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CC - stopped producing Sites Supplement.


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I know this will sound like another gripe about the CC, but I've just written to their Marketing Dept about their apparent decision to stop publishing the Sites Supplement in the intervening years between publishing the Club’s site book. I recently realised I’d not received a Supplement this winter as expected, and rang to request a copy. What arrived, though, was just the “Essential Guide to the Network” – which does contain a list of Club site dates and fees, but of course does not contain updates for CLs. The Supplement was far from perfect – not always easy to use in conjunction with the main guide – but it did fulfil a definite function.


When I rang CC Membership Services to query this, I was told the Sites Supplement is no longer produced – the person I spoke to said that the Club is keen for people to use the website to get updated CL information. Now this may sound fine – and I do accept that CL information does change more often than club site details. But in practice, driving along in a motorhome and following directions to a CL on a mobile connection is not easy.


And what about those members who lack access to the internet – either at all, or while away from home?


I strongly suspect this worsening in the Club’s services is driven by cost-saving, rather than anything else. And I think I must have been asleep when it was widely and clearly publicised to members – as it must surely have been? – after all, if I’d known in time that it was imminent, I could have torn the CL amendments out of the monthly magazine for reference rather than waiting in vain for an annual site update.

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I am sure this thread will develop into another debate about the CC which at the end of the day leaves one with the decision of whether to join or not. If one asks awkward questions they are ignored or skirted around. The concept of a club somewhat baffles me as they seem to have lost the princliples as I understand them of 'ran by members for members'. The bottom line is they do provide good sites and services for use by members, but I am sure that it is time for them to just slow down a little , take stock ,and become a little more member orientated rather than turnover / surplus orientated.
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We've only been members for 4-5 years,so still very much newcomers and therefore we have no long felt loyality to them...

..but I'm not altogether clear what the issue is here?...So,what is it that's actually missing?

Are we saying that they are no longer producing a yearly booklet...a booklet which contained information,which is also included in the monthly mag'(..in the the bit you didn't tear out)?..if that is the case,you'll now know to save April's issue.... ;-)

(..and surely a monthly released mag, stands a better chance of being up to date ,than a yearly booklet..?)

Sorry if I've got the wrong end of the stick... :-S


As I've posted in the past,I think too much is made of the "Oh but it's Club" malarky and we don'y pay any attention to that....As far as we see it,our 40 odd quid buys us the ability/right to use a fairly wide network of good quality sites,a good many of which,we can book online,without a deposit....


I don't quite know what folk expect for their 40 odd quid to be honest.... :-S






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Solwaybuggier - 2012-02-27 2:16 PMthe person I spoke to said that the Club is keen for people to use the website to get updated CL information.

I don't want to argue but for me the 'on-line' CL database is the only thing I want from the CC. Maybe I'm fortunate that I can get internet access wherever in Europe / UK that I happen to be and many weeks of the year I'm not even in UK so 'On line' is the only way to go!!


Banks, insurance companies, and all sorts of people are pushing customers to go for paperless service now, it may not be right and traditionly I've always been a hard copy man myself, but unlike Canute we can't keep the floods at bay, we have to 'go with the flow'


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pepe63 - 2012-02-27 4:32 PM

.As far as we see it,our 40 odd quid buys us the ability/right to use a fairly wide network of good quality sites,a good many of which,we can book online,without a deposit...




Quite! Also we benefit from Green Flag, free site night vouchers through CC credit card (paying off the balance monthly) and we quite like the magazine. As members we also don't have to pay non-members fees at Club sites.


Yes, I agree the membership fee is money well spent!



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Losos - 2012-02-27 4:43 PM


'On line' is the only way to go!!



Banks, insurance companies, and all sorts of people are pushing customers to go for paperless service now, it may not be right and traditionly I've always been a hard copy man myself, but unlike Canute we can't keep the floods at bay, we have to 'go with the flow


I hope not!


I can see that for you "on-line" is more useful for you than paper copies but that is not true for all folks.


I can see advantages of both ( and disadvantages of "on-line" only when one does not have access .....and when systems crash). I can see some reason for "cost saving" but I would be totally against all CC information being "on-line" only. For instance, a couple of years ago when "Great Days Out" booklet was not sent to members but all the information was on the website I contacted the Club to explain why I preferred the paper copy (and indeed why I needed a paper copy) and one was sent. I don't think I can have been alone because the following year paper copies were sent (and still are) along with the magazine on a particular month.



