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2011 Fiat Ducato Keys

Frank McAuley

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My 2011 Fiat Ducato based Auotrail mhome was supplied with two keys,viz: one with remote locking buttons and one apparently straightforward key with no remote facility.


Will the "plain" key open the cab doors and operate ignition? If not what is it's function?


Is the "full" remote key very expensive and what is the procedure to get one?


My mhome is "out of reach" at this time hence I can't experiment. Thankyou in anticipation!

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I am not sure re the Fiat keys but I had Mercedes cars for years and the key with the button operated all inc immobiliser and alarm.

The key without the fob would operate doors, ignition & steering lock but not alarm/immobiliser. You needed to leave this in the ignition if you were being towed at all

The Merc keys used to charge themselves when placed in ignition. If you lose one and have to oreder one in from dealer plus have it programmed they cost a fortune-around £100 if I remember correctly.

As I said not sure if it is the same with Fiat but would expect it to be very similar.



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Guest JudgeMental

I have a 2011 van as well, problem being with only one remote is alarm (after market Cat 1) sounds if you open door with spare key *-)


Proper second keys not cheap have not bothered as yet....


sorry yes it will open door and operate ignition

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As Eddie says the key without the fob is OK providing you haven't got a cat1 alarm linked in.

Spare key with fob £120 + £40 to program that's if you have a "key card" I don't think UK converted vans come with the key card so add £15. Not been able to find an after market supplier for the X250 keys.


To get one take original key, key card & V5 to a Fiat dealer if you don't have a key card go with the van.

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Frank McAuley - 2012-03-11 4:47 PM


My 2011 Fiat Ducato based Auotrail mhome was supplied with two keys,viz: one with remote locking buttons and one apparently straightforward key with no remote facility.


Will the "plain" key open the cab doors and operate ignition? If not what is it's function?


Is the "full" remote key very expensive and what is the procedure to get one?


My mhome is "out of reach" at this time hence I can't experiment. Thankyou in anticipation!


Hi Frank

Just been out to Van, also Autotrail, and tried keys... Locked van with remote key and then opened door with Manuel key, all ok without Alarm going off...


Not tried this before, as we usually lock and unlock via Cat1 alarm system, so something new to us....



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