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What's the worst/least useful thing that you bought for/added to your Motorhome?


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mikethebike - 2012-02-16 8:41 PM


Hi all

some years ago we bought a Harrison drive-away awning second hand for £300. Used it twice, it was so heavy with steel poles and heavy canvas and took simply ages to erect with much swearing.

I tried selling it on ebay but no takers, eventually chucked it out a few months ago. What a waste of money


Life is strange, we would not be without our Harrison Awning, The M/home may roll and shake in the wind, but the Harrison stays put !!


Thats what I like about this forum, so many points of view ! :-)



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1) The yellow plastic wedges that were an optional extra for our yellow plastic levelling ramps.

2) The tin Toaster, still in its packing.

3) The add on white plastic rubbish bin. too small and the boss still uses a big black plastic bag in front of the door behind her seat.

4) 750W electric Kettle, quicker to use the gas.

In defence of the wind out awning. It shows the difference a few 100 miles can make :-)

When used as a sun canopy, under which you can enjoy a chilled vin Rose and your favourite book  absolutely essential. But if its blowing a gale on the Ring of Kerry, .......:-)

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We love our Fiamma awning that was already fitted. We also have Lillypad's straps that yes, we do have coming out the front and so far not had a problem with any of it.


Our worst purchase was the hob top toaster contraption. It is worse than the grill in our old caravan and thats saying something. 8-)

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Just to differentiate between the hob top toasters, the one we found useless was the first pictured below, the one that is really good is the second one, so much in fact that we've just bought another (his and hers! :D ) so we can do the toast quicker.



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michele - 2012-02-18 9:03 PM


I'd get rid of the CHOKs . reason what a load of rubbish as ;ong as I am not rolling out the bed who cares .

Agree Michele, It's laughable the situations some people find it necessary to straighten the van to be absolutely level, spirit level out and all. I've got some but very rarely find it necessary to use them.
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Ventura drive away awning, it was hard to erect needing 2 persons and a step ladder, drive away, I felt like driving away and leaving it.


On the plus side, One day I had just enough of this pile of rubbish, I was going to put it in the Caravan Club skip, then this nice gent came along a said ' I have been admiring your awaning we were thinking of buying one', I replied i was thinking of selling it, he replied 'how much'. I left £200.00 richer.


I will not tell you which site or the time of year where i carried out this disonest deed as the block was much bigger and meaner than me and I am a coward.

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Drive away awning gets my vote.


Looking to sell my van in the next few weeks and give the awning away with it or even give a discount if whoever buys the van, takes the drive away awning too.

We probably bought the drive away awning as we are ex tuggers who always used an awning. Different life in a motorhome. (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
lennyhb - 2012-02-21 10:09 AM


Has to be the Omnistore wind out awning, expensive for something you can rarely use for more than 10 minutes before it tries to take, yes I do strap it down.


I'm with you on that one, put it out to get some shade then move your chairs thirty feet away to get under the shadow it casts, or constantly move the van. Or the wind get's up, then it's rolled in again :-(

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crinklystarfish - 2012-02-22 9:56 AM


Orange EHU cable. Pointlessly carted it all over the place before cutting it up and using it to wire up my garage. Used the blue end bits to scare cats away from a bird's nest.


One day you may want to plug in. We carry two cables One short, and one long


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Brambles - 2012-02-22 11:14 AM


yes, Orange as a colour is so 60's. A nice modern green one blends in so much better with the grass. :-D


quite right, Electrocute that pesky warden who comes to cut the grass around your van at 09.00 am.


Brown goes with Orange nicely, I always thought ! (or DID in 1960). WHY ? would anyone want to cut up their EHU cable, apart from as a 'Masochistic' ' Look, I always motorhome standalone' ........ good for you !

Luckily we are ALL differant, and all do things differantly. Vive la differance !


And my 'Wind out Awning' is the, my 'cannot do without' accessory. So, Ya Booh to you as well !!


OOppps getting a bit childish here..... I must learn to conform...... OR ??

*-) ;-) Ray

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I am not suprised your bear was sliding across your work surface, it is a know fact beer should never be put down, but drunk imediately.


Ohh and by the way I would like to add another usless item to my list, a Isabela wind breaker, excellent and very expensive bit of kit, my wife wanted it, but it is a shame we have never had the opportunity to ever use it in the last 5 years since buying it.

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Colin Leake - 2012-02-22 3:23 PM


On one site we were so far out of level that when I put a bottle of cold beer with condensation on it on the table it slowly started to slide off. I cured the problem by drinking the beer then getting the blocks out.

If the beer had been any good, the van would have levelled itself while you drank it! ;-)

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