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first 2 weeks september in switzerland and austria


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thinking of going for two weeks to switzerland and austria in September... could anyone let me know what the weather is like at this time of year.??? Any good campsites/overninght aires *-)
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:-D Genaeraaly warmer than UK but as you get south in Switzerland and into Austria can be hot. However depends how high you are when summer storms can be very wet. What is weight of mh? Remember if under 3500kg you need vignette for Switzerland 40sf lasts all year get at border over this then still the same price but a 10 day life. You have a choice of 10 continuous days or 10 days which you mark for each day on the road-not bad deal as you are not paying for those days when on camp site. Under 3500kg Austria 30 euro lasts 10 days and can be purchased on approach to Austrian border-watch out for signs at garages generallty with black eagle. Your V5 registration document will not show the vehicle weight and so to avoid a lengthy discussion with their road authorities if they challenge you which they are doing more and more you will need a UK weight certificate from your local weighbridge. If over 3500kg or they doubt the weight a fine of 150 euros. At this weight you will need a GO BOX from border offices to pay by km. Returned when you leave Austria. Hope this helps ;-)
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Troy - For Switzerland try Interlaken and its adjacent mountain resorts. For outdoor minded people its paradise. Public transport in Switzerland can be pricey so look out for their reduced tourist passes. Two good sites at Interlaken are Lazy Rancho and Camping Hobby, very popular with the Brits, and on the edge of town.
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