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pepe63 - 2012-02-27 4:32 PM



..but I'm not altogether clear what the issue is here?...So,what is it that's actually missing?

Are we saying that they are no longer producing a yearly booklet...a booklet which contained information,which is also included in the monthly mag'(..in the the bit you didn't tear out)?..if that is the case,you'll now know to save April's issue.... ;-)


Sorry if I've got the wrong end of the stick... :-S



To clarify - they produce a sites guide every 2 years which lists CC sites, CLs (and a small selection of commercial sites.) Until now there's been a booklet distributed in the intervening year with site & CL updates. The most useful part of this (for me) was the CL updates. They've now stopped doing this - and either I must have missed the publicity that they were stopping it, or they kept it quiet.


The magazine does publish monthly updates - but it was far more helpful to have them all collated in a booklet, rather than have a sheaf of loose cuttings.


To put it in context, the C&CC produce their sites book annually.

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I think this is just barmy! What about people like us who have only just joined the CC again after a year's gap? How do we find out about the changes that have taken place since the last sites book was published? I don't want to have to keep using the computer to find out, when looking at maps etc, it's much easier to use a paper copy along side it.


At £42 a year it's not 'cheap' either now, so I fell this is a very backward step indeed.


"Full Member Subscription including free Joint Member is £42.00 plus a Joining Fee of £10.00 (which is waived if you opt to pay by Direct Debit)."


If you go to Waudby's website you can buy the pack for £39.95 (free delivery) and you are then also entitled to a free 'site night' voucher.



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Mel B - 2012-02-27 6:57 PM

At £42 a year it's not 'cheap' either now, so I fell this is a very backward step indeed.



As long as you fit into the category of a caravan towing, awning using, non complaining, ehu wanting, member who is happy to book his stay of at least a week on one site then you will no doubt be happy - and very popular with the club!


For a nomadic wanderer who just turns up at closing time for one night and who does not fit the perfect member profile Motorcaravanners are seen as more of a pain in the bum to be tolerated - almost - but can still be charged the same price as a three unit user (car, caravan, awning)!


Forty two quid is more than our Aires budget on mainland Europe - for a month - and I have not seen anything anywhere for years that would entice me back to the CC!


But if the consistency and peace of mind floats your boat then good luck and enjoy!


Us? We're off abroad again where the sun shines and freedom to roam has some real meaning.

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Klyne - 2012-02-27 7:39 PM


80p a week too expensive? In some countries you pay more than that to use the loo!




Ah but it isn't just 80p a week is it - unless you use the club 52 weeks of the year - and I suspect that many only use it for 4 weeks of the year and if you have your own motorhome you don't need to pay anyone to use a loo!!


If they really wanted more members perhaps they would charge a lot less for the dubious pleasure of being a 'member' and add any shortfall onto the other services which the 'members' buy from them?


As I said - many are happy with that - many are not otherwise we would all be paying members wouldn't we!

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I think it depends what you want and how you use it-I find it value for money although I never ever use a CC site. On saying that we do use CLs and we do use their travel service for the ferry to take us to the cheap aires in France-the saving on a crossing easily outweighs the membership fee for me on just one crossing.

Regarding original topic-would I like the paper update as per the OP? No, not really bothered either way as I can usually pick it up on line or I have planned it earlier-however, I don't think I would condemn someone for wanting a hard copy update either.

What suits one doesn't always suit the other-I tried the CC National Rally last year and hated it but if someone else went and thoroughly enjoyed it, good luck to them.

We have done some 'local rallies' and enjoyed them-but not all! I think you have to keep an open mind and remember it is a personal choice-as is all Motorhoming ------------

ie aires/stellplatz/sites/A-frames/awnings/scooters/bicycles/electric bikes/awningings & uncle tom cobbley and all


Appologies if this has gone off original topic



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Losos - 2012-02-27 4:43 PM
Solwaybuggier - 2012-02-27 2:16 PMthe person I spoke to said that the Club is keen for people to use the website to get updated CL information.

I don't want to argue but for me the 'on-line' CL database is the only thing I want from the CC. Maybe I'm fortunate that I can get internet access wherever in Europe / UK that I happen to be and many weeks of the year I'm not even in UK so 'On line' is the only way to go!!


