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Screen Covers


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Hi I have been looking for a screen cover for a while now and I found one on Amazon.

The pic on the site was of a ducato/Boxer X250 and was at a very good price it was a tad over £56.

When I received it I was worried as it had a Renault motorhome pic on the front but as I had seen the X250 on the add I tried to fit it would it fit NO I spent almost two hours cleaning the van and trying to fit it and it still looked like a bag of S--t.


I have just deleated most of the letter that I was going to post as I ranted a bit about the problems that I incured but if you want a screen cover "Dont" go for the one on Amazon.

I know what you will say you only get what you pay for. "Right"

I have now ordered and received a Cover that is of excelent quality, fits great, and looks good from Taylormade I know it has cost me £130 inc of P&P but it is the long one that fits over the bonnet vents you can have the shorter one at well under a £100 but this is the one that I wanted.








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There are several Amazon adverts for this type of blind and the manufacturer and photos don't always seem to match. In this instance, I assume that it's the Maypole-branded product that's being criticised:






All of the Maypole-blind descriptions indicate that the product is 'universal' or 'one size fits all', a wording that generally needs to be treated with suspicion. The Maypole product is said to provide a universal suitability for van based motorhomes (eg: Fiat Ducato, Peugeot Boxer, Sprinter, Transit). However, I'm sure we all realise that the cab part of van-based motorhomes varies significantly according to the manufacturer and age of the vehicle. A 2011 Ducato cab differs significantly from a 2011 Transit's, and a 2011 Transit cab bears only a passing resemblance to a 1998 Transit's.


Dare I say it, but Amazon's product descriptions are not necessarily misleading. If the Maypole blind is sufficiently large to completely cover the windscreen and side windows of Ducato, Boxer, Sprinter and Transit van-based motorhomes, then it does what the advert claims. There's nothing in the advert about the Maypole blind being easy to fit, nor fitting perfectly, nor not looking "like a bag of S--t" after it has been fitted.


Expectation is another matter though, and it's reasonable to expect a buyer of this product not to need to spend ages trying to fit the blind, and for the buyer to be fairly happy with the result afterwards. So I agree with H and Michele that it would be well worth complaining to Amazon about the quality of the offending blind and to ask for a refund.


It would also be worth Mike writing a review for the product to add to the Amazon advert. While such reviews need to be treated with care sometimes, any Amazon review - negative or positive - is better than no review. If there had been an "It's absolute rubbish" Amazon review for this item, I very much doubt that Mike would have bought it.



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Hi Hallii Michele and Derek

First of all I did get a refund from the seller but he told me he would not refund unless I left him possitive feedback so reluctantley I did.

I was in constant comms with them all the time with me telling them the problems with the screen and them telling me there was none, also I was trying to take photo`s to send through Amazon "that they wanted" after a few days I gave up as I could not do it.

I asked them to pay the return P&P as the pic on there website showed it fitting like a glove to an X250

I then said that if they did not sort this problem out I would report them to Amazon and would leave them negative feedback. (Am I not alowed to do this if I am having a problem)

They returned with a nasty email and said we will not be blackmailed and if you try that again then we will not do anything.

by this time it had gone over the fourteen days and they said that after that time we do not have to refund.

I sent an email stating that I am disabled and am having problems trying to get it back to them they came back and said they would pay part of the return postage.

I returned it the next day.

They did a refund only after I had left a positive feedback.

Yes Derek you got the right company

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I suspect having already left feedback, you are no longer able to post another. However IMO they have not helped themselves in this matter.


Hopefully you have NOT deleted their e-mail(s) to you.

I suggest you forward those e-mails to Amazon showing details of their tactics to get favourable feedback.


Plus including a feedback you feel appropriate, asking Amazon if they will post it against the Seller.


Nothing to lose now you have your refund.

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i had similar problems with a 'vendor' on Amazon, this was for locking wheel nuts for a Peugeot Boxer alloy wheels. which they obviously were NOT for. I had a hell of a job getting a refund until i got Amazon themselves involved, now I ONLY buy from Amazon direct, NO vendors, you have more protection on E-Bay.

As for Screen covers, i have had Tayor-Made and Silverscreens, both are excellent quality exterior screen covers from good manufacturers, I bought both of mine (differant Vans) second hand, from listings in MMM, both cost under a £100 and both were in excellent condition. The Silverscreens Paragon set, i am still using.

Regards ;-) Ray

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Mickydripin - 2012-02-04 11:43 AM


...Yes Derek you got the right company


There are several firms retailing the same Maypole-branded motorhome blinds via Amazon and I'm not sure which one you bought from.


As you got most of your money back, and agreed not to provide negative feedback, criticism of the retailer is probably not worthwhile now. But it would be worthwhile you writing an Amazon review of the Maypole product itself, saying that it fits badly on a X250-based motorhome. As far as I'm aware there is nothing to prevent you doing this: for instance, there's the option offered towards the top of the following advert to "Be the first to review this item".



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I had a problem with some wheel nuts for our car that were not the correct ones for the car. Tried for some time to get a refund from the supplier, failed, went through Barclay card and obtained a refund with no problem as the goods supplied were not as described. No idea what action Barclaycard take against the supplier but from our point of view the process was simple and effective.
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We've just got home after 3 weeks in teh Uk with the motorhome, and I have noticed a lot more 'different' external screens covers than in previous years.....it is still very obvious that the quality and fit lies with teh Silverscreen or Taylormade, and a lot of the otheres we saw muct be the universal ones, as they certianly do NOT fit as they should, and also look of very inferior fabric! Wonder if thay actually cost much less!! In my view they certianly do not do the job very well.
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