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John Edward - 2012-05-08 12:38 AM


I live in Malaga. Where do I buy 2 breathalyzers to use in France this summer on my way to the UK?


The French breathalyser law comes into force in France on 1 July 2012, but drivers found to be in contravention of the law (ie. not carrying a breathalyser in their vehicle) will just be given a warning by French police until 31 October 2012. From 1 November 2012 drivers found to be in contravention of the breathalyser law will be liable to a fine of €11.


Consequently, if you are heading back to the UK before 1 July, you don't have to concern yourself with obtaining a breathalyser.


If you are travelling to the UK between 1 July and 31 October (which seems probable given your "this summer" mention) even if you did not have a breathalyser in your vehicle and were checked by the French police you'd only get a warning. And, once you crossed into France, all current reports indicate that obtaining disposable breathalysers complying with the French law will be easy, as they are already available in the majority of French supermarkets and from French pharmacies.


If you want to know where you can purchase suitable breathalysers from Spanish retailers (assuming you wanted to obtain one before you entered France), then I can't help - though there are plenty of 'hits' if you GOOGLE on "alcoholímetro francia".


As France and Spain are both in the Eurozone, can you not buy a suitable "ethylotest" from one of the many online French retailers offering them for sale? These are just a couple of examples:





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peter - 2012-05-07 11:52 PM


Mel B - 2012-03-21 10:08 PM


malc d - 2012-03-21 9:37 PM


The new law doesn't particularly bother me but I do wonder what the thinking is behind it - and I really can't see the point of making it compulsory for tee-totallers to carry them.


When and why would they ever need to use them ?




... but how could you prove you were tea-total? I'm tea-total but apart from the massive amount of tea-bags I take on holiday with me, I would be hard pushed to prove it! :D

You can always spot the tee totallers Mel. They're always the miserable buggers. :D





If that's true, they are going to be even more miserable now as, by law, they will have to buy something that is of no conceivable use to them.

( ... and replace them them every two years ! )




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