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The 'Clubs' - are they getting greedy?


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mirage - 2012-03-30 8:18 PM


I see the C.C. is having a Show Garden at the Chelsea Flower Show this year, is that really what members pay for? (See April Magazine)


... I thought the exact same thing ... wonder how much that cost???? 8-)

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I've just had a look at the Hillhead camp site, sure it's all singing and all dancing but what's the harm in that.  Many families will be happy with that and I'd certainly consider it for a few days away with grandchildren in the school holidays  We usually take them to Looe, which is quieter but the swimming pool is a big draw and a play area for kids is wonderful.


Surely,  the Caravan Club is right to cater for all tastes and it's not necessary to shudder at the thought of a noisier place when there are lots and lots of quiet camp sites.

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(...* Having already pitched up the night before,the warden,quite rudely, insisted that I turn my MH around and reverse onto the pitch,wrongly stating that they were "the club's rules".However this would've meant that my OS hab' door would've faced straight into the neigbour's open sided caravan awning..I refused and we left the site two days early).


Yes,we came accross this recently for the first time at Bristol CC site, as we are 'continetal handed' -in fact when first questioned I automatically said we were Uk although German built, but our door is on the offside, and we were told to park front in, which meant we had to reverse out onto the roadway....


the excuse we were given for parking that way was the good old H&S, this time under some fire regulations.......in the event of evacuation!?? To me it would be far more dangerous (indeed wihtout someone there to direct you) even in nromal departure,you would not be able to see anyone already on the site roadway!

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Keith T - 2012-03-31 9:32 PM




(...* Having already pitched up the night before,the warden,quite rudely, insisted that I turn my MH around and reverse onto the pitch,wrongly stating that they were "the club's rules".However this would've meant that my OS hab' door would've faced straight into the neigbour's open sided caravan awning..I refused and we left the site two days early).


Yes,we came accross this recently for the first time at Bristol CC site, as we are 'continetal handed' -in fact when first questioned I automatically said we were Uk although German built, but our door is on the offside, and we were told to park front in, which meant we had to reverse out onto the roadway....


the excuse we were given for parking that way was the good old H&S, this time under some fire regulations.......in the event of evacuation!?? To me it would be far more dangerous (indeed wihtout someone there to direct you) even in nromal departure,you would not be able to see anyone already on the site roadway!







This warden was wrong, provided the vans are 6 metres apart, it doesn't matter which way around you are. I have never been asked where or which side my habitation door was on ? Indeed if asked I would tell him/her to mind their own business. What do they do if the habitation door is in the back panel of the van ? it's rubbish, I park sometimes 'Nose in' , sometimes I reverse in, depending on the view, or how we feel. methinks a warden is trying to add 'Rules' of their own. Next time ask them to show you the 'Rule' in the members Handbook.


*-) Ray

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...in my initial "anecdote" the wardens were insisting that I reversed in,irrespective of where the habitation door/awning would end up..and they were just plain wrong in doing so(..especialy when claiming it was a "club rule").


However,in the case of Baltic Wharf,having recently stayed there,it seems as if they,quite rightly to my mind,look to keep the doors/awnings facing away from each other,where possible..which means some units reverse on,some drive on..


(...To me, any talk about having the vehicles face the right way so as to be able to evacute the site quickly etc,is probably largely academic...what with awnings,wheel clamps,steadies,levelling wedges and general camping paraphanelia some folk tend to litter their pitch with...you're hardly going to get a Le Mans style start are you.... (lol) )

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Having 'hab' doors 'not facing each other is desirable, but it's hardly a 'safety issue'. more like a privacy issue. My 'Missus' decides which way around we go, specifically for the 'Privacy' issue, Which occurs of course if 'We' arrive and want the pitch next door to 'Continental handed' van , which is 'backed in'

in this case,of course we drive in. If one arrives(and backs in, next to us) when we are 'backed in', next time we go offsite, when we come back , I drive in. simple.

I answer to a FAR higher authority than any CC warden !

*-) Ray

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On the subject of habitation doors facing each other: we were on the Losehill (now renamed Castleton) CC site and had backed in for the reason that MelB above quoted, ie that the pitch sloped down towards the back of the pitch, and our front is lower than our back. Having the door on the "wrong" side, we were then facing nextdoor's UK, backed in, caravan's door/porch awning.


We were then told by a passing warden that we could not put our awning up (we did not intend to, and in any case, it would only be the wind-out awning, not a full one like on caravans, I think he was just being super "efficient" for want of a better word). Had a good discussion with him about that, ie what if we were there first, then a UK caravan/MH came in with their door facing ours, would THEY then be told they couldn't put up their awning, ie was it first come first served in that case? We could not get an answer out of him on that one. All he said was that it was fire regulations, as the awnings were then less than 6 metres apart, although measuring it (they were very generous pitches with quite a bit of grass separating them) it didn't seem so.


However, having stayed on other CC sites since, we have seen units with doors facing each other and awnings up, so where is the consistency in that rule?


I may send an email to the CC to ask for clarification on this as it seems to be more at the warden's discretion, or whim, than a rule, as with previously described "orders" for continental vans to go nose in rather than back in.



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