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peter - 2012-03-17 10:02 PM


I think everyone on here knows how to use Google, Brian. So you can't lay claim to having delved into the deepest recesses of your memory to retrieve the descriptions of "nice" that you obviously cut and pasted.

Now, now, Peter! :-) If you look hard (but not all that hard :-)), you'll see I credited the paste to the Online etymological dictionary. So, no pretence otherwise on my part.


So....yes knowledge is a wonderful thing. What separates the intelligent from lesser mortals is that the intelligent know where to look for answers to problems. Whereas others don't, so feel inferior as a consequence. What they don't realise is that these so called clever people are just good at being lazy and using information that is readily available, if you know where to look. :D

But, 'twas always thus! If you want to get something done quickly, ask a lazy person, they'll always find a quick way to do it. But I do think you may be missing out one aspect of intelligence. Many people do as you suggest, and find knowledge. The intelligent, I'd say, are those who then use it? After all, you first have to have remembered that the use of "nice" has a chequered history, before you consider it worthwhile looking for a decent supporting quote for a bit of fun, and to be able to remember that "nice" has a history, you have at some time have learnt it.


That is what I mean by the wonder of knowledge. It is not knowing all about everything, as you seem to imply, but knowing there is something to know, where to find it, and how to use it. I think the internet is a great leveller, because it enables those with partial knowledge to quickly fill in the gaps, in a way that 30 years ago would have been all but impossible for most people.


Of course, the internet has its downside, in those who merely trawl it for items to cut and paste from other peoples work - irrespective of authenticity of origin, usually at great length, whether or not they have understood it - in support of any crackpot idea they happen to harbour.


But that never happens on here, does it? We're far too learned and cultured a bunch! :-D

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