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Hi everyone,

I’ve decided to give this site a go, as I despair of certain other motorhome/caravan related sites and the bickering that prevails therein. In fact; there are several characters that are members of all the other site forums and insist on inflicting their views and philosophy on all and sundry. You know the type; if you have a black dog, they’ve got a blacker bugger! They’ve seen it all and done it all.


Anyway, opening rant over!

I’m a singleton fulltimer in a motorhome, 30 odd years on and off, man and boy....

... I’ve seen it all... and done it…


Oh….. Sorry about that.. Bull-manure seems to be contagious!


Happy trails.


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Windmill-Tilter - 2012-02-03 6:31 AM


Hi everyone,

I’ve decided to give this site a go, as I despair of certain other motorhome/caravan related sites and the bickering that prevails therein. In fact; there are several characters that are members of all the other site forums and insist on inflicting their views and philosophy on all and sundry. You know the type; if you have a black dog, they’ve got a blacker bugger! They’ve seen it all and done it all.....



Happy trails.



Mornin' & welcome Windy'...


After reading your post..the words, "Frying pan"..and.."Fire"..spring to mind! (lol) (lol)


Anyway...have fun! ;-)



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Hi Windy and welcome,

Afraid this site suffers from the 'anyone who thinks or Motorhomes differantly from me is WRONG' Brigade as well. But it's free, and useful stuff CAN be gleaned from the entrenched opinions plus there are 'Helpful' folk out there (here) as well. Enjoy !!!

:D Ray

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Hi Windy and welcome to the site


Think you will find this site home from home by the sound of it!

However apart from the pompous 'I've done it all Brigade' there are some very helpful and friendly people on here....................well a few...............well a couple...............well there's me! :-D


Sure you'll find some of it helpful


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Thanks for the welcome folks,

And I agree; there is a lot of useful info to be gained from all of the sites.

I just got fed up with all the infighting and politics that go on.

Paying a membership fee just to be lectured to, and being told why everything I have done to date is wrong, does become rather tiresome.


Enough of such nonsense...

How are you all coping with the cold snap?

Time for the thermals and goose grease, I think.

Keep warm.






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Guest Tracker

Welcome to the nut house Don and before one of the forum police patrols come around and gives you a careless posting ticket perhaps you should be aware that many folk prefer the 'motorhome matters' section to be just that and heaven help anyone who strays and the place for intros and chit chat is the 'chatterbox' section!


Personally I don't care either way!


Cold? Call this cold? I remember when I were a lad in the deep frozen South, well Eastboune actually, and we had to burn the doors and window frames just to melt the ice on t'inside of t'glass - you lot don't know you're born these day with yer centralised heating and yer triple glazing!!


I'm not quite sure that I would goose grease as a lubricant - each to his own I guess - but it does conjur up an interesting picture!!

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My tip:


If you ask a question, you will get one or two useful answers, and a lot of irrelevant answers from people who either didn't read the question properly, or want to talk about something else.





p.s. nevertheless, a mine of useful info.



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Guest JudgeMental

Welcome! Not many full timers on here so you might find it a bit lonely but there are a few who pop in from time to time...


Why dont you tell us a bit about yourself? what sort of camper have you, and where do you stay? Do you travel to Europe...that sort of thing. Pictures are always nice :-D

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Welcome Don, good to have you aboard!


Windmill-Tilter - 2012-02-03 10:50 AM


Paying a membership fee just to be lectured to, and being told why everything I have done to date is wrong, does become rather tiresome.

... when you can get all that, and more, for free on here!! :D


My tip for avoiding "forum fatigue:"

If you post a question looking for advice or information, anything worth having will probably appear in the first 10 replies. You can safely stop checking after that, because if your thread keeps going it's probably because someone has found something to argue about!

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Brian Kirby - 2012-02-03 12:42 PM


Yes, welcome Don, it's good to see you again.






Reincarnation strikes again?

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Guest pelmetman
Windmill-Tilter - 2012-02-03 6:31 AM

I’ve decided to give this site a go, as I despair of certain other motorhome/caravan related sites and the bickering that prevails therein. In fact; there are several characters that are members of all the other site forums and insist on inflicting their views and philosophy on all and sundry. You know the type; if you have a black dog, they’ve got a blacker bugger! They’ve seen it all and done it all.



You won't find anyone like that on here :D








For at least 5 minutes (lol) (lol)

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Why dont you tell us a bit about yourself? what sort of camper have you, and where do you stay? Do you travel to Europe...that sort of thing. Pictures are always nice :-D


Yep I was thinking the very same thing judge. I am allways intrigued by the antics and travels of fulltimers.

So pray tell ....,

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Windmill-Tilter - 2012-02-03 1:36 PM

Fair enough Rupert.

(Note to self:... Troublemaker)



Wonderful character assessment (assasination?) but you don't know the half of it!!

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