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France Palace Versallie

tom rocks

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Hi its been a long time since i was on asking for help, my wife and me are of to The Palace of Versailles in France end of March for a few days can any one who as visited the Palace if there is parking space for motor homes and also if there are any campsites nearby thank you tom
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Close? I don't think there is one.

Up to about 9 years ago, I used to stay in the Hotel de Versailles ( just across the massive square from the Palace) for a couple of nights every month, to attend Group Board meetings at the global

HQ of my Company, nearby.


Much better I think, to stay elsewhere around Paris, and use the Metro system to get to the Palace - there's a station within maybe 10 mins walk.

The palace, and the grounds, are WELL worth the money. It's an awesome place. Massively bigger and more opulent than you ever imagined it would be.


But: take your own food, and water. You'll be financially raped if you buy any stuff inside the Palace.


And when you leave the Palace, walk directly across the enormous square to the buildings on the far right; go into the seafood restaurant along that street on the left, and order the steamed mussels in cream sauce. A food orgasm every time.

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Guest Peter James

I found Versailles a far better place for the public to visit than any of the British Royal palaces, where you get the impression the Royal hangers on don't really want the plebs visiting, only allow a few rooms to be open at very limited times, and generally treat us like uninvited spectators at a feast.


In contrast Versailles has no such incumbrances,and generally treats visitors as equals. Consequently nearly all the rooms are open to the public which makes it too big a place to visit in one day, and tickets are sold for different sections.


We hired bikes inside just to ride around the lake, all dug by hand but enourmous.

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In March you should be OK to park near the Palace, though I wouldn't do it. I have driven our MH around the Palace and the roads around the area are not ideal. Three lanes each way suddenly becomes a narrow single lane with right angle bends around the peripheral buildings.

When we visit we use our ACSI card to stay at Camping International at Maisson Lafitte. The site is OK but we wouldn't pay the full price, though we have been using it about every 2 - 3 years for over 20 years. Château Lafitte is worth a visit, even if you are not interested in horse racing and the park and racecourse are great for walking / cycling.

The trains from here are very frequent and continue into the wee small hours. It is in Zone 5 as is the Palace of Versailles so you can travel between the two with a zone 5 ticket. Public transport multiple day tickets are much cheaper than in London and are available at the station. You could have a couple of days in Paris as well without needing to move the van. Now that we are retired we keep the costs down by eating in the Latin Quarter in Paris. You can still get 3 courses for less than €15.

The bars and restaurants between the campsite and the station in Maisson Lafitte are much more reasonable than those nearer the Château and race course where owning a racehorse seems to be a pre-requisite to entry.


P.S. Just realised that the photo of our van to the left was taken at Camping International at Maisson Lafitte. The site is on an island in the River Seine.

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We went to Versailles some years ago - before the motorhome and arrived at about midday, this was in early November.  We had the palace virtually to ourselves until about 1.30pm when a  horde of Japanese visitors rushed through.  At this time we had been the only four people in the hall of mirrors and within 5 minutes the Japanese had all gone leaving us to peace and quiet again.  So my recommendation is to go in when everone else is eating lunch.


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Hi Tom,


It is a few years since we used Camping Huttopia (it had another name then) and we found the bus service quite convenient to get to the palace, but you have to walk up to the main road for it, about 5 - 7 minutes, if I remember correctly. Info at the camping reception.



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If you really want to take your van in, Google Streets shows parking in front of the main entrance, in the Place d'Armes. Entry to the car park appears to be from Avenue Nepveu Sud. Half the parking area is dedicated to coaches and it is unclear whether a motorhome would be accepted into the car park, or re-directed into the coach park. If practical for you, I'd leave the van on a site and travel in by public transport. Huttopia does indeed look to be the nearest. Only about two miles on foot to the front door.
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Last year we stayed at Maisson la faitte handy for Paris and then drove to Versaille.The car park in front of the gates has a barrier but just below there's another park that vans can use.Get there early to avoid long queues.On certain days coachloads of school children are there.You can walk past the queue once you are in the ticket office and use the cash machines iff you want to.Some vans appeared to have stayed the night on the parking but we didn't feel we could, Well worth a visit.


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