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Tyre sealant


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As you have a flash 04 i guess you have the supplied tyre repair kit like us. However i am so against these that i got a spare wheel and tyre from ebay and installed it in the garage, It does take up some space but i think its worth it. I dont like the idea of sealants however i do carry a can of tyreweld but only because asda were selling it for £3, i only intend using it on the bike tyres (pushbike) if pushed and its raining.


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Our Burstner 07 came without sapre wheel, and rather than take additonal weight with fitting teh spare plus carrier,we immediately had Ultraseal Tyre Sealant put in each tyre. I guess the real 'proof of the pudding is in the eating', but so far, all has been OK, and I think it would minimise slow punctures, and seals small holes.It does NOT as some claim,have any effect when replacing, but it's worth mentioning before they remove the old tyres that it has been fitted with the product!

If you google Tyre sealants, there are a number of websites for this product, and I also think there has been, on occasions, an installer at some of the outdoor shows. The main website also gives some feedback and as far as I can remember, it is widely used in the freight industry and on HGVs/public transport..

From memory in 2007,it cost about £80 for all four tyres to de done.

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Thank you for that.

Actually I have got a spare tyre for the motorhome sitting in it's garage.

My real question was for the scooter and did anyone who had a motorbike have any recommendations.


When I was writing it, I thought I would ask if anyone used it on their motorhome. There is a lot advertised on ebay and the like, but it could be an expensive game if some of the products are a bit naff.


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Hawcara - 2012-02-05 7:54 PM




When I was writing it, I thought I would ask if anyone used it on their motorhome. There is a lot advertised on ebay and the like, but it could be an expensive game if some of the products are a bit naff.



I think there may have been earlier threads on this on MMM Forum, but I know I did a lot of research at teh time (ealry 2007), and this seemed to be the 'genuine',product, though i believe there may be others/copies.....

Odlt enough I was liviing in Cornwall when we bought this van, but got it from Chelston, Somerset, and the nearest dealer for Ultraseal was Exeter, which I made the first stop on the way home!. We then moved to the South east UK, and when replacing the front tyres, I got in touch with the tel number quoted on Ultraseal Website to find a local installer, and found them very helpful. But I did take care to research and get the genuine stuff. It can also be supplied for DIY.

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Hawcara - 2012-02-05 7:54 PM


Thank you for that.

Actually I have got a spare tyre for the motorhome sitting in it's garage.

My real question was for the scooter and did anyone who had a motorbike have any recommendations.


When I was writing it, I thought I would ask if anyone used it on their motorhome. There is a lot advertised on ebay and the like, but it could be an expensive game if some of the products are a bit naff.



This depends if your scooter has innertubes or not, will not work with tubes. I would recommend Ultraseal in M/H and bikes tyres if they are tubeless. You can install yourself in the bike but to do this with M/H you will need access to an air compressor. I did my own on both van and bike, it is easy and takes only a few minutes with the bike, you just need a footpump. This is not the same as the stuff you buy in areosols or that comes as emergency tyre repair with vans, it is water soluble and can be washed out.

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I would never dream of taking a motorhome or car without a spare wheel though in the case of a car I will make do with a space saver. However having suffered many punctures with the bikes, especially when the farmers are trimming their hedges, I fitted self sealing inner tubes which seem to have worked a treat.
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I've used Puncturesafe and Ultraseal in my motorcycles for years.


Both products come in similar bottles and the only difference and

I can see is that Ultraseal is red and Puncturesafe is blue.


Both have safely sealed up small punctures, and do as they say on

the box.



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I have put Puncture safe in our Motorhome tyres, so far everything OK. Daughters brother in law did the Long Way Round trip on his Motorcycle using a similar product in his tyres, the tyres wore out first, and there was evidence of punctures as he could see where they had been sealed by the product.

I would use it again.

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