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Extra Leisure Batteries


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I have a 2011 Auto-Trail Savannah fitted with 2 110Ah batteries. I also have a 100Ah battery and a wiring harness spare both of which came from my previous 'van. Anyone know if it is safe to mix and to connect this 100Ah battery to one of the other batteries in parallel using the spare harness so that I then have 210Ah onboard
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bluemax100 - 2012-03-01 8:32 PM


I have a 2011 Auto-Trail Savannah fitted with 2 110Ah batteries. I also have a 110Ah battery and a wiring harness spare both of which came from my previous 'van. Anyone know if it is safe to mix and to connect this 100Ah battery to one of the other batteries in parallel using the spare harness so that I then have 210Ah onboard


Assuming that your 100Ah battery is the same type as the other two 100Ah batteries (probably common-or-garden 'wet' type) and in good condition, then the deciding factor may well be the batteries' relative ages.


If your 100Ah battery is less than one year older than your 110Ah ones, then Exide's advice is that connecting them all together would be acceptable. More than one year age-difference betwen batteries and Exide advise against such connection.

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The main criteria on age should be they are actually in similar condition. If you had a one year old battery which has been cycled a lot and deterioted to say 50 Ah from 100, and the second battrey was 4 years old and similarly lost half its capcity then they would be fine to connected toether. Using one year age difference as a guide is really a short cut way to establish similar condition and a guide.

Ideally the capacity left from aging should be determined by doing a test.

I have used a 50% drop in capacity from aging as an example, indeed by that time you shoud get shot of the batteries anyway. So if OP is struggling on with old batteries trying to get the last drop of life out of them and matching too old ones, or an old with a new, which still happen to have some life then I advice against this for safety reasons.



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ChrisK5 - 2012-03-02 11:50 AM


Yes this will work, but all the batteries will only charge to the capacity of the 100 amp battery.


What ARE you talking about! Not correct I am afraid.

They will both charge up to the maximum the applied voltage will allow. Got nothing to do with their individual capacity. What you are saying is if you say placed a 10 Ah battery in Parallel then they would only charge to 10 Ah each.


Charge level is dependant on voltage applied. Current will flow depending on state of charge, if one becomes higher charged than other it then requires a higher voltage to keep charge going in, the other will continue to catch up until both end up fully charged. One will hold 110 Ah , the other 110Ah. (less any deterioration in charge of course due to aging/use)


Apologies if I have misunderstood you.

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