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Products like BioMagic speed up aerobic decomposition and have no environmental impact. Like a SOG equipped system, toilets can, in emergencies, be emptied without fear of toxic chemicals doing harm.

Formaldehyde based products are just plain nasty and users usually fall into either the ill-informed or the I'm-alright-Jack camp.

Still, if environmental degradation and possible harm to health is the price we pay so the odd person here and there isn't offended by a whiff of pooh, then so be it.
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1footinthegrave - 2012-02-28 11:05 PM


What's that bloke on about " Use Elsan" hugely expensive stuff of dubious merit, especially if you empty on a frequent basis, add in the Formaldehyde that has to go somewhere and I'm surprised the stuff hasn't been banned outright . In any event the stuff isn't in the cassette long enough to break your doings down, so just something cheap to mask the odour a little does it for me, unless that is you like pouring money down the drain and adding even more toxic chemicals to the environment. ;-)


'That Bloke' is on about using 'The Correct Fluid' for the job, NOT expensive, used for 'breaking down' human waste since 1920 ! I empty the cassette every 3 days or so,and as I have already posted, Elsan is one of the few fluids to Hold BS 2893-2005. So perfectly legal ! Why shouldn't it be ? It kills Germs, Bacteria AND viruses. Just what is required for perfectly SAFE sanitation. *-) Ray (aka 'That Bloke')

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crinklystarfish - 2012-02-29 9:29 AM


Still, if environmental degradation and possible harm to health is the price we pay so the odd person here and there isn't offended by a whiff of pooh, then so be it.


I personally, am quite averse to having 'harm to health' when I am away in the van. So, It's not just about the smell. Killing germs, Bacteria and Viruses is Vital if you want to stay healthy when away. There is nothing worse than getting a case of ' delhi belly' when away in the van. And Correct toilet fluid goes a long way to keeping it at bay. Ray

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Rayjsj - 2012-03-01 8:46 PM


crinklystarfish - 2012-02-29 9:29 AM


Still, if environmental degradation and possible harm to health is the price we pay so the odd person here and there isn't offended by a whiff of pooh, then so be it.


I personally, am quite averse to having 'harm to health' when I am away in the van. So, It's not just about the smell. Killing germs, Bacteria and Viruses is Vital if you want to stay healthy when away. There is nothing worse than getting a case of ' delhi belly' when away in the van. And Correct toilet fluid goes a long way to keeping it at bay. Ray


AGREE totaly with you

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sshortcircuit - 2012-03-01 11:34 PM


Getting a bit lost in this posting.


Surely any infection etc from the toilet is due to poor personal hygiene, ie washing hands etc, rather than what chemicals odours result?


Not in normal 'use' of course, but handling of the cassette,emptying,cleaning replacing, all involves to some degree 'getting close' to a potential source of Infection/virus etc., I always wear gloves, and wash my hands afterwards, but it is also comforting to know that any source of potential harm has been neutralized inside the cassette already. hence their invention, and continued use.

You never used to hear about MRSA and other infections, when Hospital wards and other areas were being cleaned by conventional means with Chlorine based cleaners. Hospitals then had a certain 'smell' , which could be unpleasant, but you did KNOW they were clean. Ray

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Rayjsj - 2012-03-02 9:40 AM


sshortcircuit - 2012-03-01 11:34 PM


Getting a bit lost in this posting.


Surely any infection etc from the toilet is due to poor personal hygiene, ie washing hands etc, rather than what chemicals odours result?


Not in normal 'use' of course, but handling of the cassette,emptying,cleaning replacing, all involves to some degree 'getting close' to a potential source of Infection/virus etc., I always wear gloves, and wash my hands afterwards, but it is also comforting to know that any source of potential harm has been neutralized inside the cassette already. hence their invention, and continued use.

You never used to hear about MRSA and other infections, when Hospital wards and other areas were being cleaned by conventional means with Chlorine based cleaners. Hospitals then had a certain 'smell' , which could be unpleasant, but you did KNOW they were clean. Ray


I find it amusing when the cassette is handle with big gloves to ensure no infection and wonder if the gloves are use when wiping the botty? (lol)

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sshortcircuit - 2012-03-02 9:45 AM  ...I find it amusing when the cassette is handle with big gloves to ensure no infection and wonder if the gloves are use when wiping the botty? (lol)

And what do you then do with the gloves? And then the locker in which you keep the gloves?...

