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pvc update


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Well 1st of all thank you to everyone who contributed to my various pvc related threads.


yesterday mri ips and I had a look at a few local dealers at various pvc's 1st off it was Adria twin in french bed and twin bed layouts then autocruise and autosleeper again with various layouts.


Well the conclusion was from both of us is that no way could we cope with a pvc after having experienced a CB particularily considering that we would have to pay more than we did for our current van but in our opinion get less. We just could not see were we would store our wind break, wellies, generator etc etc etc we were really hoping that we could convince ourselves otherwise but its not for us. So off we go for a look at different layouts of CB fixed, french bed, twins rear dinette and rear kitchens you name it we crawled all over it even trying the beds sometimes.


Final conclusion was that this was a very informative week of research and yesterday affirmed to us that we have a very good van, and that at the moment we are unable to find anything any better. so off we went home safe in the knowledge that my bank account would remain untouched for a while yet. We (well mrs ips) removed the offending scooter from the garage, re-arranged all our stuff in said garage and dropped the bed to its absolute lowest. Wow .... mrs ips was well impressed with how easy her and her arthritic hip could get in and out of the transverse bed with its now lower profile. I had a tentative try at getting in (ish) and out and agreed that yes it is a lot better and definately easier than some of the PVC's and CB's that we hade tryed.


Oh and a think that driving position is very much a personal thing but personally I did not find the driving positions of either the fiat or peugot anywere near as comfortable (for me) as the ford.


Thanks again to all who contributed, wanna buy a scooter :-D

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Well,that's saved you a few quid then! :-)


...I sometimes get a little "carried away" with the idea of a maybe swapping to a pvc..but I only have to pop my head inside one,to remember why we changed from one in the first place....and as clever as their layouts may be,we DO like our "space".. ;-) (..especially when my back is playing up..and I'm stumbling around trying to get my socks on!? ... *-) )


Do you think that you'll be leaving your van as it is now,then...?..or will you still be looking into maybe getting the bed lowered further?....

(..sorry..being a bit nosey... :$ )





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Well it is now pretty low so were hoping that its ok if not then prob look into Mel;s idea of widening top step or summat but I am hopefull that it will be fine its definately considerably easier, we have never had it this low before but now the scoot has gone. Having tried a few PVC layouts they are prob even more difficult (as was stated by many) unless you go twin bed but this is not an option for us. It was a worthwhile thing as it re-affimed that we love the van

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With the bed at its lowest level its easy to get your leg up and over!!! Glad you have convinced yourself to keep what we think is the best van in its class. We have not seen anything that would convince us to change. Hope the back has settled down now it will probably get easier as the weather warms up.


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I know you did tell me but I just wouldnt listen


Dr Dave

Back is improving but not 100% thanks for enquiring

yes i agree its a lot of van for the money, just got an idea in my head and had to research it :-D

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