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Towing a caravan with the camper


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Pitch fees it seems for towing a caravan with a camper seem to depend on who you speak to at the time. The Caravan Club would allow me to tow on to a pitch, provided only one unit was plugged into services,fair enough, but if I sleep in the camper I may be asked to park in the car park. The Camping and caravaning club will not alowe sleeping in both where the over all length is more than 26 feet, how big is a winniebago plus the towed car, so with the C&cc two piches must be paid for, as I am on a war dissability pension the camper is my  home and the plan was the caravan would be for my grandchildren. The combined lentgth of the camper and the small trailer would be slightly more than a volvo esate, but it would seem this is to good a chance for a few extra pounds to be made for the clubs.
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Sorry, but cant see the problem.

If you sleep in one vehicle as in car/caravan or motorhome/car then you pay as they do.

If you sleep in two vehicles as in, say, car/caravan/tent you pay for two pitches.

Amswer, get your grandchildren (or their parents) to pay the extra pitch fees.

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Guest ChrisB

Rip-off Britain again?

When the family was younger every year for around 15 years we spent the summer (6 weeks) touring the continent (mainly France) in an Autosleeper Trident HT VW Transporter Camper pulling a Swift 5-berth caravan and not once was I asked to pay any extra. The eldest preferred to sleep in the camper, the rest of us in the caravan (later the youngest slept in a small tent on the the same pitch). Total Camper+caravan (with electric hook-up) + caravan awning+tent. Only ever paid for pitch and occupants. Seemed fair enough to me - never gave it a second thought - payment for pitch and use of facilities by occupants.

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But can you imagine, if everyone thought they could get away with 2 or more units per pitch, how full all the sites would get and how over-used the toilet blocks/showers would be? Having a teenager sleep in a pup tent is one thing, but having 2 units on one pitch is quite another. Not to mention the fire risk. Just my opinion, not trying to start an argument ;-)
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Guest ChrisB
josie gibblebucket - 2012-03-13 2:58 PM


But can you imagine, if everyone thought they could get away with 2 or more units per pitch, how full all the sites would get and how over-used the toilet blocks/showers would be? Having a teenager sleep in a pup tent is one thing, but having 2 units on one pitch is quite another. Not to mention the fire risk. Just my opinion, not trying to start an argument ;-)


What fire risk? The camper was used for transport and sleeping only - no cooking etc. and heater not needed mid summer. No more fire risk than a standard Caravelle or People Carrier/Car.


Always paid for 2 adults + 3 children - a fairly typical family unit which could be found on many pitches.

Are you suggesting the size of the family unit on a pitch should be restricted?

Apologies if we made you wait a few minutes for your shower ;-)

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ChrisB - 2012-03-13 3:08 PM


josie gibblebucket - 2012-03-13 2:58 PM

Not to mention the fire risk. Just my opinion, not trying to start an argument ;-)


What fire risk? The camper was used for transport and sleeping only - no cooking etc. and heater not needed mid summer. No more fire risk than a standard Caravelle or People Carrier/Car.


Always paid for 2 adults + 3 children - a fairly typical family unit which could be found on many pitches.

Are you suggesting the size of the family unit on a pitch should be restricted?

Apologies if we made you wait a few minutes for your shower ;-)


Re fire risk -Ok if you never cooked in the camper I guess that is not really any different to parking a car there, though it may have carried gas cylinders? But the point of the thread was not about the size of your family, it was whether or not 2 pitch fees should be charged when 2 units were being used. :-S

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I must agree with chris b on this, if your unit whatever it is fits on your pitch and you pay for each person i can't see any problem. Many times I have seen caravans with awnings plus a gazebo on club sites that take up every inch of the pitch.
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ChrisB - 2012-03-13 2:53 PM


Rip-off Britain again?


Well Chris, I have no wish to "fall out " with you or cause offence but up to now it seems as though it is only yourself raising the question as to whether this is an example of "rip-off Britain".


