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Newbury Show Packaging


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I have just returned from a visit to the Newbury show (our first motor home show in our new van) We had a great time looking around at the show & experiencing the camping on site Whilst there we purchased a few goodies for our van All these came with packaging, which we duly disposed of in our local, recycle centre on our return home, as my wife is an ardent believer in recycling However, I see at the show that there was bins provided for the rubbish .We feel that it would be nice to consider recycle bins instead of the large waste bins so well provided at the moment especially for all the bottles cans etc Finally, we were very disappointed to see that an American RV drove out of the show leaving behind 4 very large disused batteries that he had replaced whilst at the show (A large grey van with a red Renault megane car along side for most of Saturday & Sunday) Was he to proud to take them to his local amenity tip or to lazy Hopefully he will read this and feel shamed & in future stop the practice at other places he visits However, could not the organisers make the supplier of the batteries & other larger packaged items that are fitted at the show responsible for the proper disposal of these discarded bits & pieces? It must be like a bombsite to clear up if others adopt this behaviour We cannot be the only people who feel upset with the practice of a few selfish fellow motor homers
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In response to your last sentence - you're not alone! A point about packaging: never dispose of it too quickly, but store it in the garage for at least a month. If what you have bought is faulty, the retailer is entitled to refuse to refund or replace it if you do not return it in the original packaging. After all, he has to return it to his supplier to get his money back.
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Hi Andrew and Jo, yes it would be nice to have recycling bins at the shows but the reality of providing them is a logistics nightmare! The current refuse bins are emptied twice daily (if I'm not mistaken) by a single dustbin wagon but recycling bins would need a multitude of trucks to cater for all the different materials, plastic, glass, cardboard etc. The cardboard truck would be the fullest I suspect as all the traders goods come in cardboard packaging, then you have the punters (you and me) who buy stuff, open it and bin the cardboard boxes the goods came in. As a small business owner I am severely dissapointed that while I pay a large amount of money in rates I get no refuse collection at my workshop whatsoever! If I want to dispose of rubbish i have to either pay extra for it to be collected or take it to my local council's recycling centre! Only problem is they won't let vans on site without a council issued licence! Quite how this situation is supposed to dissuade illegal dumping is beyond me!!! I have to take my business refuse for recycling in my wife's car periodically to avoid paying to dispose of it. As for the low life who dumped his batteries, perhaps you should have taken his registration number and reported him to the organisers. D.
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