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Android Sat Nav


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I have preloaded Gogle Maps and Navigate on my Samsung Galaxy S Plus. It works ok BUT it is not as comprehensive in terms of output as eg a TomTom and the Google Maps do use live data. I am new to a smart phone but the little bit of trialling the maps and navigate I found these used more of my data allowance than any other apps.


I have concluded its ok as a standby if TomTom fails. It is probably at its best used for short time , e.g when walking around a town and to find museums etc.


Others may have more experience to offer.

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The problem with Google maps is data use, which is proboly why Dave started the thread, not to bad if you have a 'unlimited' data tarif, but if it will cost if not, and if used abroad that cost will be an arm a leg and half the other arm.
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