It always seems a pity to me that some people (you may not be one of them) are very quick to state "rip-off Britain" for anything they do not like or find expensive or too expensive for what they are willing to pay. I wonder if they equally state that other countries are "ripping-off" consumers/customers/holidaymakers when they find prices not to their liking. Charges vary in ALL countries - some prices are exceptional value whereas others are very high. I am sure that, if we think about it, we can all remember examples in other countries when we have felt that some item or service was excessively expensive.


If we don't like the cost or requirements on particular sites then we don't have to use those sites. Of course, if what we don't like is the "norm" then maybe what we expect is not realistic.



SORRY CHRIS - in the time it took me to write and post this someone else has agreed with you!

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What is the basis for charging? This must be stated in the relevant handbook. I can't be bothered to find mine, but isn't this the obvious starting point?


I do know that on some sites there is a charge per pitch plus a charge per person, often only if more than two people, and usually excluding children under a certain age. On other sites there is a charge per pitch, plus per person (as above for children), plus a charge per unit. On other sites again, the charge merely varies depending on whether the unit is a caravan, a motorhome, or a tent. So, what is charged depends on the operator's charging policy.


You stay or you don't, you pay accordingly. You choose: where on earth is the rip-off? There is no coercion.

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Several years ago at Trewethett Farm Caravan Club site, one family had a nice VW campervan and a caravan, all fitted nicely on the pitch, kids well behaved.


Next to us a small two berth caravan and awning with six, yes six adults and two kids, all on one pitch, one of the couple kept rowing into the early hours of the morning they also had two cars on the pitch.


So were is the real difference, as long as the campervan and caravan fit safely on the pitch using only one EHU and is not overcrowed, I cannot see the problem.



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Anyone visting Durness 1st week of April and would like to meet up and share a pitch... Half the pitch fee each. I have extension hook up lead from my Motorhome so we can share electric cost as well.

PM me if interested.

Brambles (AKA tight g$t).


p.s. No dogs unless on very short bungee lead.

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Guest ChrisB

My "Rip-off Britain" was in the form of a question.

Perhaps I was also trying to be a little controversial, but the point I was trying to make was that continental Europe appears to be much more relaxed on pitch occupation than the UK. If you can fit on the pitch and you pay the appropriate fees for adults and children then the owners are happy.

Brian is correct - if the prices are quoted up-front then there is no cause for complaint (although charging extra for a camper in place of a similar sized car or for a motorhome pulling a car and not a car pulling a caravan may seem illogical). I would hope all sites have a clear pricing policy on the website (can always ask on booking).

I could have added that we also stayed in UK sites which never charged extra for the camper - it may be just the club sites which do this and we tended to avoid them if possible anyway.

Not an issue any more - only have the motorhome.

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' IF' the Towing vehicle is used as 'Just that' , and as a 'Day Van' away from the site, then i don't see why it should be seen as anything but a ' Tow car'. Indeed i have seen units such as this on CC sites,

VW Autosleeper Topaz Towing a caravan, charged as one unit (which it is.this was confirmed with the owner) AND it is really no differant from a Large Twin Axle Caravan which then Erects a Huge Awning as 'extra' accomodation AND is towed by a large 4x4, ALL on one pitch. On CC sites would only be charged as 'one unit'.

On commercial sites it would be differant of course.

I must admit I have pondered the idea myself, as solving the 'Transport' problem when staying on a site for a week or so, having a 'Base' and yet the advantage of Camper as a 'Day Van'.

The way the starter of this thread is suggesting IS differant though, and i agree that it is Two Units when used to sleep in. (mind you so is the Large Awning !!). Ray


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Yes, in theory, it should be - there are loads too many rules and regulations, pricing structures etc..........


HOWEVER, these have evolved because there will always be a certain amount of people in this country who will abuse any loose system and push the boundaries to get a bit more for nowt.


Oh for the Nirvana of deregulation but we have to become a less greedy society first - it ain't gonna happen!

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In the days when we had a caravan the boys got to an age where they didn't want to sleep with us, so our answer was to buy a new awning that had a bedroom extension to one end (it was very new at the time, 80's I think) so that we could get around the paying extra for a tent. In those days we were only members of the C&CC, now we are members of both.


I am not surprised that they are still charging extra though but I doubt many people camp that way anymore. 8-)

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