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We're back/European roadworks

Don Madge

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Hello all, Just been having a look around the site, some names I can recall but there are a lot of newcomers or am I a newcomer as this is a new site (?) If you are thinking of travelling in the Luxembourg area in the near future be aware that there are major road works on the A4 motorway between Namur and Luxembourg. They stretch for about 18 (yes eighteen) miles and are just north of Luxembourg. There is only a single lane each way, when we came throuth (northbound) on Wednesday at 1200 hrs there was about 7 miles of stationary traffic waiting to enter the roadworks southband. This is a very popular route with the cheap fuel (93 Euro cents prer litre) and fags in Luxembourg. I'll post a summary of our trip through eastern Europe as soon as I put the finishing touches to it. Safe travelling Don
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Don - Namur - LUxembourg:- we are planning to use that route heading to Alsace on sunday morning. We did the same route 18 months ago & there was a huge stretch being done then - must have been about 15 miles of single lane. Surely not the same one? 8-) Hopefully it won't be too bad early(ish) on sunday morning after a projected overnight at Han sur Lesse.
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[QUOTE]bognormike - 2006-05-26 9:03 AM Don - Namur - LUxembourg:- we are planning to use that route heading to Alsace on sunday morning. We did the same route 18 months ago & there was a huge stretch being done then - must have been about 15 miles of single lane. Surely not the same one? 8-) Hopefully it won't be too bad early(ish) on sunday morning after a projected overnight at Han sur Lesse.[/QUOTE] Mike, I think it must be the same set of road works. We came through about noon on Wednesday and southbound traffic was either stopped or moving very slowly. On Sunday morning there should not be many trucks so you could be lucky. The road works look to be long term, there are stretches of road waiting to be worked on with only one lane in either direction for many miles. We had to pull all the stops out to make Zeebrugge by 1700 hrs. Brussels was also a problem for us, we have been using that route for many years and have never seen it so congested. It took us almost an hour to clear the ring road from the A4 (Namur road) to the A10 (Ghent road) 8-) Enjoy your holiday, safe travelling. Don
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Yes there are two stretches of 12KM each on the A4.came through on monday afternoon. Not too bad ,but hate to think of the delay if a wagon has a double puncture. Also if you go to Switzerland through the A5 Rhine autoban to Berne.because of the truck filtering and customs along with associated road works ,long delays and a 10km back up. In Italy the A14 between Rimmini and Ancona has 3 sections of road works ,as the two lane is being extended to three lanes.Ok going south but when a ferry unloads its chaos. 10 to 15 Km tail backs. Unloading at Ancona is stress full partly due to the customs and Immigration searching wagons on the unloading ramp.I felt sorry for the car drivers who were penned in for over an hour. We use Venice now, same price as Ancona but longer sea trip, big tail back of wagons leaving the port but they have two lanes and search the wagons at the port entrance in dedicated bays.Much better organised and you are on the Autostrada in under 8 KM. Safe travelling :-D
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Hi Don, Welcome back, read the account of your travels in Eastern Europe, sounds good. Bognormike its sounda a long way round to get to Alsace, we have been many times over the years and never travelled that far north to get there, only when we wanted to go via Baden Baden. David
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