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What tracker


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I am just about to get a new motorhome and want to get a tracker fitted. I have read all the bumph on these and all of them state that they are better than the rest on the market and all cost an arm and a leg. At the minute I am being offered the Cobra track first with a lifetime subscription for about £800 fitted. Is this a good deal?



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I agree with the above Van Bitz are an excellent company and will certainly look after you but ensure you have a tracker fitted that is 24 hour monitored and has appropriate approval.


Van Bitz Strikeback and tracker were fitted to our MH when we bought it and it has worked great except it went of once in the middle of the night when we were in Greece and the van was in storage at home. It phoned us, we phoned the storage centre they checked and phoned us back to say all was OK.

I think it is a great system as I can imobilise the van by phone even from Greece if I had to but because it is not 24 hour monitored ie I could have been in a mobile phone dead area or have the phone switched off, most insurance companies do not give you the discount that they will for a montored system.

With a monitored system will have a subsription to pay one way or another.


I beleive Van Bitz now supply and fit whichever system you prefer.


Good Luck enjoy your new Motorhome

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I have the back2you.com tracker, it cost me just under £200 and has no subscription, just works on a payg sim card. It reports directly back to my phone so I know instantly if my vehicle moves. The downside my insurance company would not give me a discount for this tracker but if I had one of their approved trackers the discount worked out at £43 and the cheapest approved tracker on the list had an annual subscription of £99 !


As the say - you do the maths!



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Hi Wildbill,

Just had a Phantom pro-active tracker with internal alarm system with lifetime subscription [Hab. door/ Lockers /the neatest P.I.R you could hope for ]. Absolute brilliant set up. Well worth giving them a look at as it also enabled a large discount from CaravanGuard Insurance.

Good Luck


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Am currently researching the same thing and am not inclined to pay the whopping premiums that can be found where 3rd parties are involved. I too am leaning towards a pay-as-you-go SIM style solution that I and I alone manage. Currently thinking of Tramigo T22 or Bulldog TR20. The Tramigo has more sophistication but they are both perfectly functional. The Bulldog can be bought for about £130.
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Hi ,

I agree about the subscriptions that is why I think it is important to have a system recognized by an Insurance Company,thereby recouping some of your outlay. The Insurance Companies I spoke to will not recognize 'self monitoring ' systems. They are quite strict about the operating protocol of the tracker.



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I asked Vanbitz about their Strikeback tracker etc but it is incompatable with my Cobra alarm. Vanbitz do another system but you do pay an annual or lifetime premium and you need to book onto or leave your van at their site. They did offer to disconnect my Cobra alarm and fit strikeback alarm and tracker for less than it would cost for a monitored tracker and lifetime fee. As the alarm had just been fitted, I declined. I'm still wondering what to go for though.
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We have had a Phantom fitted to our units for the past 5 years (a Phantom mechanic transferred it when we changed units) Would not do without it, so reassuring to know a spy in the sky is watching over us. Their 24hr monitoring service will send you a text and follow it up with a 'phone call if your unit suffers the slightest movement. Just remember to flick the off switch before moving off. It might seem expensive but some insurance companies will give a discount if one is fitted. Expensive maybe, peace of mind -priceless.


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For my money and nothing what so ever to do with the company, if I was in the market for any extras security or other wise I would go with Vanbitz !


For any company to post on an public forum sticking their heads above the parapet and I have seen many of their helpful posts on other forums, I think they deserve the business.





Address can be supplied to post the fiver (lol)

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I have had a Phantom tracker for the last two years .... It's brilliant to think that even when you are on the banks of Lake Como and you put the key in the ignition that they text and 'phone you to check that all is good.......priceless for everything else use MasterCard !
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