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JudgeMental - 2012-03-02 11:51 AM


bolero boy - 2012-03-02 9:39 AM


This trendscout available at SMC for £32,990



And 4 identical brand new RHD vans from the German dealer I use for £26,000 each *-)


I posted details of these on IPS original thread...I wonder sometimes why I bother :-|


please note SMC prices are "from" German dealer gives good discounts



Trouble is what about px and getting over or having it delivered. No way I can find time to go. Open to suggestions re-the logistics as I know you have done it.

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Guest JudgeMental

sell yours privately


Its not that far only 4 hrs drive from Calais, its in a nice area worth a long weekend in its self....... Or just get someone to pick it up and register it in your name and deliver it to your door. the company Brian used whose name escapes me (early on set dementia me finks *-))


They may well drive it to channel port for you anyway for a fee


just go down SMC and have a look, see what they have, see what kind of PX they will give you. Come home, do the sums and take it from there.....


remember these vans are in stock so little chance of them going under with your deposit


personally if time an issue I would fly out Friday night, stay in a hotel that night, pick the van up Saturday morning and be home in time for tea Saturday night. Or better still stay Saturday night to make sure everything OK (there are aires in the town) Once home you have a month to register it....so when you have time just go to local DVLA office


Or simply ask SMC to price match....



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Thanks judge, lots to think about. Just got back from physio feel a lot better but still not right however hope to be ok for light work duties next week so might have a trip to a couple of localish dealers on sunday with mrs ips to have a look at a few new and used pvc's just to get a feel for the space issue etc.
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When I looked into buying a van from Germany a few years back the main problem seemed to be to get comprehensive insurance before entry into the UK meaning that the drive to Calais from Germany was limited to third party cover only. I gather some dealers might agree to drive the van to a Port but at that point I gave up. Things might have changed since but it's an issue worth looking into.
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JudgeMental - 2012-03-02 11:51 AM


bolero boy - 2012-03-02 9:39 AM


This trendscout available at SMC for £32,990



And 4 identical brand new RHD vans from the German dealer I use for £26,000 each *-)


I posted details of these on IPS original thread...I wonder sometimes why I bother :-|


please note SMC prices are "from" German dealer gives good discounts

Sorry, your Honour. I did look at the site you quoted but found you couldn't scroll by page without reverting back to the original and then retranslating so gave up.

You're right, there are RHD models in the stocklist at great prices - why do they stock RHD?

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JudgeMental - 2012-03-02 2:40 PM


Mike your becoming another worry puss like Kirby :D


Judge. You are right. As I'm getting older even my wife tells me I am becoming excessively cautious.


I take it as a recent importer that I'm correct about the insurance issue.

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Guest JudgeMental
Mike88 - 2012-03-02 2:54 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-03-02 2:40 PM


Mike your becoming another worry puss like Kirby :D


Judge. You are right. As I'm getting older even my wife tells me I am becoming excessively cautious.


I take it as a recent importer that I'm correct about the insurance issue.


There was talk last year about the situation changing but I don't think it has. We had a lovely 6 day trip stopping of in Brugge on the way back as well.... I mean seriously what are the odds, its only 4 hrs to Calais from this particular dealer.


I drove around all my youth on 3rd party


Dealer has drivers ferrying vans around the country, so I am sure it would not cost more then a few hundred quid to get it delivered to Calais anyway


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Guest machra

We have had several vans over many years ranging from a home converted Type 25 VW, through CBs from Swift and AS, on to a PVC (AS Symbol), back to a CB (Hobby fixed bed), and am now on a Timberland Destiny PVC.



1 - I get 27mpg at 70mph what can I expect at th same speed with a tranny and or fiat PVC


Only done 800 miles on new engine but getting 29 MPG (Fiat 2.3 120bhp). I would expect this to increase with more miles done on the new engine.


2 - is there ful standing height (I am5'10") in something like the afformentioned globecar or adria


Full standing height from front to back 6’ 1”


3 - Are the showers usable (I know it depends on model but generaly speaking)


Toilet certainly is. Shower is a little cramped. The Hobby had a separate toilet and shower so we were spoilt. All other vans we have owned, bar the VW, had a combined shower toilet and we managed. You have less space and have to wipe the whole lot down afterwards. However, we use a mixture of sites so do not use the shower in the van every time we camp.


4 - Are they as warm as a CB or do you get a lot of condensation from the metal bits like rear door


While we do not get any condensation the Destiny is not as warm as the Hobby, however it is certainly as warm as the AS Talisman we had. Hobby was very well insulated, Talisman was the AS monocoque style in fibreglass and only had a very thin layer of glass fibre loft insulation ‘matting’. We use our vans throughout the year and this year have spent 3 weekends away in sub zero temperatures and have been warm and cosy. Destiny has a Truma combi4 fitted. For info the front of the van does get cold but as we ‘live’ in the rear section then it is no real issue. As I have said elsewhere on the forum I would ask Timberland to fit me a vent in the front of the van were I ordering it again.


