to want to go on holiday in a motorhome accompanied by a small vehicle to facilitate the move.


"Article R 311-1 of the Highway Traffic Act defines the categories of vehicles that can be used on public roads and road trains.


According to this article, only one trailer is allowed to be towed by a motor vehicle. Off operation troubleshooting, a rolling assembly consists of a camper and a car is prohibited on public roads. As a result, a car must be placed on a trailer (car carrier approved) to be towed behind a motorhome. "Article L110-1 of the Highway Code states that a trailer is" a vehicle to be towed by another vehicle, not self-propelled, built and designed to be towed by a vehicle, "while a car is "a motor vehicle that the traffic defined as a land vehicle travels on the road by yourself." The trailers are in category 0 in the European classification while cars belonging to the M1.


Finally, this device forced to get the car to perform a reverse, which in case of emergency, is simply unthinkable.


Be careful, no removable system was never approved in France!


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SO, Europe is determined to outlaw 'these terrible British' who insist on towing small cars behind their Motorhomes ? In the USA , just about every RV tows a small car. Why is it that they are more 'Pragmatic ' & 'Rational' about such things ? is it a strange European trait that they like to exert their 'National Differance' in 'Odd' Traffic laws ? These 'A frames' are perfectly Safe, solve a particular problem (mobility without ,blocking village parking). and are easily 'stowed' away and manhandled (unlike a car trailer). I would have thought they would be trying to 'Stimulate' the Tourist trade with 'Tourist friendly' laws rather than discouraging them with 'Restrictive laws'.

OK, I know, 'if you don't like it, Stay Away' and I will.

Funny, Because Sarkozy was saying that we have 'No industry in the UK' well, we have, WE make SAFE, USABLE (in the UK) A-Frames to tow Cars, and no one else in Europe likes them. We do.

:D Ray

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I know someone who was towing a car on an A frame and went over a bump in the road.


The car ended up in the back of his motorhome.


He has carried one on a trailer ever since.


I suppose that safety depends on whether the A frame is rigidly bolted to the car like a trailer tow bar, or can pivot upwards in this situation.

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Rayjsj - 2012-01-30 10:42 AM


SO, Europe is determined to outlaw 'these terrible British' who insist on towing small cars behind their Motorhomes ? In the USA , just about every RV tows a small car. Why is it that they are more 'Pragmatic ' & 'Rational' about such things ? is it a strange European trait that they like to exert their 'National Differance' in 'Odd' Traffic laws ? These 'A frames' are perfectly Safe, solve a particular problem (mobility without ,blocking village parking). and are easily 'stowed' away and manhandled (unlike a car trailer). I would have thought they would be trying to 'Stimulate' the Tourist trade with 'Tourist friendly' laws rather than discouraging them with 'Restrictive laws'.

OK, I know, 'if you don't like it, Stay Away' and I will.

Funny, Because Sarkozy was saying that we have 'No industry in the UK' well, we have, WE make SAFE, USABLE (in the UK) A-Frames to tow Cars, and no one else in Europe likes them. We do.

:D Ray






This jingoist, Johnny Foreigner stuff is really silly guys. Really.


They aren't any more or less pragmatic in the USA.

It is simply that their road traffic laws are different to those of the UK, which are different to those of France, which are different to those of Germany, which are different to those of Spain, etc.


Also, many of the road traffic laws in the USA are made on a State-by-State basis, rather than Federally. Speed limits are one example.

I do not see how you see that situation as "more pragmatic" than in "Europe" (and let's try to remember everyone please that the island of Britain is in Europe).


The national speed limit in the UK is 70mph. In many US States it is 55mph. Which is more pragmatic?

Mains electric hookup is 230volts in the UK,; it is 110 volts (and a different hertz cycle too if I remember right) in the USA. Which is more pragmatic?

They drive on the right in the USA, and in every other mainland European country too; but they drive on the left in the UK. Which is more pragmatic?


The laws, standards, and traditions are simply DIFFERENT in different countries.


"Mainland Europe is trying to ban these terrible Brits"? No. Utter rubbish. Patently not. All they ask of any visitor to their countries is that such visitors obey their national road traffic laws. Same as the UK expects of visitors to the UK.


But even then, you still have a choice.

You don't have to obey their laws. You don't have to put your car on a trailer to tow it, when driving through Spain, or Portugal, or France, etc etc.

