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scooter sale ?


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If its the 50 cc variety - perhaps your teenaged daughter may know of someone who would like it? Otherwise a card in a shop window, or displayed on your driveway securely with For Sale sign - people often buy things on impulse when they were not particularly looking for anything. Do you have a free ads paper where you live, thats another option. With the price of petrol/diesel, I would have thought a lot of folk would consider a scooter instead of a second car, especially with the road tax so cheap on them? *-)
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Will look into free ads not sure if we have such a thing local were a bit in the sticks. Gonna put add in local village store and mrs ips is gonna put add on notice board at work (an equestrian shop) Good point re mini ips if she can put notice up somewere.


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ips - 2012-03-06 9:52 AM


Its a piagio zip 50cc weighs 90kg (Done less than 1,000m its a great buy for someone)


Not enough grunt for us but definately in the right ball park for a motorhome for perhaps someone who doesnt have a full licence or is restricted by weight (most are as you know).


I would try as suggested all the forums and maybe ebay.

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