Banks, insurance companies, and all sorts of people are pushing customers to go for paperless service now, it may not be right and traditionly I've always been a hard copy man myself, but unlike Canute we can't keep the floods at bay, we have to 'go with the flow'

I agree that there is quite a lot of pressure to get everyone 'Paperless' and online for most types of transactions these days, BUT it's NOT primarily for the customers benefit, but to save money, and in commercial businesses to boost profits. I originally 'went for' this in a big way, UNTIL my computer crashed and I lost all contact with my Bank etc., etc., my hard drive was 'wiped' so I lost all contacts, phone numbers etc., In short it was an absolute NIGHTMARE for about two weeks. I am now a bit 'circumspect' about how much data and contacts i have only 'online' . EVERY large company even if they do most of their business 'online' always has a 'Disaster recovery' setup that includes hard copies. They have to. So should we. Ray (ex Mainframe Engineer).Back to the original topic, It just means that lots of Farmers etc., that have decided not to carry on with running a CL. Will STILL be getting folk Ringing them up, and worse still, driving onto their property looking for a Pitch, up to 18 months AFTER they have left the scheme. Lots of Angry folk I predict.
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Solwaybuggier - 2012-02-27 5:11


To put it in context, the C&CC produce their sites book annually.


The CCC "Your Place in the Country" with details of Club sites and Camping in the Forest sites is published annually


"The Big Sites Book" which lists CS sites(and commercial sites) is only published every 2 years.


Therefore you do not get an annual update in book form of Certificated Sites with CCC.

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Rayjsj - 2012-02-27 8:52 PM


I agree that there is quite a lot of pressure to get everyone 'Paperless' and online for most types of transactions these days, BUT it's NOT primarily for the customers benefit, but to save money....


Back to the original topic, It just means that lots of Farmers etc., that have decided not to carry on with running a CL. Will STILL be getting folk Ringing them up, and worse still, driving onto their property looking for a Pitch, up to 18 months AFTER they have left the scheme. Lots of Angry folk I predict.


Well, I agree that it'll be a money saving exercise...

...but if we're still talking of CL updates here(New and Closures),then,as the OP admitted,that info is STILL printed(on paper),in the monthly magazine anyway...isn't it? :-S


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pepe63 - 2012-02-28 11:04 AM


Rayjsj - 2012-02-27 8:52 PM


I agree that there is quite a lot of pressure to get everyone 'Paperless' and online for most types of transactions these days, BUT it's NOT primarily for the customers benefit, but to save money....


Back to the original topic, It just means that lots of Farmers etc., that have decided not to carry on with running a CL. Will STILL be getting folk Ringing them up, and worse still, driving onto their property looking for a Pitch, up to 18 months AFTER they have left the scheme. Lots of Angry folk I predict.


Well, I agree that it'll be a money saving exercise...

...but if we're still talking of CL updates here(New and Closures),then,as the OP admitted,that info is STILL printed(on paper),in the monthly magazine anyway...isn't it? :-S


yes, but who carries the monthly magazine around with them, or diligently writes down and corrects all of the closures of CL's, and additions into their sites book ?

i still think the last paragraph of my post applies. Ray



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Rayjsj - 2012-02-28 11:32 AM


yes, but who carries the monthly magazine around with them, or diligently writes down and corrects all of the closures of CL's, and additions into their sites book ?

i still think the last paragraph of my post applies. Ray



Well,I would assume,the same people who would have carried the,now "discontinued", Site Supplement..? (lol)


But as the info' only takes up about half a page,how hard is it to just cut the article out and save it?...


..and again,I would like to *assume* that information printed on a monthy basis,would be more accurate(up to date)than that in an annual supplement....

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The old supplement fitted quite well in the handbook cover the CC sell - and if they'd announced they were stopping the supplement I'd probably have saved the monthly CL updates there too. (OK, I admit it's geeky!)


Tbh, it's the fact they appear to have just done this without publicising it that really p****s me off.

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Solwaybuggier - 2012-02-28 12:19 PM


The old supplement fitted quite well in the handbook cover the CC sell - and if they'd announced they were stopping the supplement I'd probably have saved the monthly CL updates there too. (OK, I admit it's geeky!)


Tbh, it's the fact they appear to have just done this without publicising it that really p****s me off.


Well,if they don't already do it,they should at least keep these updates in a regular "format" and of a constant size(possibly the same as the previous supplement?)so that if someone does want to save them,they could be "assembled" into a uniform "loose leaf" booklet..?

(..now look what you've done?..I'm comung over all geeky now!? (lol) )

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