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Water pump


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Hi, Wouldn't you know it, just getting ready to go away tomorrow only to find the on-board water tank pump has given up on me. Any one out there any idea of manufacturers please. It mounts to the top of the tank with a plastic backnut, 5 wire feed, mutiple probes graduating from about 1/4" to the full depth of the tank. Nothing on it that I can see re a makers name. Oh, it's on an 03 Autocruise Wentworth if that helps. Merle
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Merle - 2012-02-04 1:59 PM


Hi, Wouldn't you know it, just getting ready to go away tomorrow only to find the on-board water tank pump has given up on me. Any one out there any idea of manufacturers please. It mounts to the top of the tank with a plastic backnut, 5 wire feed, mutiple probes graduating from about 1/4" to the full depth of the tank. Nothing on it that I can see re a makers name. Oh, it's on an 03 Autocruise Wentworth if that helps. Merle


Merle did you drain the water system down or have you left water in the system / pump that has frozen the probes will be for the tank water level



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Alf, yes I drained the complete system as best I could, the tank was definately empty, hot water cyinder and pipe work all empty and taps left open. The pump is running but will not prime, I have even tried sucking on the inlet whilst pump running. Not sure how these pumps work but should it have a non return valve? if so that could be the problem as it is permanently open. The only thing I can see on it is the wiring directions, that is which colour wire to which position appears to be in French, Merle
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Merle - 2012-02-04 1:59 PM


Hi, Wouldn't you know it, just getting ready to go away tomorrow only to find the on-board water tank pump has given up on me. Any one out there any idea of manufacturers please. It mounts to the top of the tank with a plastic backnut, 5 wire feed, mutiple probes graduating from about 1/4" to the full depth of the tank. Nothing on it that I can see re a makers name. Oh, it's on an 03 Autocruise Wentworth if that helps. Merle

What you describe above is the tank level indicator sensor, not the pump.

Don't know your model, but the pump will be elsewhere. Do you have a manual? That should tell you where to look.

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Hi, think I have two pumps. A Shurflo which is used to pump from an Aquaroll to fill the tank and then this other one. There is a separate sensor for a readout on the control panel. Unfortunately the manual only mentions the Shurflo, so mabe the old brain is just confused but the thing I am referring to appears to 'click' when presurising the system. Merle
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Guys, I've just had another look at my setup. I thought I used the Shurflo for the inlet to fill the tank but I know see that is not the case, the inlet is direct to the tank and as Brian said the Shurflo does the rest, the sound I can here from what is evidently a water level probe is being transmitted from the pump. Perhaps frozen pipes are the problem, although they do not feel cold and I have had background heating on, so I guess the other suggestion of an air lock is the next way to go. Thanks to you foe responding to an 'old fart' Merle
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Merle - 2012-02-04 3:38 PM


Hi, think I have two pumps. A Shurflo which is used to pump from an Aquaroll to fill the tank and then this other one. There is a separate sensor for a readout on the control panel. Unfortunately the manual only mentions the Shurflo, so mabe the old brain is just confused but the thing I am referring to appears to 'click' when presurising the system. Merle


These pumps are generally pretty reliable and I too would suspect an airlock.

Make sure that the tank is about half full and with the pump running and with a tap open on cold suck as hard as you can on the tap spout - or maybe you can fix a hose or tube to make this easier - and water should spurt out after a few good sucks.

You will probably get quite wet as when it comes it tends to arrive with gusto.

Once the hot tank is full and bled of air and all taps stop spittting - job done!

If it works and you drain down again you will at least know what to do next time!

If it does not work then ask again!


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Success, I removed the inlet pipe to the pump from the tank end, put a small funnel in the pipe and with the pump running kept the funnel primed, it took a while but worked ok. I then put some water in the tank and bled the sink tap cold first and watited to make sure the pump stopped running and then went for broke and filled the hot system. All now OK. Water heater on, so no fozen tank I trust, van heater on so that should be good. So long as we don't have another -9 night all should be well. Just the promised snow to worry about now! Thanks to you all once again, Merle (lol)
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Good. However, in view of the current low temperatures, one word of caution.


Once the water system is filled, leave the heating running until you go away, and all night once away, because once that water jacket is full, if the temperature around the heater falls sufficiently, all the water will drain off if the automatic drain valve opens! Also, with low temperatures, there is a risk any water left in the heater jacket may freeze, with consequent damage to the jacket. New heaters are very expensive! Take care.

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