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Auto Marq. 3 year warranty from Marquis

Geoff. Mason

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So sorry to hear of others with marquis problems, I thought it was just me.


We have been waiting 11 months for the Upham (Hampshire) branch to repair faults on our van, some on there from new. As someone said once they have the money they really don't care.

As a last resort we tried the rejection route and they said they would make it as difficult and expensive for us as they could. The law needs changing, these people have made our life hell since we bought the van. We also have had damage. I have no confidence they will ever repair it!!


Best of luck to you all and your problems get resolved!



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The whole customer service ethos and staff attitudes in general seem to have changed for the worse at Marquis over the years and they have, in my estimation, gone from a company that I knew and trusted for fairness and efforts to keep customers happy, to a company that I would no longer feel happy dealing with - so we have not in recent years as, in my view, they now reside in the lower ranks along with a couple of other firms who are also generally well known on this forum for attitude problems and poor customer service.
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Until retiring I owned a distribution company covering the whole of South East England for international companies so was well used to dealing with hundreds of suppliers and customers alike. Without doubt Marquis is the worst company I have ever had to deal with.
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Tracker - 2014-07-11 9:57 AM


The whole customer service ethos and staff attitudes in general seem to have changed for the worse at Marquis over the years and they have, in my estimation, gone from a company that I knew and trusted for fairness and efforts to keep customers happy, to a company that I would no longer feel happy dealing with - so we have not in recent years as, in my view, they now reside in the lower ranks along with a couple of other firms who are also generally well known on this forum for attitude problems and poor customer service.


If you have not any dealings with Marquis in recent years how do you know they give poor customer service? At some time you trusted Marquis for fairness; are you being fair to them by presumably relying on internet chit chat to formulate your opinion? Just wondering!

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ColinT - 2014-07-10 10:45 PM


So sorry to hear of others with marquis problems, I thought it was just me.



ColinT...it's a little bit "naughty" to rehash a thread that was started back in March 2012! ;-)


Especially one that was started by someone("Geoff mason") who seemed to have signed up specifically for the purpose, only never to post again...


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Colin, you really have had all the advice you should need. I'm definitely not supporting, or defending, the dealership - but you do have the law on your side, although you have, in reality, delayed far too long before acting, and have then sought to reject, rather than seeking redress, while allowing the dealer to "go through the motions" of giving redress.


I think you now need to decide which route you will pursue. Trying to pursue both in tandem is contradictory. You have either to reject - which I think in practical terms is by now too tenuous and too late - or to pursue redress. It is the dealer who must do this, the warranties are his problem. If his claims under warranty succeed he gets paid for his labour and will be given parts FoC. If his claims don't succeed, the whole cost is his liability. CAB or Trading Standards can guide you through your options, I think you should go back to them promptly for further advice, taking your paper trail with you.


You have, to date, unfortunately, relied on warranties/guarantees for remedy, rather then upon consumer legislation. I appreciate that is what warranties are for, but when the dealer prevaricates, as yours seems to be doing, you have to switch to the other track.


You have contacted Swift, albeit somewhat belatedly, which is sensible, and it seems they may be using their influence on your behalf. In the absence of progress with the dealer, I suggest you maintain contact with Swift, and continue to press them for remedy under warranty. Using this route should bear fruit, but you must give Swift time to investigate and act. However, you need to begin to actively manage this process and arrest the drift. You need to press for a plan of action, and for timescales for completion, and to closely monitor its progress. Perhaps Swift can authorise the repairs to be carried out by a different dealer, as you now seem to have no confidence in the ability, or sincerity, of the present one.


But, to be clear, your contract of sale is with the supplying dealership. You have no legal come-back against anyone else. Warranties are only non-contractual promises that you cannot enforce against the warrantor.


The dealer seems, in effect, to have been hiding behind the warranties, and you (due to a trusting nature) have been letting him get away with it. It is not a case of shouting at people, just maintaining polite, but firm, pressure, backed by meetings (the outcomes of which you record and confirm back to those present) and letters (not e-mails). Do not make threats of what you will do next if you do not intend to follow them up (ideally, do not make threats at all), and if you state that you will now take a particular action in response to their inaction, do it as, and when, you say you will.


My suggestion is to follow the route suggesdted above if the Swift avenue proves fruitless, and obtain quotes for the necessary repairs from alternative dealers, and then to take the dealer to the small claims court for that cost, on the ground that he has consistently failed to make good these defects. If you do this, you are entitled to include your out of pocket expenses in pursuing your claim to the net cost of the repairs. Good luck whatever you decide.

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Colin, my apologies. I posted the above in a rush, because we were about to go out. Reading it back, I realise it reads a bit like a ticking-off, which was not my intention at all. Had I had more time before posting, I would have edited it for a more conciliatory tone. However, I think the essence of what I wrote remains sound advice, albeit the tone is unfortunate. Mea culpa. :$
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My dealings with Marquis over the three year fom new but Swift warranty were 100% good


Our Swift build was crap in every area, Marquis and Swift aftercare replaced /repaired ongoing from day one and after each and every trip why cant they just build all vans to spec and standard **


Buy "pre owned " with a good pre purchased test/inspection and you have a good chance of the "expected" faults having been resolved by the first owner/problem solver




** Its called semi/none skilled labour and piece work





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Hi, I am just reading through the warranty leaflet that I have from Automarq, relating to my van


as far as I can see, they will pay out up to £50 towards recovery of an immobile motorhome to their premises assuming the breakdown is covered..and there is a long list of covered items, and a similar one for items not covered.


I have AA membership and they will recover me to the nearest repairer, but that wouldnt necessarily be to Marquis, but to an agent for the base vehicle, which might not be relevant to the fault in habitation area.


As has been said elsewhere, the warranty terms have to be read and interpreted and all relevant paperwork showing base vehicle and habitation checks are complied with in order to stand a chance of getting satisfaction..


I have just obtained a replacement fixed gas regulator from Poole, the original one having failed on holiday. No problem, just had to fit it myself..dont ask about gas fitting qualifications..but there is now a working gas system again.




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