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Posting Photos - problems? Read this first!

Mel B

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Quite a few people seem to be having problems posting photos, getting then infamous 'Error' message and believing that it hasn't worked, however, in most cases the photo will actually have been posted!


So long as the photo is 100kb or less there actually isn't an error - to check:


1) On the photo attachment window browse to the photo you want and click on the 'Submit' button


2) When you get the 'Error' message use the 'back' arrow on your web browser (top left) to go back to the photo attachment window


3) Now click on the 'Return to thread' link and you'll see your picture there in all its glory.


If you want to post more than one picture, repeat nos 1) and 2) above until you've done all your photos then click on the 'Return to thread' link.



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hallii - 2012-02-27 10:00 PM


I can't even see a way of posting a photo. How is it done on here?





From memory :The way I do it is to 'post a reply ' - and then go back and edit it.



When you go into edit it gives an option to " Add / Remove attachments "

You click on ' Add ' and then attach a photo that MUST be less than 100 kbs.

Then click submit and your photo should appear attached to your original posting.






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hallii - 2012-02-27 10:20 PM


I just did a pic that was full size, I simply edited my orginal post and used "HTML" from Photobucket directly pasted into the post. Then submitted it and the site seems to resize it automatically.


Like this:




Lets have lots of photos now?




Never tried to do that always taken it direct from pute, lets try it.



Seems to work, pity about the lawn rover in the picture :D

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hallii - 2012-02-27 10:00 PM


I can't even see a way of posting a photo. How is it done on here?




a href="http://s182.photobucket.com/albums/x306/twoandaquarter/?action=view&current=IMG_0003-3.jpg" target="_blank">http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x306/twoandaquarter/IMG_0003-3.jpg


Let's see if that works



Your solution gets around the 100kB limit for photographs by inserting an HTML "hyperlink" to your photograph On Photobucket. I have removed th HTML <> brackets in your posting above which (hopefully) will show the link.

Doing it this way has enabled you to but text above and below the image.


We mere mortals without on-line photo stores have to battle with the 100kB limit on uploading photographs (as I've said before most sites will allow you to upload any size image and automatically re-size to fit their pages). Depending on how you have set your digital camera most images will now be in excess of 1MB (approx 1000kB) so some drastic re-sizing will be necessary before uploading.

Many photo-editing software applications will allow you to load an image then save in a different size/resolution. I personally use a free application called Irfanview ( http://www.irfanview.com/ ) which enables single or multiple "batch" re-sizing of images (saved to another - temporary - folder to avoid over-writing of originals).

If the image is 4:3 aspect ratio I would re-size to 640x480 pixels (this equates to a size around 60kB).

If "widescreen" (16:9) 1024x576 pixels (about 80kB).

Alternatively if you know the original image is e.g. 1Mb you can opt for a reduction in physical size to 30% (giving a final image of 9% of original size as each side is reduced to 30% of original).


I know others have devised other novel methods such as emailing the image to themselves - Outlook will then ask if the image should be reduced in size before sending.


Shouldn't be necessary in this day and age - but we have to live with it.

Just imagine how few items would be posted on Ebay if there was a 100kB limit on picture sizes.






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Caddies104 - 2012-02-28 10:37 AM


Mel B

On 1) you mention "on the photo attachment window" I cannot see that window! Is it "attach a file after posting" Is that the same?




.....yes. If you tick that box and then "submit", you will be given an additional intermediate screen allowing you to browse to the photo you wish to post, and then submit again.


As already stated, that photo needs to have a filesize of 100kb max, and you may get an error 500 when submit (but if it WAS no greater than 100kb, it will most likely have worked, and browsing back through the forum to your post will confirm).


As also posted, it is possible, within the 30 min deadline, to edit a post and add/remove photo(s) via a similar process.

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