Just as you don't have to obey the road traffic laws whilst in the UK.

But in exchange for disobeying their laws in their country, you have to be pragmatic yourself, and thus accept the risk of being caught, and then sanctioned with whatever penalties their law provides for when caught.


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Brian Kirby - 2012-01-30 1:04 AM Yep, translation a bit ragged, but that's about it. Though it would perhaps have been diplomatic to give the credit for the quote to "Le Monde du Camping-Car", one of the two main specialist French motorhome magazines.

Hi Brian

If you opened the link you would have found a page from the FFCC agreed Le Monde du Camping car gave the same advice.

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Rayjsj - 2012-01-30 11:42 AM SO, Europe is determined to outlaw 'these terrible British' who insist on towing small cars behind their Motorhomes ? In the USA , just about every RV tows a small car. Why is it that they are more 'Pragmatic ' & 'Rational' about such things ? is it a strange European trait that they like to exert their 'National Differance' in 'Odd' Traffic laws ? These 'A frames' are perfectly Safe, solve a particular problem (mobility without ,blocking village parking). and are easily 'stowed' away and manhandled (unlike a car trailer). I would have thought they would be trying to 'Stimulate' the Tourist trade with 'Tourist friendly' laws rather than discouraging them with 'Restrictive laws'. OK, I know, 'if you don't like it, Stay Away' and I will. Funny, Because Sarkozy was saying that we have 'No industry in the UK' well, we have, WE make SAFE, USABLE (in the UK) A-Frames to tow Cars, and no one else in Europe likes them. We do. :D Ray

Thats one of the joys of not having the 'Un-elected Burearocrats in Brussels' co-ordinating law across Europe. Allowing Nation States to formulate their own laws. :-)

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In reply to James I know someone whose trailer detached. It frightened him so much he went back to A-frame towing. I know of several caravans that have come adrift whilst towing, perhaps they should all buy motorhomes to avoid this problem. The fact is that if a trailer/a-frame is not secured correctly or has a defective part then it could come adrift. I would have thought that a caravan/trailer with a rigid a-frame would exert more upward pressure when going over a speed bump for instance than would an a-frame with a flexible coupling. I stand to be corrected on this. At the moment I am in Spain having towed there with an a-frame, without problem. Because of all the furore and the fact I have met people who have been fined I have made contingency plans for my car when I return home. At that point, because I wish to continue going to Spain I will buy a trailer, my choice. But James to condemn something on heresay is not helpful.
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Have there been many cases of being pulled by the Police in France for towing with an A frame? I have only heard about people being pulled/fined in Spain so far-Is this a new thing or have I missed some reports?


Is this a result of the Sarcozy/Cameron tiff?





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BGD - 2012-01-30 11:58 AM


Rayjsj - 2012-01-30 10:42 AM


SO, Europe is determined to outlaw 'these terrible British' who insist on towing small cars behind their Motorhomes ? In the USA , just about every RV tows a small car. Why is it that they are more 'Pragmatic ' & 'Rational' about such things ? is it a strange European trait that they like to exert their 'National Differance' in 'Odd' Traffic laws ? These 'A frames' are perfectly Safe, solve a particular problem (mobility without ,blocking village parking). and are easily 'stowed' away and manhandled (unlike a car trailer). I would have thought they would be trying to 'Stimulate' the Tourist trade with 'Tourist friendly' laws rather than discouraging them with 'Restrictive laws'.

OK, I know, 'if you don't like it, Stay Away' and I will.

Funny, Because Sarkozy was saying that we have 'No industry in the UK' well, we have, WE make SAFE, USABLE (in the UK) A-Frames to tow Cars, and no one else in Europe likes them. We do.

:D Ray


This jingoist, Johnny Foreigner stuff is really silly guys. Really.............

Oi! It was Ray wot said it, I object to being swept into the reply! :-)

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Retread24800 - 2012-01-30 1:26 PM
Brian Kirby - 2012-01-30 1:04 AM Yep, translation a bit ragged, but that's about it. Though it would perhaps have been diplomatic to give the credit for the quote to "Le Monde du Camping-Car", one of the two main specialist French motorhome magazines.

Hi Brian

If you opened the link you would have found a page from the FFCC agreed Le Monde du Camping car gave the same advice.

True. :$ But I didn't recognise your header as a link. Apologies: LMCC replicated the FFCC advice verbatim.
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