5 - With the obvious limitations of size is a made up bed really just eating into space


We spent years at several of the big shows looking in vans with a fixed bed and saying that the bed was a waste of space. We then reviewed our thinking and bought the Hobby (fixed bed). We liked the extra storage underneath and the fact that the bed is always made, however we missed a good lounge space. The Hobby used the front cab as a lounge and while adequate was not conducive to feet up lounging. We had always liked the Timberland Destiny, or IH rear lounge vans and after a LONG LONG process of writing down pros and cons, visiting dealers, sitting in vans (often for hours at a time) we decided to take the plunge and go for the Destiny. We now have a rear lounge with 2x 6” beds that can be made up in 30 seconds (remove backrest and roll out sleeping bag), or a large double made up in about 1 minute. So for us yes the fixed bed is just eating up space. OK we miss the storage, but that is it to be honest. It all depends on your preference, we spend a lot of time holidaying in the UK, throughout the year, and so do spend a lot of time sitting in the lounge and therefore the lounge was a big priority on our list of wants.


6 - For anyone who has changed from CB to PVC what was the one factor that made you change and or the one you found to be most beneficial. Also anyone changed from a CB and wished they hadnt and reasons please.


Answer for us is rear lounge. We love the Timberland rear lounge, wish I had gone for it sooner. The following is a list of why we changed our various vans:


VW Type 25 – With 3 kids it was WAY too small!!! We actually bought a caravan while the kids were coming away with us.


Swift CB – Bought because the kids stopped coming with us. Sold because it was built on a Talbot and had a non-turbo diesel engine. We did 800 miles one holiday and I had enough of not being able to hear myself think and being limited to about 50 mph tops, especially in a head wind. Plus it was showing signs of damp in one of the corners.


AS Talisman – Bought as it was a petrol Talbot so faster and quieter than the Swift, and was built on the legendary monocoque so no water ingress.


AS Symbol – Bought new. We missed the compactness of the VW and wanted something a little newer. Reasons to sell this were actually down to the fact that we saw the Hobby (see below).


Hobby Siesta – This was a heart over head decision to be honest. We thought the fixed bed would be great. In the Symbol bed making was a hassle and you had to pack the bed away before you could do anything else in the morning. Storage was excellent, under bed and a plethora of lockers. This was built on a Transit as a base vehicle and came with all the ‘extras’ 2x airbags, cruise, cd radio with controls on the steering wheel etc etc. Lastly, yes I know you don’t buy a van because of this but – it looked fantastic – well it did to us!!!


Timberland Destiny - To be honest it was down to the 6’ rear lounge and just being back in a panel van.


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Mike88 - 2012-03-02 2:54 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-03-02 2:40 PM


Mike your becoming another worry puss like Kirby :D


Judge. You are right. As I'm getting older even my wife tells me I am becoming excessively cautious.


I take it as a recent importer that I'm correct about the insurance issue.

You are correct, and it is a fair point. Better to tell people, IMO, and let them decide where their "comfort zone" lies, than leave them in the dark to possibly have a last minute panic!


Buying from continental Europe generally means buying LHD, another thing to bear in mind. Not everyone finds the change from RHD to LHD that easy.


However, if happy with LHD, and wanting to take advantage of the generally wider range this makes available, together with at least some of the potential price advantage, an alternative route would be to approach an importer, such as Bundesvan, and see what they can offer. They will source the van of your choice where the price is best, import it to UK, you insure it, and they will register it, tax it, and deliver it to your house. Whether, and how much, of a saving this route offers will fluctuate depending on what you choose, and what demand is at the time, but even allowing for the need to change headlights and speedometer for UK registration, the overall cost is likely to be comfortably below the UK cost.

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Guest JudgeMental

I cant imagine IPS being keen on LHD. and why I suggested the RHD vans available, as they are on a Ford and he likes the layout. I cannot see the sense in paying a 3rd party for something you could do your self easily within 24 hours...the registration will be straight forward as these are UK vans


I think most (but not all obviously) reservations about LHD are based on lack of experience...


Again,it depends on what style of camping you do. If you are mainly UK camping LHD don't make much sense. If you mainly visit Europe its a different matter and cost saving can still be considerable. But Globecar UK seem to be reasonable and price there vans near German prices (with the exception of the Ford vans I mentioned)


so like anything you have to do some home work and weigh up the pros and cons


I certainly would not be paying 50-60k for a UK camper van that looks like a mini caravan that my grandmother designed! :D

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ips - 2012-03-03 9:16 AM



Your correct LHD is a definate no for me.

Apologies, my post was in reply to Mike's comment re importing.


If mainly using in UK, you will be likely to use sites (there being few comfortable alternatives), so I'd guess the washroom is probably of lower significance, apart from convenience of using toilet, unless you prefer sites without facilities, or never use site facilities. However, that still leaves a huge range of types, prices, and sizes. Adria and Globecar seem of reasonable quality, and have a number of layouts that appear to be about right, at less stratospheric prices than most.

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