Pooh doesn't just magically disappear when it swirls off down the gurgler. I don't know where some people think it ends up; actually it's probably better they don't know. 

Thinking a bit further about the wider implications, there's probably some mileage in the hypothesis that prolonged exposure to formaldehyde affects rational brain function and leads to spontaneous irrational anger.
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I find it amusing when the cassette is handle with big gloves to ensure no infection and wonder if the gloves are use when wiping the botty? (lol)


Doesn't 'Everybody' use gauntlets and flying goggles, when 'doing the deed' ?? 8-) 8-) Ray


And as usual, if somone doesn't agree with them, they must be 'Mad, Bad or under the 'fluence'.

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Back to basics, possibly? :-) What leaves your body, unless you are carrying an infection, is not dangerous at the point in time at which it leaves. So, what goes into the cassette is not dangerous either. What is in the cassette may become dangerous if it picks up airborne contamination, or if there are contaminated residues already in the cassette.


IMO, it is therefore extremely unlikely that one would become infected by handling, emptying, or rinsing, the cassette - providing normal hygiene practises (keep mouth shut at all times, pay attention to water pressure, and wash hands with soap or bactericide afterwards! :-)) are followed.


In Europe, most food poisoning is caused by poor hygiene on the part of carriers, which is why food that is to be eaten raw should be washed as soon after purchase as is practical, and then eaten immediately, or refrigerated until eaten. Supermarket fruit and salads get a lot of handling by a lot of people before they disappear down your gullet! Elsewhere, water can be a serious risk, but if from a proper "drinking" source in Europe, should not cause trouble.


Smells do not cause infections. Airborne bacteria and viruses do, but food poisoning contagion is more usually through handling. Most of us have developed high resistances to the familiar sources, but when we travel we are exposed to differing sources, so are more liable to succumb to these.


One is at far higher risk of food poisoning (whatever name you give it, diarrhoea or sickness are the results of food poisoning) through eating unwashed fruit or salads, than almost anything you could do with a toilet cassette - except drinking from it! :-D

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Rayjsj - 2012-03-02 10:46 AM  ...And as usual, if somone doesn't agree with them, they must be 'Mad, Bad or under the 'fluence'.

Or maybe just misinformed. It's probably worth mentioning for other readers that when waste is treated at water treatment plants it's done in a way that relies almost entirely on naturally occuring microbes (including bacteria). All those pools and whirling water pipes are essentially only there to help them do their thing.

Killing the microbes with toxic chemicals defeats the process entirely.
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Bit off topic I know but those adverts for hand cleaners that are self dispensing to enabling you to get a hand full of cleaner without the risk of having to touch the nasty germ laden dispenser always amuse me. Given that what you are about to do is wash your hands with a magic gel that will kill every known germ in the Universe, what's the problem with touching the dispenser.


One of my daughter-in-laws bought a couple but soon chucked them out. Problem was that every time you went near them they dispensed a dollop of gel on the windowsill or hand basin making them more trouble than they were worth!

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Well thanks a lot for all your answers all i needed to know was if there was any nice smellys you could hang over the bowl .Did contact harpic and they said the blocks were ok on plastic but will avoid because of the damage it may cause to the seals wil carry on with sprays and air refreshers.
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Colin Leake - 2012-03-03 4:31 PM


Bit off topic I know but those adverts for hand cleaners that are self dispensing to enabling you to get a hand full of cleaner without the risk of having to touch the nasty germ laden dispenser always amuse me. Given that what you are about to do is wash your hands with a magic gel that will kill every known germ in the Universe, what's the problem with touching the dispenser.


One of my daughter-in-laws bought a couple but soon chucked them out. Problem was that every time you went near them they dispensed a dollop of gel on the windowsill or hand basin making them more trouble than they were worth!

You are spot on they are expensive to buy initially they run on batteries and the refills cost more than a quality hand soap dispenser they are a total rip off.

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