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reversing cameras


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Not had one myself but researched the matter fully 2 years ago when I needed one,

short reply is dont bother just fit a hard wired one. Much better pic and just as easy to install as even the so called wireless ones need some wiring ie. power.

I have been very happy with my rear view mirror mounted jobbie. bought I think form "reversing cameras uk".




Hope that helps.

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If my memory serves me, there was a thread some while back on this topic (Try the search facility above ;-)


I think the outcome was not too good, after one of the contibuters stated that whilst stopped at a road junction he glanced at the rear view only to see a baby sleeping in its cot. The wirless signal being picked up from another transmitter. (Hearsay !)



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clay - 2012-02-15 12:35 PM


has anyone had any experience with wireless reversing cameras, buying and fitting. also any recommendations..tks


If you use the forum's Search facility (Keywords=reversing camera, Filter by author=derek uzzell, Date limit=All posts), you'll retrieve quite a few earlier threads on this subject. Failing that, try this early-2011 one



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